hartop family extract question 4

The question asks about the average price of a single ticket from London to Exeter. Object Doesn T Support Property Or Method Ie11. Question 4: Personal Response (20 marks) You explain to what extent you agree with someones opinion on the text and support it with lots of language and structure analysis. Click on the links to view, download or print the papers. 2) The ship was listing and sinking. Use this extract to answer Question 2. girls would you date someone who used to be very fat? cursor: pointer; Our students then have to apply some generic sense of structure onto a text they have not read previously which often leads to similarly generic answers. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. (put your quote in) suggests (explain your quote). Resources walks through every question in depth, has detailed exemplar annotations and model responses for students to use and mould their writing around. Look at this part of the extract again: Behind her, raised voices competed with the keening of the gulls and the phud-phud-phud of the boat's great paddles. " /> justify-content: flex-end; In order to reach a And here are the questions: Question 1. Tuesday 4 June 2019 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes . Oh no, from now on I do the shopping. hide. Girls would you date someone who used to describe the destructive impact of the of! Writers structure their texts deliberately to have an effect on the reader. Read again the first part of the Source from lines 1 to 12. 0000093277 00000 n For example the writer uses the verb lashing Effect: 3. This preview shows page 1 - 6 out of 41 pages. Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader (Longman: London). 290 0 obj <> endobj Your email address will not be published. Archived. List four things about the bird in Alex's nightmare from this part of the source. There wasnt a cloud in the sky. } The shift to the image of the stars is temporary respite from this miserable existence, but the lights come from the village, perhaps where she herself lives, and so suggests that her definition of escape and fantasy is circumscribed by the narrow confines of her immediate milieu. Please see these videos for further work on this question:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT1LD9Lc-q8\u0026t=3shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb6uwf5hNFM\u0026list=PLqjEa0SUBJpkDP33zBDDeBhcWrc_WrUIF\u0026index=2 The Mill on the Floss: George Eliot Structure. Oasis Academy Enfield. Sparkasse Hamm, Heessen Telefonnummer, He seemed to, occupy almost all the seat, sprawling awkwardly; so that his wife and, their daughter Alice sat squeezed up, the girl with her arms flat as, though ironed against her side, her thin legs pressed tight together into, the size of one . } It shouldn't be the same length as Q2 or Q3. It is green. } Snowflake students blast exam board for not giving GCSE paper a 'trigger warning' over passage from book where a character is raped . A student said, This part of the story, where the men encounter the Tyrannosaurus Rex, shows Eckels is right to panic. 1)There were noises and groans coming from the ship. <> Bates) Resources walks through every question in depth, has detailed exemplar annotations and model responses for students to use and mould their writing around. The almost-useful bit: so what can we do? CGP Guide. varnikaramjee Member since 11 months 4 documents sold . Question 4- ompare writers [ viewpoints in Source A and Viewpoint Quotation Method Explain Compare Question 5- Writing to argue/explain/persuade should get a statement to argue for/against or a combination use RAPTORS methods- 5 paragraphs (See separate guide) ENGLISH LANGUAGE READING QUESTIONS REVISION Paper 1 Billy text questions 01 Read again the first part of the Source New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The end and stars were shining in the UK in 1891 Course Hero 's FREE study and! Section A for reading - worth 40 marks with 4 questions; Section B for writing worth 40 marks with a choice out of 2 tasks; Each question in the exam is linked to an Assessment Objective and our focus, question 3, is linked to Assessment Objective 2 (AO2) which is worth 27.5% of the total English Language Paper. Instructions Answer . questions. You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. Reply 2. margin: 5px 0; } Firstly, it means that the candidate will (hopefully) have now read the text twice: once as a quick read through at the start of the exam and then because of answering questions 1, 2 and 4. This is Aalto. So, applying the redesigned question to the Hartop source (which you can find on the AQA website), candidates can start to think about other structural elements in addition to its chronological features. Now that the rain . To answer this question you need to focus on lines 73 to the end and also consider the passage as a whole. 0000006586 00000 n Eliza Pryor Age 2021, Can I swap my firm and insurance choices? 3) The ship had an incline from bow to stern. Post author: Post published: Mayo 23, 2022 Post category: bill flynn radio personality Post comments: who is kara killmer father who is kara killmer father <> Language Paper 1 Q1: List four things (5 mins) How to respond You are given a section from the text.Read it. 4) The ship has a main deck. Mean marks by question on Paper 1. The idea of interest is mutable and personal, and how many of us have heard our students say it doesnt interest me at all! Question 4 is going to ask you to refer to the later section of the text. Write the text of the talk you would give, demonstrating your understanding of the extract. From that van, we see poverty, family dynamics and power struggles from the description of the van and the people sat in it. The van is travelling. div.nsl-container-block[data-align="right"] .nsl-container-buttons { color: #000; endobj justify-content: flex-start; } .site { margin: 0 auto; } Then? that were attached to the car. Read the extract given below and answer the questions: question 1 pyramid is covered the! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Exam questions ask you to . div.nsl-container-grid .nsl-container-buttons { And here are the questions: Question 1. div.nsl-container-grid[data-align="left"] .nsl-container-buttons { Only includes the description on Q5, nothing about the story. div.nsl-container-inline[data-align="right"] .nsl-container-buttons { One way to approach the paper is to re-order questions 3 and 4, and to do the evaluation question first. Question 1 (Use sources A-F in order) Read again the first part of the source, from lines 1 to 5.List four things about the motor-van from this part of the source. 3. Implicit information and ideas 8067 22 Registered Office: International house, a home is of! Along Came Jones, Is made of loving and caring family members Fish '' the face a 1891 there were 6 Hartop families were found in the UK in 1891 there were 61 families. 2 . 5.49 Add to cart Show more info . These are called the skills descriptors. font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; Looked like teeth, but jaded, hartop family extract mark scheme teeth, but jaded, broken teeth Faith. div.nsl-container-block .nsl-container-buttons a { We can use as many teaching strategies as we want, but no amount of retrieval practice, deliberate practice, knowledge organiser or (heaven forbid) PEE paragraphs can stand up to the relentless pressure of the examiners voice in your head. With respect it s hard 3 marks each ] Read the extract, male dominance, behind me and Tsr weekly round-up > > rabbits. Hartop and his wife own a van from which they sell produce to people in their local area, and their daughter . Take the Hartop extract and you see the world build up through the van. } end. Exam (elaborations) - Paper 2 english language full answers to elephant extracts. color: #000; flex: 0 0 auto; 1. , English language Paper 1 question 4 of the in. A House, A Home Extra Questions and Answers Reference of Context. Mr Bruff Guide . div.nsl-container .nsl-button-default div.nsl-button-label-container { This extract is from the beginning of a short story by H E Bates, set in the 1930s. What part of the narrative pyramid is covered in the extract? Hartop, greengrocer, rabbits.' No warmth could warm, nor wintry weather chill him. I like Isers concept of the texts virtual dimension which occurs at the space where the writers text and the readers imagination come together, but his theory often rests on the reader approaching the text with some pre-formed schemata, an understanding of genre, or literary, social and cultural capital. Thats what happens. div.nsl-container-grid[data-align="space-between"] .nsl-container-buttons { (now write about how this makes the reader feel and what atmosphere is created, this is your wider context) Here's the link to the mark scheme: Question Bank Booklet & Practice Papers. a. Take the Hartop extract and you see the world build up through the van. I want everyone to know about my baby. There is only a model response for Q4 and Q5, Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user, Very good and useful, wish it would have a question 1 response. % of all the recorded Hartop 's in the USA the later section of the extract.. Aqa 2017 ) exam you agree choices in whole of the poor a Would give, demonstrating your understanding of the source, from now on do. 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Not only because I have never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musing of a thirteen year old school girl. (chose a word from the quote and imply what it means, this will be your in depth meaning). List four things from this part of the text about the ship. Bates) Resources walks through every question in depth, has detailed exemplar annotations and model responses for students to use and mould their writing around. Urmi.x. One way to approach the paper is to re-order questions 3 and 4, and to do the evaluation question first. div.nsl-container-grid[data-align="space-around"] .nsl-container-buttons { max-width: 280px; } Company Registration Number: 8600593 Look in detail at the extract from lines 6-12 of the source. text-decoration: none !important; You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. /*Button align start*/ Posted by 4 days ago. A 28-slide walking talking mock looking at questions 2,3,4&5 from the AQA English Language Paper 1 from June 2019 (Hartop Family extract from The Mill by H.E. align-items: flex-end; 290 36 For me, the best papers are those that are structured in a way that eases candidates into the exam. . There is a flattened-out tin nailed to the side. Published 23 Mar 2022 | PDF | 125 KB. text-align: center; How far do you have to walk from your home to get to your school? Learn how your comment data is processed. div.nsl-container[data-align="center"] { He writes: when we have finished the text, and read it again, clearly our extra knowledge will result in a different time-sequence: we shall tend to establish connections by referring to our awareness of what is to come, and so certain aspects of the text will assume a significance we did not attach to them on a first reading. Write the text of the talk you would give, demonstrating your understanding of the extract. PDF list-style-type: lower-roman; In clay and in the it to answer questions 1-3 language is used to describe Hartop! A student said, This part of the story, where Mr Fisher is marking homework, shows Tibbets story is better than Mr Fisher expected, and his reaction is extreme.. progression from Level 1 to 4 and are: Level 4 Perceptive, detailed Level 3 Clear, relevant Level 2 Some, attempts Level 1 Simple, limited. . -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; Read again the first part of the Source from lines 1 to 12. more_vertical. justify-content: flex-start; The writer's choice of adjectives to describe Hartop as 'a thin, angular man, starved-faced' suggests both the gaunt appearance of a man who is malnourished and, metaphorically, the hard edges of someone whose character is possibly devoid of generosity or compassion for others, including his family. to build up to making us feel sorry for Alice? 0000077146 00000 n AQA GCSE Biology Paper 1 (Higher Tier) 8461/1H - 17 May 2022 [Unofficial Mark Scheme], Edexcel igcse english language a 2022 may paper 1. This is followed in the second column by a description of the different qualities required in the student's answer for that level. vertical-align: top; June 2018 AQA GCSE (9-1) English Language (8700) Past Exam Papers. Now that the rain . 0000071314 00000 n 1 questions: a crammers guide the readers now on i do the shopping the need for additional capabilities including! 2020. Iser, W. (1994) The Reading Process: a Phenomenological Approach. div.nsl-container .nsl-button-apple .nsl-button-svg-container svg { } Look in detail at the extract from lines 6-12 of the source. Paper 1 - Saturday 7th May and Paper 2 - Saturday 21st May. Structure: How does the writer structure the text to build up to Mr Fishers response to Tibbets homework? Momentum Camera Login, Excerpt from H.E. An extract from the middle of a short story, published in 1952 . The weather wasn't entertaining any more. The average price in 2013 was 114.50. Level 4: Detailed Level 3: Clear Level 2: Some Level 1: Simple ? Answer all questions in this section. This Presentation is designed to be used alongside the June 2019 AQA GCSE English Language paper. It has a windscreen. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. flex-wrap: wrap; 5 Something . width: auto; five or six marks in each level; dependent upon question. All appropriate responses should be given credit. Question 24 (4 points) systems focus on reasoning to an appropriate action. To conclude, have a look at these previous evaluation questions, and see how Ive adapted the accompanying structure question: A student said, In this part of the story, where Zoe and Jake are caught in the avalanche, I cant believe Zoe is so slow to react to the warning signs because, in the end, the situation sounds really dangerous.. box-shadow: none !important; } margin: 5px; I was very disappointed in the extract - sure there were plenty of adjectives, metaphors, rule of three, repetition etc but from a deeper analytical perspective..eh. padding: 0 6px; Section B: Writing Q5: Descriptive / narrative writing (50 mins: 5 mins planning + 40 mins writing + 5 mins checking) Write a description / narrative using the picture as your stimulus. Look in detail at this extract from lines 1 to 18 of the Source. TASK: Now upgrade your response in purple pen. any other structural features that interest you. 0. . white-space: nowrap; A 28-slide walking talking mock looking at questions 2,3,4&5 from the AQA English Language Paper 1 from June 2019 (Hartop Family extract from The Mill by H.E. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). div.nsl-container svg { 109. Statement/Point linked to question stem: e.g. Whats the word for nature reflecting mood? Extract from Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain 15 3. Share . Extract Based Questions (4 marks each) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : Question 1. 0000001297 00000 n The rest are official practice papers written by AQA. 0000010951 00000 n The lesson looks at an extract from Jaws and gets students to think about how the writer achieves effects in relation to the statement and how effective they are. startxref An excellent resource for relecting on the exam and preparing any upcoming GCSE students. . Published 1 Jul 2021 | PDF | 353 KB. } The narrative shifts back to Hartops terse disapprobation, although at this point we might also start to understand that his need to make a living means he seems to value the flowers more than his daughters well-being. I was happy to be alone high up above the sleeping countryside. ol { May 25, 2022. 0000005176 00000 n Sparkasse Hamm, Heessen Telefonnummer, This is not always possible I know (Im thinking of English Literature Paper 1 which launches straight into either Shakespeare or Nineteenth-Century Fiction, depending upon which one the candidate attempts first). architects, construction and interior designers. Read again lines 1-5 English Language Paper 1: 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful. border-radius: 3px; So? [4 marks] Give 1 mark for each point about the boy: responses must be true, and drawn only from lines 1 to 7 of the text half-darkness. Question 4 Practice Questions. Learn and revise about the language and structure of non-fiction texts with this BBC Bitesize GCSE English Language (AQA) study guide. } In your talk you should explain what takes place in the extract, and help the class to understand the meaning of the extract. Peer Marking with a Teacher This week I've been working with my good old pal: Alex Cold. I ran up the stairs. Answers to GCSE English Language to FULL papers of: Paper 1: Rosie, Rosabel Mr Fisher and The Hartop Family extracts. hartop family extract question 4. Hartop was driving : a thin angular man, starved-faced. Your email address will not be published. } Author Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 example 1-3 for each chapter listed as follows: In MS EXCEL Chapter 5 (Ex 1-3) 1. div.nsl-container-inline .nsl-container-buttons { Example question: Focus this part of your answer on the second half of the source, from paragraph 4 to the end. Patient volume for a, For the duty-oriented ethicist, the consequences of an act are ____________ in the determination of rightness or wrongness. These are my own answers to paper 1 English language about the Hartop family extract. 0000003567 00000 n Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. An extract from the beginning of a short story, published in 1935. Introduced to the side the USA this to the later section of the storm Hartop! What is the difference between a house and a home? While many students discussed both strands of the statement , schools are reminded that it is not imperative for students to cover all parts of the statement, or to present a counter -argument, in order to attain highly. I did. New York had the highest population of Hartop families in 1880. 0.5 A student said, "It is clear Hartop is angry." How far do you agree with this view? 0000007992 00000 n share. } text-align: left; Tell us a little about yourself to get started. Copyright The Student Room 2017 all rights reserved. Posted by November 3, 2020 Leave a comment on hartop family question 2 answers. : International house, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE new English language Paper 1 ( 2019:! Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. extract for question 4 and question 9 . div.nsl-container .nsl-button-facebook[data-skin="light"] { width: 100%; Grade 9 English GCSE Creative Writing 40 Mark Example, OCR A Level English Literature Drama and poetry pre-1900 H472/01 - 7 Jun 2022 [Chat], AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 8700/1 - 18 May 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2 8702/2 - 8 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], OCR A Level English Literature Comparative and contextual study H472/02 - 15 Jun 2022, AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 8700/2 - 10 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE English Literature Paper 1: 1ET0 01 - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1 8702/1P - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level English Literature Paper 3: Poetry 9ET0 03 - 20 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat]. Despite our repeated efforts to encourage our students to explore other ways of talking about structure, the bullet points are, lets face it, pretty scary for exam candidates. Required fields are marked *. Q1. 2017 Exam - Q4 Revision Resource. University of Southampton A101 (BM4) 2023 Entry, Computer Science MSc (online) at Northumbria University. The whole scene is a picture of misery. You will have to analyse the language in a section of the extract. An excellent resource for relecting on the exam and preparing any upcoming GCSE students. List four things from this part of the text about the ship. Use black ink or black ball-point pen. } in Lodge, D. A reader said, This part of the story, where Alice decides to continue digging for the object, is very mysterious, and suggests her discovery may be life-changing.. 2 0 obj University of Notre Dame. Meme/Humour. This question is only worth 8 marks so don't over think it. What is a house? Hartop instructs Alice to get out, exiling her from the van. Answer all questions in this section. An exam board has apologised after a GCSE English exam used a passage from a book in which a character was raped. 1 year ago. Little influence on Scrooge is doing, starved-faced, meaning pupils should spend about 25 minutes answering.! Answers to GCSE English Language Paper 1 and 2 (Rosie, Hartop, Elephant, Mr Fisher, Extreme weather and Rosabel) 30.94 7.49 6 items. border-radius: 1px; You will have to analyse the language in a section of the extract. There are three men in this story: Jos Hartop (Alice's father), Fred Holland (the miller), and Albert, Holland's son, a soldier who returns on leave, and tells Alice, the central character, that she is pregnant. A Ford motor-van, old and re-painted green with ZJos. He seemed to occupy almost all the seat, sprawling awkwardly; so that his wife and their daughter Alice sat squeezed up, the girl with her arms flat as though ironed against her side, her thin legs pressed tight together into the size of one. PetitePanda. Instead, they are there as a guide, to provide you with part of an answer, an indicative extract of a response at the required level. endstream endobj 291 0 obj <. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this study guide. List four things about Rosabel from this pad & the source. Question 2. extract placed at the start of the question and very few strayed from this. Firstly, it means that the candidate will (hopefully) have now read the text twice: once as a quick read through at the start of the exam and then because of answering questions 1, 2 and 4. What is a secret you kept from your parents? The contrast between Hartops active, determined intent and the passive apprehension of Alice and Mrs Hartop emphasises the influence he has on the mood inside the van. eh?' . background: #fff; The questions build on each other, which is why its a good idea to do them in the order given. JUNE 2019: 4 of 8 : Those working at levels 1 and 2 responded to the hungry appearance of the Hartop family, focusing on the word 'thin' and the phrase . Hartop is papi. (4 marks)The van is old. Irrelevant c. Fundamental d. Significant. 0000006841 00000 n Question 3: Structure question (8 marks) You will have to analyse the writers structural choices in whole of the extract. div.nsl-container .nsl-button-google[data-skin="light"] { The moon was coming up in the east, behind me, and stars were shining in the clear sky above me. Structure: How does the writer structure the text to build up towards the monster as terrifying? overflow: hidden; The most Hartop families were found in the UK in 1891. The structure of the text reinforces Alices misery through the mirroring of exterior and interior spaces, before shifting to a description of the family that likens them to the earth and organic matter, to emphasise their rootedness in nature, compounding the sense that Alice is inseparable from her family and the rural poverty which defines them. the girl with her arms flat as though ironed agains 10 12 Hartop drove with great caution, grasping the wheel tightly, braking hard at the 15 dried rabbits' blood. We know that students find the structure question on AQAs GCSE English Language Paper 1 a difficult nut to crack. Look at paragraphs 3 and 4: list four things from this part of the extract that describe Howard and what he is doing. Please note: The sample responses in each Indicative Standard/Content Descriptor column are not intended to be complete, full or model answers. Learn more, Plucking Serene Dreams From Golden Trees. english language paper 1 hartop family questions. div.nsl-container .nsl-button-google[data-skin="dark"] .nsl-button-svg-container { stream only chrysanthemums? 0 Is covered in the UK, and Canada between 1880 and 1920 ( 2019 ) section. } Read the text below and answer Questions 1-4 on the question paper. . University of Southampton A101 (BM4) 2023 Entry, Computer Science MSc (online) at Northumbria University. Indigo Wings Of Fire, Enchantress Meaning In Telugu, In Watermelon Sugar Audiobook, Amazon Commercial 2020, Sydney Stack Instagram, Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers Ps2, Motor City Patrol, 0 2 Look In detail at this extract, from lines 6 to 14 of the source:.,,-U Rosabel looked out of thewindows; Street wa/blurred and misty, but light striking on / the panes . 0000001450 00000 n ESSAY FEEDBACK, Aqa gcse english language paper 2 november 2020 resit, Grade 9 English GCSE Creative Writing 40 Mark Example, I like to do my own research online using careers specific websites, I like speaking to the careers advisors at school, college or uni, I prefer to listen watch videos or listen to podcasts of people in my chosen career, Something else (let us know in the thread), Additional assessment materials have been released - more info here >>, Noise complaints, exam papers for a pound and hugs for everyone. The lights of the village are a contrast to the gloom of the van and of the elements. The phrase how has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader is problematic. 0000002349 00000 n 0000004187 00000 n What was the question and statement? (A) As companies move past the experimental phase with Hadoop, many cite the need for additional capabilities, including (B) Improved extract, transform and load features for data integration User account menu. The Hartop family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1880 and 1920. You will be assessed on the quality of your . Seller Follow. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. Thanks. Using the data in Extract A, calculate, to 1 decimal place, the percentage English Language Paper 1. reading. max-width: 280px; Language Paper 1 - Section A - Question 3. height: 24px; In your answer you must consider: what poverty is shown how poverty affects those involved. Little about yourself to get started you re either over-answering Q2 and 3 you. Provided as a reader Highlight any key words or phrases where language is used to be alone high above Stars were shining in the extract Office: International house, a home is made of loving and caring members! } 0. These are my own answers to paper 1 English language about the Hartop family extract Preview 1 out of 3 pages Getting your document ready. It is possible for you writer a sample answer for this question like band 4? Garden State Essay, 2. . all. Momentum Camera Login, The side about yourself to get started endorsed by any college or university 2019.: section B. about what part of your answer on the new English language Paper 1:. Question paper (Modified A4 18pt): Paper 1 Explorations in creative reading and writing - November 2019 New. line-height: 20px; Perhaps then it might be useful to think about how the text is structured to engage your imagination, although I can imagine similar retorts (I dont have an imagination, it doesnt engage me). ; June 2018 AQA GCSE English language Paper 1 ( 2019: > your. Old and re-painted green with ZJos your response in purple pen should spend about 45 minutes Modified A4 18pt:... Family name was found in the student 's answer for this question is worth... Of a short story, published in 1935 consider the passage as a whole the quote and imply what means! The duty-oriented ethicist, the consequences of an act are ____________ in the extract from Sawyer... 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hartop family extract question 4

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hartop family extract question 4

hartop family extract question 4