homey the clown chicago

Chicago has its fair share of urban legends, these being some of them. the homey the clown story is part 2 of a 12 series called chicago chronicles created ,written and directed by shaiking mathis.the homey the clown story continues from part 1.the robert yummy. 5 Unforgettable Chicagos Downtown Burlesque & Cabaret Shows. I am Positively Not Guilty of all charges in the indictment, Lombardo wrote, according to Goudie. It might have relieved those of us at Murphy to know that kids all over Chicago and in some suburbs thought the same thing. 1,209 likes. ''. and our In 2005, Lombardo became a fugitive when news surfaced that he was implicated in the FBIs investigation of 18 mob-related murders stretching back to 1970. On October 9, 1991, WFLD TV ran a 30-second news spot saying that police were treating Homey the Clown as an urban legend. The character was an angry black ex-con who carried a sock for knocking bratty kids upside the head. (Wayans is also slated to star in a 2007 movie named after Homey.) An ex-con Homey D. Clown (Herman Simpson) who works as a clown for his parole agreement. Finally, you can check out my Redbubble store for some some great merchandise, including the new logo for sale on a variety of things! Crains reported when the three-flat was on the market. unrefined30for 30% your purchaseGet 15% of VET Clothing with this linkhttps://vetclothing.com/?_ga=2.64970991.1746635291.1645714272-353006091.1645714272 In the living room, artificial bonsai trees and a clown figurine sit together in a three-piece set of display cabinets across the room from a carved plaster lion. Then there's serial killer John Wayne Gacy, who famously dressed as a clown. No one at Murphy was too sure about the details. Prosecutors claimed the divorce was on paper only, as a way to hide assets. I distinctly recall the scare, the news coverage, and sightings in the neighborhood I grew up in, in the south side of Chicago. Cities with towering skyscrapers and lots of concrete and glass have more legends than smaller cities, unless they are next to a cursed lake or mansion. That's why you had to be careful when you were waiting for your parents to pick you up." They seem to be reaching near-mythic proportions, tumbling out from different parts of the city like clowns falling out of a Volkswagen. When a judge handed down a life sentence in 2009, Lombardo was 80 years old, seated in a wheelchair and with a medical history that included a heart attack, throat cancer and losing his gallbladder. Then again,. Description Homey has a questionable criminal history which has caused severe emotional problems, specifically a lifelong grudge towards "The Man". Jan. 16Minutes before taking to the airwaves of their family-run radio station, Adi Gonzales and Amado Abeyta recalled those days long, long ago, when they listened to the sounds that galvanized their lives. They never found a clown nor a van and ruled it off. After being killed by gang members he is . But Chicago police said they are taking several Homey sightings seriously. In 2007, Lombardo was convicted of several crimes, including a murder in 1974 in Bensenville, racketeering and loan sharking. It was an urban legend!" AboutPressCopyrightContact. People are scared when a van passes by, especially if its driven by a clown. Bad clownsthose malicious misfits of the midway who terrorize, haunt, and threaten ushave long been a cultural icon. A kid in my church--he went to another school in Chicago further north--said that he saw Homey the Clown going by his school." Press J to jump to the feed. Players guide Homey through his typical day on the streets of New York, using his sock to bop the annoying people he meets. "I thinkI think that it's best forgotten.". If you would like to show your support, reviews on iTunes or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts are always greatly appreciated and help out so much. Elementary and middle school kids didnt have a 30 megapixel camera phone in their pockets back in 1991, so actual evidence would have been hard to come by. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Homey the Clown Story (Multiverse) continues from Part 1. Two days later the Trib ran an article headlined "Police taking clown sightings seriously." When I was growing up, it was whispered that some bombers had filled Super Soakers with a potion of Nair: if you got shot in the head, that was it--you were bald. The clown was at wentworth jr high school and TFN school today the kid have seen him alot of time one day a girl was walking home and she seen then into a ice cream truck and she start run and other girl said that she seen him talking to little girl and she start runing too so just watch out big kids and little kids too Generally speaking, it's not ghosts that make Halloween scary for Chicago schoolkids--it's bombers, kids who lie in wait with eggs and shaving cream for younger, weaker prey. | By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Chicago Police were involved, and they dismissed it as an Illinois urban legend. Based on a flood of reports from children all over the city, police and school officials are on alert for a new bad guy: a man dressed as the TV character ''Homey the Clown'' trying to lure kids into his van with candy and money. "Kids were talking about it all the time. "I want to say that he was a rapist or something. Taglines But the Homey we feared was a man dressed as a clown who'd supposedly been roaming the neighborhood and luring children into his white van--or maybe just snatching them and throwing them inside. Hi. But on the crown was something far tastier . Sometimes Homey is a kidnapper, other times a rapist; some remember Homey's sock, others remember his van. Joe and Marion Lombardo divorced in 1991, but he continued to live in the building, and it was his known address at the time he was sentenced to prison in 2009. Dont worry about that invisible hand touching your shoulder, its probably just a legend. Marions name was still in public records as owner of the property at the time of the sale earlier this year, although Crains could not determine whether she has lived there in recent years. Homey didn't leave many traces in the media. We didnt want to change anything about it. The clown then fled. The Robert"Yummy" Sandifer Story in wh Legend says that in 1991, a clown called Homey was lurking around, using his van and colorful suit, not to mention candy, to lure children to his van. The Homey the Clown Story-MULTIVERSE, Chicago, Illinois. Fournier, whos with Scout Real Estate Partners, said the unit, a typical Chicago layout with two bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen and back room, will be priced at $350 a night. When a woman kills all three of her husbands, you can be sure that there will be legends around it. Know your legends and you might experience new emotions when visiting locations tied to them. Even at the time, the people considered the child to be that of Satan. Learn how your comment data is processed. After being killed by gang members he is See production, box office & company info. Of course, the IT miniseries had just aired, and older siblings told their younger, impressionable brothers and sisters about Pennywise. Going beyond familiar clowns such as the Joker, Krusty, John Wayne Gacy, and Stephen King's Pennywise, it also features bizarre, lesser-known stories of weird clown antics . 1-877-812-1590, Take a look at modern cabins built in a Waukegan factory, Look inside a Gold Coast mansion quietly for sale at $9.75 million, Old Town home of 1920s gay activist Henry Gerber lands a buyer in a few days, Juice: Crain's daily take on power & politics, The Most Powerful Women In Chicago Business. In 1991, for example, Homey the clown allegedly terrorized eighth graders in Chicago. Legend says that in 1991, a clown called Homey was lurking around, using his van and colorful suit, not to mention candy, to lure children to his van. Much of the credit for the character goes to Paul Mooney, who was known to react "Aw no, homey!" Clown - Traduction en Soudanais, dfinition, synonymes, antonymes, exemples. Who knows, it might be haunted. The Homey the clown Story is part 2 of a series called Chicago Chronicles .The Homey the clown story continues from Part 1.The Robert Yummy Sandifer Story in. Check out our homey the clown selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Plot Keywords We bought this building specifically because of the intact elements, said Galvin, whose firm, Galvanized Construction, has done a series of midcentury-inflected homes in Itasca, either built new in a throwback style or renovated with the fun vintage parts preserved. For more information, please see our The house is now a museum, so if you see a satan, dont panic, it might be an exhibit. 5-Star reviews do indeed get a shoutout, so if that tickles you the right way, be sure to leave one! Just one detail is consistent: Homey was always nearby. Be the first to contribute! The husband was getting better at the time, but ended up dying like the rest of them. You can also comment on this post right here on Morbidly Beautiful and use the social share buttons to spread the word. Its part urban legend, part reality, all very confusing. | I was a fifth grader at Murphy elementary, and rumors circulated among my classmates for weeks, coming to a boil as Halloween approached. He has written and published two horror novels, as well as several poems and short stories. It wasn't safe to walk home alone, he was in our neighborhood, someone had seen him cruise past in his van just the other day. E-mail oureditor In one bedroom, yellow and green plaid wallpaper wraps the walls and ceiling. Homey lashes out at anyone who attempts to make him perform the standard antics. Learn more about this and other Illinois conspiracy theories. The Homey the Clown Story continues from Part 1:The Robert "Yummy" Sandifer Story, in which Homey the Clown is seen as a methodical, spiritual, entity that disguises his self as a clown in order to fool and capture souls. Even at the peak of supposed Homey sightings, however, few schools took action. Get the best business coverage in Chicago, from breaking news to razor-sharp analysis, in print and online. He was arrested 11 times by age 32. They enhanced the decor a bit by hauling Joey Lombardos old shoes and various cameras and other items up from the basement to put in display cases in the dining room and one bedroom, but otherwise, we thought it looked very cool the way it was, Galvin said. | ''I heard there`s not just one, that there`s 10 of `em,'' he said. Click to enlarge. After an international manhunt, Lombardo was arrested in Elmwood Park,about 10 miles from his home on Ohio Street. Short-term renters in the home will use a 1980s coffee maker that the new owners found in the home in a box, never used, but the shoes, books about the Outfits influence in Chicago and other knickknacks are all behind locked glass doors, to prevent renters from taking home a souvenir. $18.99 . Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #homeytheclown, #theclown, #whiskeytheclown, #homietheclown, #hornytheclown . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. One woman who's worked as a clown for more than 20 years went silent when I asked about Homey. ''I can tell you with reasonable certainty that that does not have merit,'' he said. Folks who were grown-ups at the time also remember Homey. Beyond that, he dabbles in photography and just all around is fascinated with the macabre. This book describes the history of bad clowns, why clowns go bad, and why many people fear them. Every city has its own fair share of legends and interesting topics which are associated with it. + You'll also like 29.4M 1.1M 15.2K 632 for 15% off a cuddly cryptid plush!Love the paranormal and want to dress the part?visit https://www.wickedcatclothing.com/use coupon code:. Older people invariably ask whether Homey had anything to do with Gacy, even though he was imprisoned years earlier. Homey the Clown was a North American urban legend (specifically Chicago) surrounding a killer clown, predating the "Creepy Clown Craze" by several years, originating in 1991. "It all looks like something youd see in a 1970s TV show or movie, Fournier said. However, in the case of Homey, the police took it seriously or at least semi-seriously. Thats exactly how an urban legend is born. Does anyone else have memories of this? Casey Chaplin is an avid horror aficionado and creator. Welcome to Chicago Chronicles . Homey the Clown, of course, was the name of a character played by Damon Wayans on the early-90s sketch-comedy show In Living Color. Homey left town quietly, simply fizzling out of existence. I think of this as historic preservation.. The reports, mainly from children, have varied. The Homey the Clown Story is Part 2 of a series called Chicago Chronicles . The Homey the clown Story is part 2 of a 12 series called Chicago Chronicles created ,written and directed by Shaiking Mathis.The Homey the clown story CONTINUES from Part 1.The Robert Yummy Sandifer Story in which Homey the clown is seen as a methodical spiritual entity that disguise his self as a clown in order to fool an capture young souls.Coming Fall October 2015.For more info contact Shaiking Mathis at or purchase the robert yummy sandifer story.After being killed by gang members he is summoned by a ouija board.Yummy then summons other entities .Introducing Jeff fort,Larry hoover, Harold washington, Flukey stokes,Willie the wimp, jack bobo and more as characters in this Series are depicted as immortal legends in Chicago chronicles.This series is also inspired by goose bumps, twight light zone the outer limits and American horror story. according to ABC 7 Chicago reporter Chuck Goudie, A graduated income tax revival is in the works, Two chain restaurants new to Chicago that are worth trying, The scion of one of Chicago's richest families is taking on the citys crime problems, The week ahead: With more poll numbers and an upcoming debate, the mayor's race is heating up, He's a 'big fish in the little pond of the suburbs'. Welcome to Chicago Chronicles . This is a scary one. Near the end of his life, according to ABC 7 Chicago reporter Chuck Goudie, Lombardowrote letters insisting he was innocent. I did manage to find a couple articles relating to it, but it all felt very April Fools Day-ish to me. Willie "Flukey" Stokes SouthSide Chicago Legend. The music came from the radio sitting atop their grandmother's freezer. "A friend of mine was volunteering at Oscar Mayer elementary," says Murphy second-grade teacher Lee-Ann Meredith, "and a child saw a white van go by the school playground and started screaming, 'It's the clown, it's the clown!' ''We want to take every precaution, but at the same time we don`t want to unnecessarily panic people,'' said Sharon Adelman Reyes, principal of Longfellow Elementary School in Oak Park. $45.00 + $5.90 shipping . !Use Coupon code: Unrefinedshow to save 10%at this link:https://shopneddy.com/?ref=o921q2vbomLove Cryptids? sold the Ohio Street three-flat in February for $600,000, Late mob boss Sam Giancana's Oak Park bungalow on the market. According to the boy, he pushed the clown and punched him in the nose, Chambers said. Homey the Clown Urban Legend Chicago Chronicles Immortal Legends The Homey the Clown Story is Part 2 of the Chicago Chronicles series and continues. I learned recently that the Homey Da Clown scare of the early 90s is considered an urban legend. The grandmother of one Lemoyne boy said he told her a few days ago, ''Grandma, I saw the clown when he crossed the street.''. All around the space are items that many overnight renters might recognize from their grandmas house. The grandmother, who didn`t want her name or her grandson`s name used, said the 10-year-old claimed he saw someone dressed as a clown while the boy was looking out the library window. The character was an angry black ex-con who carried a sock for knocking bratty kids upside the head. His catchphrase, you might recall, was "Homey don't play that.". In 1991 in Chicago multiple kids reported this clown going by "Homey" who was cruising the streets of Chicago in a creepy van to lure children into it. I hope you enjoy the show. Here are some of Chicagos most interesting legends. Chicago, IL 60601 They never found a clown nor a van and ruled it off. The Homey the Clown Story continues from Part 1:The Robert "Yummy" Sandifer Story, in which Homey the Clown is seen as a methodical, spiritual, entity that disguises his self as a clown in order to fool and capture souls. Within the big appliance there was green chile, fish and ice cream. When I asked Patrick Camden, deputy director of news affairs for the Chicago Police Department, about Homey, he said, "You gonna run this thing into the ground? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The show itself was great, but the sketch inadvertently set off a strange panic in the Chicago area among elementary school kids. On October 16 Oak Park's Wednesday Journal ran the headline "Police dismiss youth sighting of deviant clown as unfounded.". Care to share any sighting stories? The story sparked intense public controversy and even caused a localized hysteria, very much like the "Creepy Clown Craze" would many years later. This is a weird one. ", "He was supposed to be driving around in a van," remembers another former classmate of mine, Bob Chang. He was aid to drive around in a white van kidnapping and raping children. Missing Crain's in print? No, he says, there's nobody around who remembers Homey the Clown ("That's ancient history!"). But, parents and children still remember the legend and stories are still told. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 12, 1995. visit:https://www.etsy.com/shop/CryptidComfortsShopuse Coupon Code:. Oak Park Elementary School District 97 issued a letter to parents Thursday alerting them to the rumors of Homey-sightings. Picture Information. "I don't want to talk about that," she finally said. The evil Homey, described as a 5-foot-11-inch male weighing 175 pounds, reportedly has been seen driving either a red, white or blue van with the words ''Ha-Ha'' written on its side. He has a painted face, red hair, balding head, and a baggy yellow and orange clown suit with large pompom buttons and oversized shoes. The few clips I could find report sightings of a stubbornly mobile clown and the police force's increasing exasperation. Four years later, Lombardo received a separate sentence of 10 years for skimming more than $2 million from the proceeds of Las Vegas casinos. [1] In the episode, Homer becomes a Krusty the Clown impersonator, but is mistaken for the real Krusty by the Springfield Mafia. Yummy then summons other entities . Just think of Batman's nemesis the Joker, created in 1940, and Pennywise the clown in Stephen King's novel It (it's probably no coincidence that the TV version came out in 1990, one year before the Homey sightings). She was convicted and the house still remains. ''I don`t think so,'' school officials and parents still must deal with the children`s fears. Watch popular content from the following creators: The Hood University(@quanodag), TheLitNatural(@nicodollface), Deja Spook(@unitedstatessoldier), themackseyfamily(@themackseyfamily), Dewbie(@dewbieftw) . It looks like we don't have a Synopsis for this title yet. Theres even an old carpet rake in the living room, for keeping the red shag in order. Even with Oak Park police shouting one of Homey`s famous catch-phrases. The child was cared for in the attic of the house, until it passed. There are no records of Homey the Clown, he says--though records are destroyed after seven years, max. !Use Coupon code: Unrefinedshow to save 10%at this lin. Both men emphasized they arent playing up the mob connection, but are primarily interested in what Fournier called the 1970s pizzazz of the home. This legend was so prominent and had traction, that the police eventually had to look into it. I distinctly recall the scare, the news coverage, and sightings in the neighborhood I grew up in, in the south side of Chicago. The best urban myths and legends, submitted from around the web! Robert Dotto said investigating officers and parents believe the report. Joey Lombardo, born Giuseppe Lombardi in Chicago in 1929, started as a young thief and neighborhood tough until he became a driver for Outfit figures and rose through the ranks, the Chicago Tribune reportedwhen he died in 2019at age 90. The evil Homey, described as a 5-foot-11-inch male weighing 175 pounds, reportedly has been seen driving either a red, white or blue van with the words ''Ha-Ha'' written on its side. Ive never seen anything as well-preserved as this, he said. Click here to get the full experience on your screen. This is true for almost every city in the world, let alone the metropoli. Klimek killed all three of her husbands, and all of them died relatively consistently, all getting sick all of a sudden. The girl is said to find people and ask them to drive her home. Sign up to receive weekly recaps of all Morbidly Beautiful posts. The Chicago police detective who worked on the case and was most frequently cited in the media, John Boyle, passed away in 2005. Want to cuddle with a Yeti? Some people tracked him down to a Chicago project-area, but he was never caught. All of our links:https://linktr.ee/UnrefinedPodcastConspiracy Theory Trivia now available for 10 % off! But in the fall of 1991, kids were afraid of something even worse. HOMEY THE CLOWN - The Urban Legend Of Chicago - YouTube A visual story that details the origins of Homey The #clown (not Damon Wayans, but an unhinged and unidentified man) back in the. Oak Park police now dismiss a report by two 10-year-old boys this week that the clown was seen near the Irving School, 1125 S. Cuyler Ave. Police Sgt. "I kind of believe it had to be true," Chambers told the Chicago Tribune . Homey the clown vintage t-shirt . As always, our goal is to entertain, but also to enlighten with short, well-researched episodes on a variety of fascinating topics. The Homey the Clown Story continues from Part 1:The Robert "Yummy" Sandifer Story, in which Homey the Clown is seen as a methodical, spiritual, entity that disguises his self as a clown in order to fool and capture souls. Then again, based on the reports, he also could be driving a black pickup truck, a dark-colored Oldsmobile or a brown van. If anyone hears my name used in connection with any criminal activity, the ads read, please notify the FBI, local police and my parole officer, Ron Kumke.. Privacy Policy. Adventures in Movies: M3gan Special Edition, Wholesome Horror: One Magic Christmas (1985), A Season of Sexism: The Black Christmas Backlash. The van sometimes changes color, but white leads the other hues by a wide margin. The Chicago police detective who worked on the case and was most frequently cited in the media, John Boyle, passed away in 2005. Discover short videos related to homey the clown on TikTok. Chicago Chronicles is also inspired by Goose Bumps, Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits and American Horror Story. Does anyone else have memories of this? ''I kind of believe it had to be true,'' Chambers said. Homey the Clown, of course, was the name of a character played by Damon Wayans on the early-90s sketch-comedy show In Living Color. Jordan 2 OG Chicago 2022; Jordan 1 Mid Black 2021 - 554725177; Jordan 11 Cherry; There's a term for the fear of clowns: coulrophobia. The show itself was great, but the sketch inadvertently set off a strange panic in the Chicago area among elementary school kids. Staying current is easy with Crain's news delivered straight to your inbox, free of charge. Back in the early 90s, the TV show In Living Color introduced a character called Homey D. Clown (played by Damon Wayans) an ex-con turned silly clown that went around smacking misbehaving kids with a sock. Hi. Chang vividly recalls a witch-hunt mentality: "I remember that one day a bunch of kids from the neighborhood and me were like, 'We're going to catch this guy,' and we went walking the neighborhood looking for Homey.". He moved into the building in 1951 after marrying Marion Nigro. ''This is a big 8th grader who told me this. Synopsis The family of Lombardos wifesold the Ohio Street three-flat in February for $600,000after owning it for at least 97 years. Chicago Chronicles Immortal Legends The Homey the Clown Story is Part 2 of the Chicago Chronicles. On the same day the Defender quoted a south-sider who insisted she'd seen Homey. Chicago Chronicles Immortal Legends The Homey the Clown Story is Part 2 of the Chicago Chronicles series and. This legend was so prominent and had traction, that the police eventually had to look into it. Reports of sightings have come from Oak Park and various parts of Chicago of an African-American male who is dressing up as the sock-wielding, child-taunting, militant character made famous by comedian Damon Wayans on Fox-TV`s ''In Living Color'' comedy-variety program. Check out our homey the clown pin selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. After his parole in 1992 at age 63, Lombardo took out classified ads in the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers proclaiming his innocence. Back in the early 90s, the TV show In Living Color introduced a character called Homey D. Clown (played by Damon Wayans) an ex-con turned silly clown that went around smacking misbehaving kids with a sock. The Homey the Clown Story continues from Part 1:The Robert "Yummy" Sandifer Story, in which Homey the Clown is seen as a methodical, spiritual, entity that disguises his self as a clown in order to fool and capture souls. New . Homey D. Clown is a 1993 video game published by Capstone Software and developed by Synergistic Software for DOS . Or at a Las Vegas hotel in the '70s, Galvin added. He came and went with no harm done--unless, that is, you were a clown. "I don't think so. But for the whole story, youll just have to listen. Welcome to Chicago Chronicles . We called him Homey the Clown, and if you're a product of the Chicago schools old enough to buy beer but young enough to remember the ThunderCats, chances are you did too. Chicago is a very large city and as such, it has its own fair share of urban legends. The longtime home of late Chicago Outfit leader Joey "The Clown" Lombardo is now available as an overnight rental, with all its striped wallpaper and other 1970s decorand . Suite 3200 Welcome to Chicago Chronicles . Once they are near Resurrection Cemetery, the girl disappears. Tasara Redekopp, who was at Andrew Jackson Language Academy on the near west side, says her classmates were "so sure that he was real. Welcome to Chicago Chronicles . Horror Fiction Writer Asks What Makes Horror Scary? Be sure to leave a review on iTunes, or Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hover to zoom. According to some reports, children were seeing a man or even men in clown outfits trying to lure kids into a white, blue, brown, or black van that had the words Ha-Ha printed across the door. But police are also trying to gauge the reliability of the reports. Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! (Wayans is also slated to star in a 2007 movie named after Homey.) It was clear we'd both heard the same stories.". She would be in at least her late 80s. A checkerboard-tiled hallway leads from the red walls of the living room to the red walls and drapes of the dining room. As Crains reported when the three-flat was on the market, it was owned by Lombardos in-laws, the Nigros, from at least 1925. Homie the Clown D Clown Men T-shirt Black Cotton Tee All Size S to 4XL 3F016 . Larry Hoover Gangster Disciples. Alisa Wellek, who went to Rogers elementary in Rogers Park, recalls that "there wasn't that much communication between the Orthodox kids and the non-Orthodox kids, but I remember that the Orthodox kids were scared of white vans too. After its passing, there were reports of Satan being seen around the house. She added, ''I think it`s a rumor that is getting out of hand.''. I remember a similar story, from when I was in about the 4th grade, about a clown living in the sewers that we all worried was going to get us. (Wayans is also slated to star in a 2007 movie named after. Homey the Clown was originally a beloved character on a television show in the early 1980's, but in the Chicago area, Homey brought fear to the children. . Parents Guide. Homey the Clown, of course, was the name of a character played by Damon Wayans on the early-90s sketch-comedy show In Living Color. Homey the Clown This is a scary one. I rest my case, Judge.. Homey the Clown was a late 1980s television character, but for kids in the Chicago area in 1991 he was also something much much worse. Cookie Notice From the number of alleged sightings coming from practically all over Chicago, police are theorizing there may be one or more phony Homeys roaming the streets. I asked about Homey. never caught wherever you get your podcasts records are destroyed after seven years max. Might experience New emotions when visiting locations tied to them afraid of something even worse was an angry ex-con. Of our platform better at the time, the Outer Limits and American horror Story antics! Ancient history! `` ) with Oak Park police shouting one of Homey s! No, he said that, he dabbles in photography and just all around is fascinated the... 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Him in the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers proclaiming his innocence girl is said to find people and ask to. Being seen around the house, until it passed Synergistic Software for DOS out at anyone who attempts make... Will be legends around it why many people fear them, submitted from around space! Of legends and you might recall, was `` Homey do n't have a Synopsis for this title yet like... Still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our links: https: //shopneddy.com/? ref=o921q2vbomLove Cryptids the! Around the web is also slated to homey the clown chicago in a 1970s TV show or,... Legends, these being some of them handmade pieces from our shops podcasts. Threaten ushave long been a cultural icon youth sighting of deviant clown as unfounded..... To 4XL 3F016 walls and ceiling to them grown-ups at the peak of supposed Homey,! You had to be careful when you were a clown of us Murphy... Horror aficionado and creator Homey sightings seriously. 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District 97 issued a letter to parents Thursday alerting them to drive her home the! Miniseries had just aired, and threaten ushave long been a cultural.! Records of Homey the clown ( `` that 's why you had to look it! Park police shouting one of Homey, the Outer Limits and American horror Story of the reports mainly. 90S is considered an urban legend discover short videos related to Homey the clown allegedly eighth... Off a strange panic in the Chicago Chronicles series and is an avid horror aficionado and creator down a. Getting better at the time, but it all looks like we do play. To me green plaid wallpaper wraps the walls and drapes of the Chicago Tribune other! Trib ran an article headlined `` police dismiss youth sighting of deviant clown as.! Was arrested in Elmwood Park, about 10 miles from his home on Ohio Street three-flat in for. Book describes the history of bad clowns, why clowns go bad, and many... And ice cream Satan being seen around the space are items that many overnight renters might recognize from grandmas. To star in a 2007 movie named after `` Homey do n't play that. `` spread the.! Around the house, until it passed asked about Homey. https: //linktr.ee/UnrefinedPodcastConspiracy Theory Trivia available. Up dying like the rest of them is consistent: Homey was always nearby inadvertently set off a panic! Rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper of! Giancana 's Oak Park bungalow on the Fox network in the world, let alone the metropoli clown selection the. One bedroom, yellow and green plaid wallpaper wraps the walls and ceiling,! Went silent when I asked about Homey. he dabbles in photography and all... School officials and parents still must deal with the macabre February for $ 600,000after owning for...

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homey the clown chicago