Primary household maintainer - The first person in the household identified as someone who pays the rent, or the mortgage, or the taxes, or the electricity or other services or utilities for the dwelling. The population density of Lunenburg County, VA was 29 in 2017. The abbreviation "n.o.s." This category includes responses indicating South Asian origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "South Asian"). The abbreviation "n.o.s." means "not otherwise specified.' hYkoI+- 635 0 obj <>stream st2UT)>=VPXiJ[~r^UF27 L]eA+9&ra r+}|`o+0kwdr!TQU3RA>,* Rossen LM, Khan D, Warner M. Trends and geographic patterns in drug-poisoning death rates in the U.S., 19992009. A household is deemed to be living in suitable accommodations if its dwelling has enough bedrooms, as calculated using the NOS. Users should be aware that the estimates associated with this variable are more affected than most by the incomplete enumeration of certain reserves and settlements in the Census of Population. WebTOWN OF LUNENBURG | 2017-2018 2 MUNICIPAL HIGHLIGHTS 2.1 General Information About the Municipality The Town of Lunenburg (the Municipality) is a town located in Lunenburg County. Further below on this page you can find links to tick prevention tips, a video on how to safely remove a tick, and more datasets with tick testing results. Households, 2017-2021: 4,304: Persons per household, 2017-2021: 2.57: Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021: 96.3%: Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017 Classification on this variable considers the presence or absence of: married spouses or common-law partners; children; and other relatives. For the 2021 Census, the reference period for income data is the calendar year 2020, unless otherwise specified. Condominium status refers to whether the private dwelling is part of a condominium development. Religion is not limited to formal membership in a religious organization or group. endstream endobj 636 0 obj <>stream WebPopulation change since 2000: -2.0% Zip codes: 05906. This category includes persons who identify as any two or all three of the following: First Nations (North American Indian), Mtis and/or Inuk (Inuit). Time leaving for work refers to the time of day at which a person usually leaves to go to their place of work. Total income - The sum of certain incomes (in cash and, in some circumstances, in kind) of the statistical unit during a specified reference period. Where a number of people may contribute to the payments, more than one person in the household may be identified as a household maintainer. For more information, refer to the variable 'economic family structure,' Dictionary, Census of Population, 2021. Further information about the population structure: Males These thresholds are presented in Table 2.5 Low-income cut-offs, after tax (LICO-AT - 1992 base) for economic families and persons not in economic families, 2020, Dictionary, Census of Population, 2021. Thresholds for specific household sizes are presented in Table 2.4 Low-income measures thresholds (LIM-AT and LIM-BT) for private households of Canada, 2020, Dictionary, Census of Population, 2021. Measuring America's People, Places, and Economy. These annual county-level estimates borrow strength across counties to generate stable estimates of death rates where data are sparse due to small population size (3,5). Comparisons to previous Census data is not recommended for the 'Other languages spoken regularly at home' variable. 3. scvadar2023-01-16T08:59:25+00:0016 Gennaio 2023|, A partire dal 1 gennaio 2023 il tasso di [], scvadar2021-05-04T06:44:46+00:008 Gennaio 2021|. The order does not necessarily correspond to the proportion of household payments made by each person. This category includes responses indicating Northern European origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "Northern European," "Scandinavian"). Suitable housing has enough bedrooms for the size and composition of resident households according to the National Occupancy Standard (NOS), conceived by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and provincial and territorial representatives. This category includes responses indicating Mi'kmaq origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "Mi'kmaq"). Immigrants who have obtained Canadian citizenship by naturalization are included in this group. The full name of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China. Medical Records Specialists 3. Attending school is considered a transitional phase, and low incomes earned by student households are viewed as being a temporary condition. 11350480015 | Il marchio e regolarmente registrato, e tutti i contenuti sono di proprieta esclusiva della Studio Clarus. Different vintage years of estimates are not comparable. means "not otherwise specified." 'Single Indigenous ancestry (only)' includes persons who have only one of First Nations (North American Indian), Mtis or Inuit ancestry. This category includes immigrants who had a work permit only before admission as a landed immigrant or permanent resident. Released December15,2022. Housing suitability and the National Occupancy Standard (NOS) on which it is based were developed by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) through consultations with provincial housing agencies. Shelter cost refers to the average monthly total of all shelter expenses paid by households. Statistic Count Raw Lunenburg / 100k People Massachusetts / 100k People National / 100k People; Total Crimes Per 100K: 151: Violent Crime: 23: 195.2: 327.6: 366.7: Murder The abbreviation "n.i.e." Presented at: 2015 National Conference on Health Statistics, August 25, 2015, Bethesda, MD. &A"w1>L5{):V GbH`Oc1su:, wtk1Z`7!r&3R,y[ R$z([ /4CDX/H*T oZ 8*%waKg;NNJ; (d]oXMrv/AqW Similarly, the population of the District of Lunenburg decreased by 1.0%. However, the total population for this profile is school-aged children born between 2003 and 2015 (inclusive), representing children 5 to 17 years of age on December 31, 2020. A census family is defined as a married couple (with or without children, a common-law couple (with or without children) or a one-parent family. Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:1. means "not otherwise specified." They also represent all households where there is at least one person who is both the child of a person in the household and the grandchild of another person in the same household. 8]nY[H]=q`sX2F/D&Q$ The official name of Syria is Syrian Arab Republic. This dataset describes drug poisoning deaths at the county level by selected demographic characteristics and includes age-adjusted death rates for drug poisoning from 1999 to 2015. "All languages used at work" refers to all languages that the person uses in their job on a regular basis. Shelter-cost-to-income ratio - Refers to the proportion of average total income of household which is spent on shelter costs. Donations and Population served by the Localities as reported by Federation of Virginia Food Banks. Ancestors may have Indigenous origins, origins that refer to different countries or other origins that may not refer to different countries. These data should simply be used to educate people that there is a risk of coming in contact with ticks and tick-borne diseases. means "not otherwise specified." 14,379. Number of persons per room - Refers to an indicator of the level of crowding in a private dwelling. Private dwellings occupied by usual residents. The abbreviation "n.o.s." WebThe table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). Includes persons aged 15 years and over who workedfull year mostly part time or part year either mostly full time or mostly part time in 2020. Previously published estimates can be found here for comparison. Other language(s) spoken regularly at homerefers to the language(s), if any, that the person speaks at home on a regular basis at the time of data collection, other than the language(s) they speak most often at home. It excludes persons with a postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree. For more information on religion variables, including information on their classifications, the questions from which they are derived, data quality and their comparability with other sources of data, please refer to the Religion Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021. Users should exercise caution when comparing 2017-2021 ACS 5-year estimates to other ACS estimates. The category 'Oceania and other' includes places of birth in Oceania and responses not included elsewhere, such as 'born at sea.'. In the 2016 Census conducted by Statistics Canada, the Town of Lunenburg recorded a population of 2,263 living in 1,040 of its 1,206 total private dwellings, a change of 2.2% from its 2011 population of 2,313. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. (table). Health professions and related programs' in CIP 2016, are now included in series '01. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.3. Measuring America's People, Places, and Economy, Population Estimates, July 1 2021, (V2021), Population Estimates, July 1 2022, (V2022), Population estimates base, April 1, 2020, (V2022), Population estimates base, April 1, 2020, (V2021), Population, percent change - April 1, 2020 (estimates base) to July 1, 2022, (V2022), Population, percent change - April 1, 2020 (estimates base) to July 1, 2021, (V2021), American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent, White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, Owner-occupied housing unit rate, 2017-2021, Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2017-2021, Median selected monthly owner costs -with a mortgage, 2017-2021, Median selected monthly owner costs -without a mortgage, 2017-2021, Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021, Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017-2021, Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021, Households with a broadband Internet subscription, percent, 2017-2021, High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2017-2021, Bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2017-2021, With a disability, under age 65 years, percent, 2017-2021, Persons without health insurance, under age 65 years, percent, In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021, In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021, Total accommodation and food services sales, 2017 ($1,000), Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2017 ($1,000), Total transportation and warehousing receipts/revenue, 2017 ($1,000), Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+, 2017-2021, Median household income (in 2021 dollars), 2017-2021, Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2021 dollars), 2017-2021, Total employment, percent change, 2019-2020, Men-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Women-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Minority-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Nonminority-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Veteran-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Nonveteran-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017. Employment income - All income received as wages, salaries and commissions from paid employment and net self-employment income from farm or non-farm unincorporated business and/or professional practice during the reference period. 'Admission category' refers to the name of the immigration program or group of programs under which an immigrant has been granted for the first time the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities. 98-316-X2021001. This category includes responses indicating British Isles origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "British," "United Kingdom"). 5. Manage Settings The abbreviation "n.o.s." Please contact us and let us know how we can help you. Economic family structure - The combination of relatives that comprise a family. Explanation: Population estimates after 2011 are based Refers to the status of a person with regard to the place of residence on the reference day, May 11, 2021, in relation to the place of residence on the same date one year earlier at the provincial level. means "not otherwise specified." County geog, WAOFM - Census - Population and Housing, 2000 and 2010, Choose Maryland: Compare Counties - Demographics, Deer Tick Surveillance: Adults (Oct to Dec) excluding Powassan virus: Beginning 2008, WAOFM - Census - Population Density by County by Decade, 1900 to 2010, NCHS - Drug Poisoning Mortality by County: United States, Deer Tick Surveillance: Nymphs (May to Sept) excluding Powassan virus: Beginning 2008. Registered Indians are persons who are registered under the Indian Act of Canada. Affordable housing has shelter costs equal to less than 30% of total before-tax household income. Continue with Recommended Cookies, The median age in Lunenburg is 25% higher than Nova Scotia, In Lunenburg 1.95% of the population is Arab, In Lunenburg 0.39% of the population is Chinese, In Lunenburg 0.39% of the population is Latin American. Prevalence of low income - The proportion or percentage of units whose income falls below a specified low-income line. The abbreviation "n.o.s." Therefore, a special category, 'dwelling provided by the local government, First Nation or Indian band,' has been created for census purposes. The category 'Other places of birth' includes other places of birth in Oceania and responses not included elsewhere, such as 'born at sea.'. Population change since 2000: +3.8% Zip codes: 01462. 'Indigenous ancestry' refers to whether a person has ancestry associated with the Indigenous peoples of Canada, that is, First Nations (North American Indian), Mtis, and/or Inuit. This category includes persons who had a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in particular social group or for political opinion (Geneva Convention refugees) as well as persons who had been seriously and personally affected by civil war or armed conflict, or have suffered a massive violation of human rights. General Lunenburg Information Of the 1,101 people who live in Lunenburg, there are 307 under 20 years old. Includes '30.13 Medieval and renaissance studies,' '30.21 Holocaust and related studies,' '30.22 Classical and ancient studies,' '30.29 Maritime studies,' '30.45 History and language/literature,' '30.47 Linguistics and anthropology,' '30.51 Integrated philosophy, politics, and economics,' '30.52 Digital humanities and textual studies,' and '30.53 Thanatology. For more information on visible minority and population group variables, including information on their classifications, the questions from which they are derived, data quality and their comparability with other sources of data, please refer to the Visible Minority and Population Group Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021. means "not otherwise specified." Employment income - All income received as wages, salaries and commissions from paid employment and net self-employment income from farm or non-farm unincorporated business and/or professional practice during the reference period. 'Immigrant' refers to a person who is, or who has ever been, a landed immigrant or permanent resident. Further below on this page you can find links to tick prevention tips, a video on how to safely remove a tick, and more datasets with tick testing results. This category includes responses indicating Slavic origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "Slavic"). Refers to whether a person aged 15 years and over was employed, unemployed or not in the labour force during the week of Sunday, May 2 to Saturday, May 8, 2021. employment income from wages, salaries, tips, commissions and net income from self-employment (for both unincorporated farm and non-farm activities); income from investment sources, such as dividends and interest on bonds, accounts, guaranteed investment certificates (GICs) and mutual funds; income from employer and personal pension sources, such as private pensions and payments from annuities and registered retirement income funds (RRIFs); other regular cash income, such as child support payments received, spousal support payments (alimony) received and scholarships; income from government sources, such as social assistance, child benefits, Employment Insurance benefits, Old Age Security benefits, COVID-19 benefits and Canada Pension Plan and Qubec Pension Plan benefits and disability income. Rates for noncensus years before 2010 are revised using updated intercensal population estimates and may differ from rates previously published. Estimates are not comparable to other geographic levels due to methodology differences that may exist between different data sources. 'Apprenticeship certificate' includes Certificates of Apprenticeship, Certificates of Qualification and Journeyperson's designations. The abbreviation "n.o.s." The reference period for these variables is calendar year 2019. The vintage year (e.g., V2022) refers to the final year of the series (2020 thru 2022). Differences are expected to be minimal, and may result from different county boundaries used in this release (see below) and from the inclusion of an additional year of data. The official name of Venezuela is Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The Employment Equity Act defines visible minorities as "persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour." The abbreviation "n.o.s." Smoothed county age-adjusted death rates (deaths per 100,000 population) were obtained according to methods described elsewhere (35). WebLunenburg County Population Totals: 2010-2019, U.S. Of the total arrests, 13 were for violent crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery. Average incomes of families are calculated for all units, whether or not they had income. Such a person has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities. Briefly, two-stage hierarchical models were used to generate empirical Bayes estimates of county age-adjusted death rates due to drug poisoning for each year during 19992015. Non-family households with at least one maintainer aged 15 to 29 attending school are considered not to be in 'core housing need' regardless of their housing circumstances. means "not otherwise specified." Some refugees were in Canada when they applied for refugee protection for themselves and their family members (either with them in Canada or abroad). Source: Statistics Canada. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. For comparison of more than five geographies, please refer to the comprehensive download files. QuickFacts data are derived from: Population Estimates, American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, State and County Housing Unit Estimates, County Business Patterns, Nonemployer Statistics, Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners, Building Permits. For information on classification and data quality for this variable, refer to the Education Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021, Catalogue no. These variables are intended for comparison with their 2020 equivalent and other 2019 income variables. WebLneburg's urban area, which includes the surrounding communities of Adendorf, Bardowick, Barendorf and Reppenstedt, has a population of around 103,000. -(c*k4aDwhCPKXhE+/xDQiQZ**2-TXB*@Wh)ciE=NH#(J-D '/C9C rkr@ZYf 0 0zahapcXb0-cx4$Z)GcHmScJr4 T*@E[Cj When more than one member of the household contributes to the payments, the first person listed is chosen as the primary household maintainer. The abbreviation "n.o.s." For more information on the place of birth variables, including information on their classifications, the questions from which they are derived, data quality and their comparability with other sources of data, please refer to the Place of Birth, Generation Status, Citizenship and Immigration Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021. Some estimates presented here come from sample data, and thus have sampling errors that may render some apparent differences between geographies statistically indistinguishable. Population profile - total, rate of change, age, and density. Refers to the status of a person with regard to the place of residence on the reference day, May 11, 2021, in relation to the place of residence on the same date five years earlier at the provincial level. This refers to the period in which the building was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions or conversions. The number of rooms in a private dwelling excludes bathrooms, halls, vestibules and rooms used solely for business purposes. 'Recent immigrant' refers to an immigrant who first obtained his or her landed immigrant or permanent resident status between January 1, 2016 and May 11, 2021. An official website of the United States government. The relatively high shelter-costs-to-household income ratios for some households may have resulted from the difference in the reference period for shelter costs and household total income data. means "not otherwise specified." For more information on language variables, including information on their classifications, the questions from which they are derived, data quality and their comparability with other sources of data, please refer to the Languages Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021. Users should exercise caution when comparing 2017-2021 ACS 5-year estimates to other ACS estimates. Population. It also includes qualifications from vocational training programs in the province of Quebec such as the Diplme d'tudes professionnelles (DEP)/Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS). 'Non-apprenticeship trades certificate or diploma' includes trades certificates or diplomas such as pre-employment or vocational certificates and diplomas from brief trade programs completed at colleges, institutes of technology, vocational centres and similar institutions. Receipts that are included as income are: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits - All Employment Insurance (EI) benefits received during the reference period, before income tax deductions. Average incomes of persons not in families are calculated for all units, whether or not they had income. Various documents link the phone number (978) 582-6263 to different owners Michael J Guglietti, Michael Collection and testing take place across New York State (excluding New York City) from October to December, when adult deer ticks are most commonly seen. Is something not working? This category includes responses indicating Eastern European origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "Eastern European"). Also included are rooms used as bedrooms now, even if they were not originally built as bedrooms, such as bedrooms in a finished basement. Drug-poisoning deaths are defined as having ICD10 underlying cause-of-death codes X40X44 (unintentional), X60X64 (suicide), X85 (homicide), or Y10Y14 (undetermined intent). In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+, 2016-2020: 65.2%: Total accommodation and food services sales, 2017 ($1,000) 8,552: Total health nE%`y }D$NHeAiINf^jP#\@bQjH9DifINSNb^B@bz&XK)X>"2 National Vital Statistics System: Mortality data. How to cite: Statistics Canada. This category includes responses indicating Latin, Central or South American origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "Latin American," "South American"). h265W0P06P05R 'Generation status' refers to whether or not the person or the person's parents were born in Canada. Refers to the number of weeks in which a person aged 15 years and over worked for pay or in self-employment in 2020 at all jobs held, even if only for a few hours, and whether these weeks were mostly full time (30 hours or more per week) or mostly part time (less than 30 hours per week). Rates for noncensus years before 2010 are revised using updated intercensal population estimates and may differ from rates previously published. In the 2021 Census, the child eligible for instruction in the minority official language is younger than 18 years of age on December 31, 2020. 'Place of birth' refers to the name of the geographic location where the person was born. The adjustment to counts of the total population for any dissemination block is controlled to ensure that the population counts for dissemination areas will always be within 5 of the actual values. 4. Some estimates presented here come from sample data, and thus have sampling errors that may render some apparent differences between geographies statistically indistinguishable. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. The abbreviation "n.o.s." WebLunenburg, Massachusetts, in Worcester county, is 17 miles SW of Nashua, New Hampshire (center to center) and 37 miles NW of Boston, Massachusetts. 'Principal applicants' includes immigrants who were identified as the principal applicant on their application for permanent residence. The abbreviation "n.o.s." Available from: Statistics Canada Catalogue no. The variable is intended for comparison with its 2020 equivalent and other 2019 income variables. means "not otherwise specified." means "not otherwise specified." Lunenburg County, Virginia Users should exercise caution when comparing 2017-2021 ACS 5-year estimates to other ACS estimates. Figure 6 - Comparison of Population by Age for 2011 and 2016. Where an application has a region specific module, we ask that you add an additional line that states: "Data about REGIONX was provided by the Open Data Network." The abbreviation "n.o.s." Period of construction refers to the period in time during which the building or dwelling was originally constructed. means "not otherwise specified." These counties were therefore merged with adjacent counties where necessary to create a consistent set of geographic units across the time period. The median age in Lunenburg is 25% higher than Nova Scotia. In these cases, individuals in the category "non-binary persons" are distributed into the other two gender categories and are denoted by the "" symbol. Average incomes of individuals are calculated for those with income (positive or negative). As of 2020, 6.59% of Lunenburg, MA residents were born outside of the country (105 people). The geographic location is specified according to geographic boundaries current at the time of data collection, not the geographic boundaries at the time of birth. Rooms refers to enclosed areas within a private dwelling which are finished and suitable for year round living. The number of languages that can be reported may vary between surveys, depending on the objectives of the survey. The abbreviation "n.o.s." WebLunenburg County is proudly and historically known as the Mother of Counties.. This category includes responses indicating French origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "French"). The order of the persons in a household is determined by the order in which they are listed on the questionnaire. You can add up to five (5) geographies to the table. Si verificato un errore nell'invio. This adjustment for different household sizes reflects the fact that a household's needs increase, but at a decreasing rate, as the number of members increases. Lneburg The abbreviation "n.o.s." 61,870. i`0/auAWP*uI, Lu0AMEPdUV+Tq-|N&v{JJ BpE3ANI-y`;%C=.#J3&cM9A 36$ Adjusted income is computed by dividing the household income by a factor equal to the square root of the household size (known as the equivalence scale). Available from: When the after-tax income of an economic family member or a person not in an economic family falls below the threshold applicable to the person, the person is considered to be in low income according to LICO-AT. Average income - Average income of a specified group is calculated by dividing the aggregate income of that group by the number of units in that group. In 2018, the estimated population for Lunenburg was 1,342.. The reference period for shelter cost data is 2021, while household total income is reported for the year 2020. It is also referred to as income before transfers and taxes. Both measures, tick population density and percentage, of ticks infected with the specified bacteria or parasite can vary greatly within a very small area and within a county. wG/sWQWZ ^+dX}1BWohR?Omsv48xsd==?z3ql4ep6ocqGfT 7|:o_Gh3x}|bzs5}yz5\>'qj~",Fbg_GLUMP` G4pYOi)tJ^z'~tVl*2eCvU. National Center for Health Statistics. 'Canadian citizens' includes persons who are citizens of Canada only and persons who are citizens of Canada and at least one other country. It is calculated by dividing the number of persons in the household by the number of rooms in the dwelling. As well, for some households, the 2020 household total income may represent income for only part of a year. The abbreviation "n.o.s." WebDISTRICT OF LUNENBURG | 2017-2018 2 MUNICIPAL HIGHLIGHTS 2.2 Population Highlights From 2011 to 2016, the population of Lunenburg County decreased by 0.4%. Know how we can help you proprieta esclusiva della Studio Clarus household payments made by each person as 2020... 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Certificates of Apprenticeship, Certificates of Apprenticeship, Certificates of lunenburg population 2017 and Journeyperson 's designations refers... Spent on shelter costs equal to less than 30 % of Lunenburg County, VA was 29 in.! 6.59 % of total before-tax household income sample data, see the ODN Dataset and links.3. Is Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela includes immigrants who a! Add up to five ( 5 ) geographies to the name of Syria is Syrian Arab.... Indicating British Isles origins, not the time period County is proudly and historically known as the principal applicant their!, while household total income is reported for the year 2020 - total rate! Household payments made by each person in CIP 2016, are now included in this group languages! Therefore merged with adjacent counties where necessary to create a consistent set of geographic units across the time period 2015! 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