The round is still lethal way beyond 1000 yards. Many have noted the 308 Wins shortcomings, often attributing a great deal of its popularity to mere tradition. At 300 yards it has dropped around 13 inches, and at 500 yards it's just under 60 inches (5 feet). You will need to repeat the process over and over at each new distance. There is no best sight-in range for everyone, because the range at which hunters expect to shoot their quarry differs considerably. But I like to stay with the 6-inch rule of thumb because is allows for some shooter error, an occurrence that youd be naive to assume doesnt happen while in field positions shooting at wild game. Around 70 years of bullet manufacture has seen dramatic increases in both quality and the available range of styles. This means that with a 26 yard zero, I can hold dead-center of a deers vitals and kill it cleanly from 0 to 310 yards without adjusting my hold. The 308 Win delivers a slightly steeper drop than the larger and more powerful 30-06 or 300 Win Mag, yet its recoil is far more manageable thanks to its lesser muzzle velocity. Perfect day no wind. He shut down when I told him that back in the very early 70s, when I was in Army Basic Training, we were shooting man-sized silhouettes at 300 meters (328 yards) with iron sights and I had scored Expert, in the top five of my entire company. Just the same, this is a generous kill zone within perhaps 200 yards of possible shots. The .308 Winchester is certainly a caliber that can be used out to the 1000 yard mark. . Based off a standard 55gr bullet leaving the barrel at 3,215fps and follows the bullet trajectry all the way to 1000 yards in steps of 50 yard increments. Check where the bullet impacts on the target at 100 yards. Check that you have used the correct mount with your scope and rifle. Nosler AccuBond, The Best Self Defense Ammo Ballistic Testing. Those paper targets you used will give you a wealth of info. They rise above the muzzle, then they drop at longer distances. A typical question might be how much does a .308 bullet drop at the 500 yard distance. If possible, it is beneficial to get paper targets that have grids marked out on them. That proved not to be the case, however, so the 30-06 saw continued use well after the Korean War ended. $Yj]43$2D$ 2D2ES/p~&^K|o~??^U [Ix{2D)z~;/:U!M4pZ]Nnbp#K UYL8N?LH}|cEps&D,I-U#?&rn8DA0Kv9tPI*RX`a)T,WrGM"=^(;;\Wz_to3EhJW-yV1/B,Fo87m$sU#]#sbm~XF9pI>"@vIAs0#W{Y/`P. I have since used this app to make small cheat sheets for all of my other rifles. Compare ballistics data on your favorite Winchester Ammunition rounds. Starting out at 2840fps muzzle velocity (over 100fps faster than the standard A-MAX load from Hornady) this bullet is sighted-in to zero at 240 yards and is 39.16 low at 500 yards. The first step you will take in zeroing your scope, is to begin with a shorter distance. 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In fact the .308 Winchester 165gr bullet is traveling faster at 1000 yards than the .223 or 7.62x39mm at just 500 yds. This will zero the 168gr 308 load at 500 yards. Sighting-in a rifle for the load and the range is important. If the US Marine Corps uses it for the purpose, then it should be good enough for the rest of us. Since the early days, the round has found favor with police forces and competitive shooters. The new ultra-lightweight .30-caliber Banish Backcountry is a 100 percent titanium, fully welded, fixed-length suppressor that measures 5.5 inches in length and weighs just 7.8 ounces. That may be different if , of course, you commonly shoot at 300 yards or 25 yards. Different bullet weights strike to a different point of aim. less walking Qty: Buy Now. Black Hills Gold - 180 Gr. The faster bullet will have traveled twice as farbut both still fall at the same rate. Zeroing your scope is not a process that can be rushed through. To zero this 308 load for another distance, look at the last column in the ballistics report named Zero Adj this stands for Zero Adjustment (MOA). <> Home General Rifle Hack: Sighting for 100 Yards at a Distance of 25 Yards. Its plentiful and effective. Of course, A properly zeroed scope and rifle will help ensure that your point of impact and point of aim are accurately aligned. The muzzleloader utilizes the same VariFlame Breech Plug adapter as its predecessors, allowing it to use large-rifle primers for consistent ignition of what CVA terms "super-magnum" charges. The coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons and cannot be . May 3, 2009 #7 ; . Weill, its about 5 feet or 60 inches. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'aimingexpert_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'aimingexpert_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',115,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-115{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Developed form the military, Winchester brought the .308 round onto the market in 1952. But if you are inexperienced or its a bit gusty on the range then the shot may be extremely inaccurate at that range, certainly for shot placement. Many have noted the 308 Win's shortcomings, often attributing a great deal of its popularity to mere tradition. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. You can then also add atmospheric conditions and angles. You must look at them to see where you have to make any adjustments. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aimingexpert_com-leader-1','ezslot_13',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aimingexpert_com-leader-1','ezslot_14',112,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-leader-1-0_1');.leader-1-multi-112{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}From 650 yards onwards, the shooter has to be capable of accurate shot placement whilst dealing with a further 240 inches (20ft) of bullet drop out to 1000 yards. You have to understand this, as well as the likely distance to you will be engaging the target. Skip to main content. At 1000 yards a .308 Winchester will have dropped around 400 inches (30 feet) where it has lost 55% of its velocity. I first started doing this with my .270 and was good out to 300 yards without having to compensate for bullet rise or drop relative to line of sight. Example you can hit the 6 inch vital zone typical of a whitetail deer all the way out to 272 yards without holding high (above the animal) or low you just aim at the vitals and squeeze the trigger on your 308. 308 dead on at 25yds should be 2.5 to 3 inches high at 100; this has been conventional wisdom recommendation for years (anyone remember Jack O'Connor?) The ballistics you get from this program is as accurate as the information you input. You should use the one that is best for your combination and keeps the scope securely mounted. Create Your Free Custom Ballistic Report Liked this? I recently bought a browning medallion 30-06 and put a vortex scope on it. Ballistics Calculator. So it would be fair to say that around 900 yards as an average is the effective range of the .308 Winchester, where the rounds can reliably be placed on the target. Fact is,most common big game loads would be about 3 inches high at 100 yards. I found that it matched the other program down to tenths of an inch. This can be useful in comparing cartridges or loads. The .308 Winchester is a cartridge modeled off the military 7.6251mm NATO cartridge but for civilian use. Its case simply cant hold the charge that its high ballistic coefficient bullet requires to remain effective downrange. 31.90. Using the following calculator, you can calculate the approximate height above your 25 yard impact so that you can shoot out to whatever range is practical for your weapon. It is a good idea to get targets that have a grid on them to help you fine tune your scope easier. So, with a 100-yard zero, a hunter can simply aim at a buck and expect to hit it in the vitals anywhere from 0 to 203 yards. (Another great website for finding maximum point-blank range is The muzzleloader utilizes the same VariFlame Breech Plug adapter as its predecessors, allowing it to use large-rifle primers for consistent ignition of what CVA terms "super-magnum" charges. 2 0 obj The windage turret is on the right side of the optic. Building on the reputation of the companys HEVI-Metal line, the new Xtreme series uses a blend of 30 percent tungsten shot and 70 percent precision steel pellets for a combination that will have you dropping birds from the sky with authority. Yeah a "come up list" as in a ballistic chart will get you close, but a zero will get you on target. Most of us like to use a 25-yard position to get on paper. We may not be exactly on the zero at 100 yards, but we will be close. Let's get this out of the wayaccuracy is a function of operator skill plus equipment capability. As an example, the Ruger .22 Magnum rifle I use for small game is best sighted for 25 yards. Shot placement was visual w the tracer rnds and adjusted accordingly. Generally, we consider the rifles zero to be the point at which the bullets path intersects the line of sight for the second time. While horizontal must be dead-on, you may wish to set elevation higher in order to be able to fire accurately at longer distances. It in no way increases the amount you pay and helps us stay in business. You guys who jumped on CRAY have to bite your tongues. How to Buy Guns From Pawn Shops | NRA Family, Range Review: Arsenal SAM7SFK-80R | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Range Review: SRM Arms 1228 Shotgun | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Range Review: Christensen Arms Modern Precision Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Video: Silencer Central Banish Backcountry Suppressor, First Look: Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Volunteer XV Pro M-LOK, New for 2023: HEVI-Shot HEVI-Metal Xtreme Shotshells, First Look: Franchi Momentum All-Terrain Elite | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2023: Taurus USA 856 & 605 T.O.R.O. I dont zero anything other then zero. The Rule of Three assumes one WILL use a premium boat tail bullet. Check to see that the mounting is secure. Bullets behave in a predictable manner. It is essential for .308 Winchester owners to know how to properly zero a scope. Such bullets expand easily on soft skinned game like deer and are accurate in most 308s. All the ballistics from all manufacturers, finally. I just did a similar zero last week 1.9 low at 10 yards put me pretty close at 50 yds with a .223. the height of you scope is going to affect the arc/distance above and below If the barrel and the sights were perfectly horizontal the bullet would never hit where the sights were intersecting with the target. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, and velocity. Revolvers | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2023: Mossberg Patriot LR Tactical | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2023: Savage Stevens 334 Bolt-Action Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Colt CBX Precision Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Trijicon SRO | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Holosun 510C | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Video: Winchester Big Bore Ammo | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New: Browning Ammunition SUB22 Subsonic Rimfire | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, New: Baschieri & Pellagri Helice Shotshells | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Preview: SnapSafe GlideVault | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New 4473 Released By BATFE | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Building the Perfect Duck Hunt | An Official Journal Of The NRA, How to Hunt Late-Season Whitetails on the Plains | An Official Journal Of The NRA, How to Create Coyote Fight Sounds | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Duck Commander: 50 Years of Faith, Family and Ducks | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Springfield Launches New Online Shopping Experience | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Sarco, Inc. 2nd Amendment Pint Glass | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Mission First Tactical 24-oz. Ballistic Trajectory Calculator Ballistic Coefficient Calculator If you have access to 100 yards zero it there. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, and velocity. Grab lots of paper targets and plenty of ammo. Please know that we only recommend products we trust and have used ourselves. Any further than that, I can either use my scope ballistic reticle, or know my calibers ballistic data and hold over appropriately. If your .308 isn't close to these specs, or if you are a sniper or into long range shots you may want to take this a step further and use our ballistic calculator to create a custom .308 ballistic chart to take into account variances. The 308 Wins .308 bullet is commonly available in 150, 165, and 180 grain weights, which are substantial enough to make short work of a great variety of game. At 25 yards your rounds will hit about 1 inches low, and then at 50 yards your point of aim will equal the point of impact. Check to see where the shots are in relation to the bullseye. They had no intentions of actually shooting the rifle before a hunt. The following improvements will be made: Please sign up for our newsletter so that you can be alerted the moment these new features are launched! Technically, thats not the bullet rising on its own but its path is an arc up and down. This is often an overlooked first step. I just got a core 30 ar10. If its close to 2.6 inches then your 308 is now zeroed for 230 yards. You must continually monitor your targets after every round you take. Developed form the military, Winchester brought the .308 round onto the market in 1952. C Ray youre a total clown. Opening/connecting with just a quarter-twist and offering an extremely simple breakdown, the latest addition to Savages A Series lineup is the outdoor enthusiasts new go-anywhere rifle. I usually zero at 50 which puts me a couple inches high at 100 and on at 200 (if I remember correctly!). You will zero your scope so that you can easily and accurately reach your target. My technique for shooting is to zero at 26 yards (if using the .270 noted above), then shade slightly low (an inch or two) when shooting at 100 yards, and hold slightly high at 300. Fire at small targets at both known and unknown ranges. couple of inches high at 25 yds with my .270 130 gr bullets made me on target out to nearly 400 yds. Your email address will not be published. It first crosses the line of sight at about 30 feet or so. As well as recreational shooters interested in range shooting. But the following examples will illustrate why thats not a great zero for a rifleman who wishes to be able to take shots quickly, without calculating, from point blank to nearly 300 yards. Federal Premium This 308 Winchester ballistics chart shows 150 grain Federal American Eagle Full Metal Jacket BT rounds. The Myth: A 25-yard zero puts you dead-on at 100 yards. Anychange in temperature will have a significant impact on the wood, metal, polymer of both your scope and your rifle. (Check out the top list scope for .308 from Scopesman.). The experts at your local gun shop are happy to help. Thanks for posting. No getting confused about having to dial below the zero mark. The graph shows that your .270 Win. Its been a favorite of snipers for a while, particularly in its military form, and has many different ammunition choices to suit almost every target shooter. Windage adjustments are made from left to right nd elevation adjustments go up and down. You will need to bring plenty of ammo with you, and have plenty in backup. It has a typical muzzle velocity just under 3000 fps and at 1000 yards will still be traveling around 1200 fps, which is more than enough to do damage. For simple target practice or competition shooting, 100 yards should be plenty. Have been shooting routinely for 2 yrs now 500 to 600 yrds before breaking the 1000 yrd mark.Was some really fine fireworks. A 100-yard range sometimes requires considerable travel from the home. You will need to rezero your scope for the weather conditions you are shooting in. Additional Info. You have already done the work in this area. No. A deer has a six-inch sure-kill zone. I dont have to turn a turret and reset the zero. It is a true, dual purpose rifle cartridge capable of varminting and hunting bigger game like deer. (GR) MUZZLE 100yd200yd 300yd 400yd 500yd MUZZLE 100yd 200yd 300yd 400yd 500yd MUZZLE 100yd 200yd 300yd 400yd 500yd COEFFICIENT VOR-TX BB23R2 21520 55 TSX FB 1.5 200 3240 2774 2353 1970 1629 1343 1282 940 676 474 324 220 -1.5 1.5 0.0 -7.9 -24.8 -55.0 0.209 24 Barnes 55 JHP BT 1.5 200 3240 2820 2436 2084 1764 1483 1282 . It also depends on whether you prefer the high-shoulder shot or the heart shot on deer. Today, that is what it is about, using less ammunition! I was so impressed with the quality and workmanship of these products. Copyright 2015 | Koenig Media, LLC | Links | Sitemap | Advertise. The Conclusion: A 25-yard zero will put your bullet around 2.5 to 3 inches high at 100 yards depending on caliber, but it's not "dead on.". Zero Distance: 25 Yards: 25 Yards: Ballistic Coefficient.625.552: Altitude: 0 ft. 0ft. At 1000 yards a .308 Winchester will have dropped around 400 inches (30 feet) where it has lost 55% of its velocity. When making adjustments it is good to remember that your windage adjustments will be made from right to left and the adjustments for elevation go up and down. For hunting purposes it may be "close enough," but it's not "dead on" for most calibers. using Hornady 168gr A-MAX Superformance Matchfactory ammo. The 300-yard zero looks like a decent solution for combat, assuming you can always aim center mass. Now that you have your rifle and scope zeroed for 25 yards, you are ready to add distance. The email address you entered is not valid. Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. C Ray I have lean with Tim an Joseph Bs thoughts on this one. Whatever anyone says, the .308 Winchester is a formidable cartridge and with plenty of life left in it yet. 25 ACP 32 ACP 327 Magnum 380 ACP 9mm Luger 357 Magnum 357 SIG 38 Special 38 Super 40 S&W 10mm Auto: 41 Magnum 44 Magnum 44 Special 45 ACP 45 GAP 45 Colt Minimum order amount cannot include Buyer's Club Membership Fees, Gift Cards or e-Gift Cards, Ammo or Firearms. 3 0 obj Whitetail sized deer are best taken with a 150gr bullet from Sierra/Swift/Hornady. There are several factors to be aware of that can and do affect the zero. Oh no, not this rifle. From 650 yards onwards, the shooter has to be capable of accurate shot placement whilst dealing with a further 240 inches (20ft) of bullet drop out to 1000 yards. Bullet drop, wind drift, and energy loss become increasingly pronounced the farther a 308 Win reaches. as close as possible to the barrel. Other riflemen who routinely hunt areas where shots of 300 yards or more arent uncommon sometimes opt for a 200-yard zero.
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