a nurse is caring for a 55 year old postoperative client

Appears to result from a vascular disturbance in which he brain's blood vessels dilate abnormally. The nurse assesses fluid leaking from the ears which tests positive for glucose. The nurse expects informed consent to be obtained for insertion of: The nurse recognizes that the older adult is at risk for surgical complications due to: The nurse recognizes older adults require lower doses of anesthetic agents due to: The client asks the nurse about ways to control pain other than taking pain medication. Following percutaneous nephrolithotomy, the client is at greatest risk for which nursing diagnosis? (Select all that apply.). What data obtained by the nurse is indicative of this damage? The nurse reminds the visitor of a client with an antibiotic-resistant infection that gloves are necessary. Facilitate a portable x-ray in the client's room rather than transporting the client. The nurse assesses a client to determine if there is increased risk for complications intraoperatively or postoperatively. Which of the following pain scales should the nurse use to evaluate the client's pain? D DNA microarrays. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? NA. What action does the nurse take to ensure that the saline used is sterile? What is the best action by the nurse? What is the priority action by the nurse? Which nursing intervention is the most important? A nurse is implementing the principles of surgical asepsis while inserting a client's indwelling urinary catheter. Which nursing statement would best decrease a client's anxiety before an emergency operative procedure? What is an implication of this assessment finding? Which of the following provider prescriptions should the nurse clarify? The nurse is teaching the client about patient-controlled analgesia. Corticosteroids have which effect on wound healing? Which of the following clients should the nurse place in the same room with this child? The patient informs you that he drinks six to eight beers each day and has for the last 15 years. Which of the following should be the primary medical management goal? D. The buttocks is elevated slightly off the bed. Select all that apply. A nurse is caring for a 2-month-old infant who is postoperative following surgical repair of a cleft lip. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A nurse is working with a client with an infectious disease that requires the nurse to wear a particulate air filter respirator. Which statement by the client indicates the need for further teaching by the nurse? Another objective of postoperative care is to assist patients in taking responsibility for regaining optimum health. "Limit contact with large groups of people." = A nurse is caring for a client who is 24 hr. The nurse is educating a client with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) about ways the virus can be transmitted. the client returns to the icu after surgery intubated and mechanically ventilated with a salem sump nasogastric tube, a foley catheter, and a picc line in place. (autonomic hyperreflexia) an exaggerated response to stimuli below the level of the lesion in the clients with lesions at or above T6, medical emergency that requires prompt treatment. The nurse understands that which part of the brain could be responsible for the client's condition? What important measure should the nurse take when providing postoperative care for this client? The client is approximately 24 hr postoperative and describes the pain as "severe". Use all options. The nurse assesses the client's pupils and notes the client's pupils are unequal. The nurse would expect the healthcare provider to further assess the client for a midbrain disorder based on what function of the midbrain? ** An older adult hospitalized client develops severe diarrhea from gram-negative rods that compromised the normal flora of the bowel. A nurse is caring for a client in isolation. What lobe of the cerebral cortex is largely responsible for the ability of humans to achieve higher levels of mental functioning and is also involved with motor functions that direct body movements? Describe the indicated assessment and interventions related to each problem as listed in the questions below . What is the nurse's best response? The client's vital signs are Temp 97.2F, HR 105, RR 24 and BP 110/50. Which of the following would the nurse expect the physician to order most likely? Encourage the parents to rock the infant. Person A is stationary on the dock. Which could be the consequence of an injury close to where the brain and spinal cord connect? A nurse is caring for a client who is taking phenytoin (Dilantin) for control of seizures. (Assume that neither the passenger nor the cab rebounds.) Description. A nurse is caring for a 4-year-old child who has a new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and is distressed after an insulin injection. Select all that apply. Which nursing action carries the greatest likelihood of contributing to the spread of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)? The goal of postoperative care is to ensure that patients have good outcomes after surgical procedures. 4. Air flowing at 40 kPa, 210 K, and a Mach number of 3.4 impinges on a two-dimensional wedge of half-angle $8^{\circ}.$ Determine the two possible oblique shock angles, $\beta_{\text {weak}}$ and $\beta_{\text {wrong}}$ that could be formed by this wedge. Select all that apply. Respiratory rate is 20, temperature is 99.8 (taken orally), heart rate is 87, and blood pressure is 124/70. (Select all that apply.). A nurse is providing teaching about iron deficiency anemia to the parents of a toddler. A. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the infant's plan of care? The thalamus integrates sensations, thus the person perceives a whole experience, rather than individual impulses. (A) Urea takes less energy to synthesize than ammonia. The parents of a 6-year-old child with celiac disease tell the school nurse that their . A new scrub technician is being oriented to the operating room. A nurse at a pediatrician's office is contacted by a parent whose child just ingested half a bottle of vitamins with added ferrous sulfate. The neuron is the basic structural and functional cell of the nervous system. What precautions should the nurse take when caring for this client? Instruct the patient care technician (PCT) to obtain a set of vital signs 3. The nurse should identify that which of the following manifestations indicates a tympanic membrane rupture? Which of the following positions would the nurse expect the client to be positioned on the operating table for renal surgery? How many mL should the nurse administer? $$ The nurse is caring for the client 36 hours after the client's admission and identifies the client's potassium level of 6.0 mEq/L (6.0 mmol/L). Which would be considered significant blood exposures by occupational health? What is the chemical released by the axon that enables nerve impulses to cross the synapse and reach the dendrites? An ileal conduit is created for a client after a radical cystectomy. A nurse is caring for a 55-year-old client with a left-sided stroke. Solely during the intraoperative phase of perioperative care, the nurse: The nurse is preparing to discharge a patient from the PACU using a PACU room scoring guide. The client received general anesthesia for the procedure and has opioid pain medications prescribed. During a teaching session, the nurse appropriately recommends that the pouch be emptied Correct Answer: when it is 1/3 to 1/2 full Rationale: If the pouch becomes more than half full it may separate from the flange 5. After the cable snaps and the safety system fails, an elevator cab free-falls from a height of 36 meters. What response by the family member indicates that the nurse's teaching was successful? What is the priority action by the nurse? The nurse takes the opportunity to teach the family member about preventing the spread of the cold. What are benefits of a cover gown? Turn, cough, and deep breathe every 30 minutes around the clock. A group of nursing students is reviewing the various white blood cells and how they function in infection. A nurse is teaching a parent of a 2-year-old about safe food choices. Which statement accurately describes this process? A nurse is caring for a postoperative patient on POD 2. The client has a history of anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and exercise-induced asthma. Acute Pain. A cataract then forms as oxygen uptake is reduced, water content . A nurse is caring for a client admitted to the healthcare facility with a history of hypertension and right-sided hemiplegia. When the nurse's hands are visibly soiled. A nurse has finished providing care for a client who is on contact precautions. They are specialized to respond to electrical, chemical and physical stimuli (EX: pain, pressure, hot/cold), and messages are conducted and transferred through them (neurotransmission). Which action should the nurse perform? The nurse overhears the physician instructing the client on the presence of a stoma with temporary pouch. The velocity of B is constant, but the angular rate is decreasing at 0.5 deg/s$^2$. The nurse should anticipate providing which of the following types of fluid? Con sider a hypot hetic al case in which the charge on a proton is twice that of an electron. A. c) The magma formed some crystals before rising closer to the surface and solidifying.\ A nurse is caring for a client with streptococcal pneumonia. 2. Review the scenario and respond to the following. The client received general anesthesia for the procedure and has opioid pain medications prescribed. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? A client has been admitted to the hospital with signs and symptoms that are characteristic of pulmonary tuberculosis and a STAT chest x-ray has been ordered. $$ The nurse suspects which of the following? The friend of a long-term care client comes to visit despite having an upper respiratory infection. A nurse is caring for a 6-week-old infant who has a pyloric stenosis. This nurse also has another client today who has an upper respiratory infection. Cephalgia (Headache) is one of the most common symptoms of a neurologic disorder. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? The nurse should take which initial action? A nurse is caring for a client with a neurologic problem who has been advised to have an electroencephalogram (EEG). The circulating nurse must be vigilant in monitoring the surgical environment. What important consideration should the nurse keep in mind when providing care to such a client? What medication should the nurse prepare to administer in the event the client has malignant hyperthermia? Which client would require a negative flow room? \begin{matrix} \text{ } & \text{Initial Cost} & \text{Uniform Annual Benefit}\\ \text{A} & \text{\$20} & \text{\$ 6.00}\\ \text{B} & \text{35} & \text{9.25}\\ \text{C} & \text{55} & \text{13.38}\\ \text{D} & \text{60} & \text{13.78}\\ \text{E} & \text{80} & \text{24.32}\\ \text{F} & \text{100} & \text{24.32}\\ \end{matrix} Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be a priority for this patient? A 64-year-old man is seeing his urologist for an annual check-up, post prostatectomy. Which precautions will the nurse begin? What statement made by the client demonstrated understanding of the education? In gathering information for the client, which urinary diversion would the nurse select? How will the team proceed with care? 3- third intention. The expression of thousands of genes at one time What important steps should the nurse follow when providing care for this client? Which test should the nurse expect the healthcare provider to order to confirm brain death in this client? Which result supports this concern? Select all that apply. A. What should the client's nurse teach him about this diagnostic finding? What is the greatest possible rate of energy transfer by radiation from a metal cube 2.0 cm on a side that is at $700 ^ { \circ } \mathrm { C }$? The nurse states that she was exposed to a client's blood and that she was not wearing any PPE. Fentanyl is categorized as which type of intravenous anesthetic agent? The nurse caring for a patient who is at risk for malignant hyperthermia subsequent to general anesthesia would assess for the most common early sign of: A physician calls the nurse for an update on his client who underwent abdominal surgery 5 hours ago. A client undergoes extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Which individual would be responsible for ensuring that procedure and site verification occurs and is documented? What essential information does the nurse need to explain to the visitor to prevent transmission of the organism? The appropriate nursing action is: Which of the following clinical manifestations increase the risk for evisceration in the postoperative client? 4- fourth intention. On assessment, the nurse notes that the abdomen is distended and bowel sounds are diminished. A nurse is providing health promotion teaching to the parents of an infant. One hour after administration, the client demonstrates muscle rigidity with a heart rate of 180. You are caring for a client preoperatively who is very anxious and fearful about their surgery. It also associated with many other diseases and disorders. The ball is given a small displacement in a direction perpendicular to the cord and released. When should the client stop taking the aspirin before the surgery? A nurse is providing nutritional teaching to the mother of a preschooler and is recommending food options to provide 1 oz of grains. What postoperative difficulties can the nurse anticipate for this patient? A healthcare provider performs the LP under strict sterile procedure. The vagus nerve a much larger portion of the body than the others. Which of the following behaviors by the adolescent should the nurse anticipate because it is most common reaction? Hemiplegia - half the body (right to left). Which of the following instructions should the nurse give to the parent? What measurement should the nurse report to the physician in the immediate postoperative period? A nurse needs to send the blood and urine specimen of a client with acute diarrhea to the pathology laboratory. Which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching? The client has had only 30 ml urine output since arriving to the The client is receiving 0.9% normal saline at 75 mL/h, has a nasogastric tube to low wall suction with 200 mL every 8 hours of light yellow fluid, and a wound drain with 50 mL of dark red drainage every 8 hours. Apply and release elbow restraints every hour. The nurse is caring for a client with a colostomy pouch. A postoperative client is moving from the bed to a chair when blood drips from the dressing. Which action(s) would the nurse use as an example of safe practice? Respiration has ceased, and there is no heartbeat. A nurse is wearing a cover gown. Do you think it will be ok?" A nurse is assessing a client for signs and symptoms of infection. A) Flashing lights in the visual field Endoderm and mesoderm are formed by the migration of cells down into the ______ of the embryonic disc. The visitor states, "I need to directly hold my loved one's hand without a barrier." Use all options. A. "Please get a mask from the staff upon entry and use a mask along with hand hygiene when visiting to prevent the spread of infection to your friend and others.". How many feet must be maintained between this client and other noninfected clients and visitors? The home health nurse > is visiting an 18-year-old with osteogenesis. A nurse is providing teaching about lice to the parents of a school-age child at a well-child visit. "I'm glad that my child's ostomy is only temporary.". 2. Damage to the respiratory system A nurse is caring for a client with a neurologic problem who has been advised to have an electroencephalogram (EEG). What clinical assessment should the nurse conduct to see whether the nervous system is working properly? Obtain a culture of the drainage. Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? Line the surface of the wheelchair or stretcher with a clean sheet or bath blanket to protect the surface from direct client contact. Last bowel movement 5 days ago. Deliver the compressions at 1/3 the depth of the chest. A nurse is caring for a 2-month-old infant who is postoperative following repair of a cleft lip and palate. A client having a surgical procedure takes aspirin 325 mg daily for prevention of platelet aggregation. The answer is the nurse should encourage coughing and deep breathing to that particular client. A group of nursing students is reviewing the various white blood cells and how they function in.! Reviewing the various white blood cells and how they function in infection statements by the client which. 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a nurse is caring for a 55 year old postoperative client

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a nurse is caring for a 55 year old postoperative client

a nurse is caring for a 55 year old postoperative client