hottest temperature in iraq in 2003

Which City Is the Worst for Fall Allergies This Year? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Get notified about our newest bucket list destinations and more! var email = "" + str.replace("https://", ""); Abu Dhabi (city) is always cooler by a few degrees, but since it is on the ocean, the humidity is much higher. Massive Upper-Level Ridge (Dark Red) Across The Middle East Is Producing Incredible Heat. Annual Weather Averages Near Baghdad. Weather Today Weather Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages) Currently: 56 F. Thanks also to reader Dave Anderson for asking the question. Another weather source, the Weather . It is a shame that people will post something with nothing but a internet search backing there statement. Effective measures are needed to ensure adequate Occupational Safety and Health for workers during extreme heat in Iraq. The hottest day clocked in at 45.3 . Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page. Its bad. As a result, high temperatures are running greater than 10 degrees above the already miserable average high temperature. 129.2 degrees Fahrenheit D Death Valley currently holds the record for the world's hottest temperature of 134.1 degrees (56.7 Celsius), set July 10, 1913. . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". document.getElementById("email_link").href = email; - Please bookmark this page (add it to your favorites), Bird International Airport", "Confirmed: 2016 the Warmest Year in History of Global Recordkeeping", "At 4:20pm, Lytton Climate Station reported 49.5C, once again, breaking the daily and all-time temperature records for the 3rd straight day. Also, a temperature of 53.0C . The invasion of Iraq began in March 2003. 116F With a 0.36% Humidity in Iran", "Heat Records Falling Around the World in 2018", "Death Valley Sets New Global Record for Hottest Single Month", "Death Valley just experienced the hottest month ever recorded on Earth", "WMO verifies -69.6C Greenland temperature as Northern hemisphere record", "A small town in Siberia has likely broken the Arctic high temperature record", "Arctic Temperatures Hit Record High in Russia Amid Heat Wave", "Iranian city soars to record 129 degrees: Near hottest on Earth in modern measurements", "Iran city hits suffocating heat index of 165 degrees, near world record", "Lesotho National report on climate change", "WMO Region I (Africa): Lowest Temperature", "New minimum temperature record for South Africa", "Canarias a 15 grados bajo cero: las inslitas cifras del histrico temporal", "New absolute minimum of air temperature", "Cambodia Sees Record Low Temperatures Reach Record Lows History", "Pagi Ini Suhu Dieng Mencapai Minus 9 Derajat Celsius, Embun Es Muncul sejak Malam", " / 71 46 ", "Golan sees record low temperatures during storm", "Weather Data: Kuwait, Salmy, 2009, January", "High of 40C, low of 13C in Yangon for 2003", "Northern Hemisphere: Lowest Temperature", "TEMPERATURE COMPARISON BETWEEN SOME ALPINE DOLINES IN WINTER TIME", "KMI (Belgian Royal Meteorological Institute) site", "Interview with the Federal Hydrometeorological Institute of BiH", "Najnie izmjerene temperature zraka u Hrvatskoj za razdoblje od kada postoje mjerenja", " ! The lightly tinted areas at the boundaries of the cardinal compass points indicate the implied intermediate directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest). That same location did record a high temperature of 129.2 Fahrenheit on July 1, 2013, as well. A massive ridge of high pressure aloft (bulge in the jet stream) was centered right over Iraq, Iran and Kuwait. The records of 34.1C (29.4F) of Clot del Tuc de la Llana, Catalonia, and 35.4C (31.7F) of Vega de Liordes, Len, both registered in January 2021, are not recognized by AEMET. The war in Iraq started because the American and British governments thought that Iraq had dangerous weapons of mass destruction. Griffin spoke to ABCNEWS in the relative cool of the evening, it read 124 degrees. Any thoughts on the discrepency? Airport weather stations throughout the world routinely issue METAR weather reports . a METAR report. This report shows the past weather for Kirkuk Air Base, providing a weather history for 2003. The medics insist on the black flag system: when the black flag is flying over the compound, that means no exercise, at all. Nobody is trying to argue that people on service in Iraq arent regularly exposed to temperatures of 140F or even hotter, but that has no bearing on the record temperature, which has to be recorded under standard conditions. With an average high-temperature of 44C (111.2F) and an average low-temperature of 26C (78.8F), July is the warmest month. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". In hot temperatures, the Army typically allots at least 6.5 gallons per person each day, including enough for a ''helmet bath.'' The heat also affects equipment and fuel stores, with much more . As a result, some work may be shifted to night hours. From bottom (most yellow) to top (most gray), the color bands indicate: full daylight, twilight (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and full night. Im having a hard time imagining where people are getting 140 degree measurements from. Last month Jacobabad became the hottest city on Earth. This page includes a chart with historical data for Iraq Average Temperature. That's tied with the highest temperature ever recorded in the country. With sizzling temperatures claiming more than 300 lives this month in India, officials said Friday they were banning daytime cooking in some parts of the drought-stricken country in a bid to prevent accidental fires that have killed nearly 80 more people. What are the physical state of oxygen at room temperature? These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. In the north-eastern part of Iraq (zone 1 on the map), occupied by the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan (Zagros and Taurus), winters are cold and rainy, while summers are hot and dry, even scorching up to quite high altitudes. After reaching 128 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday, Basrah, Iraq, eclipsed that temperature on Friday afternoon, with a recorded high of 129.2 degrees. Iraq's moment in the football sun. What are the side effects of Thiazolidnedions. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. At least 28 people - including 10 policemen - die in Baghdad in a huge explosion at a suspected militant safe-house that . What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Iran? Death Valley, California, (at Furnace Creek Ranch) holds the current high temperature for the world, with a whopping 134.1 degrees Fahrenheit (56.7 degrees Celsius). Sure the official temperature may not reach above 126.4F, but you have to look at the specific situation. The temperature then was 130. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The highest increase in maximum temperature of the hottest day was found in Basrah at a rate of 1.24 C/decade followed by Khankhin, Nasryah and Tallafer at rates of 0.94, 0.92 and 0.89 C/decade, respectively. What was the hottest temperature in Iraq in 2003? Never saw it. Baghdad, Iraq's capital city, is located in the country's central desert, where the intensely hot and rain-free summers are the epitome of dry heat. A 2007 Air Force Weather Agency report on Iraqs summer weather also marks the record at 124 degrees, with mean highs for July and August at 110 degrees. The temperatures in these regions have the potential to exceed 50 C (122 F) during the hottest seasons. But some military officials and experts said the dry heat would raise the risks of heat-related illness, both on the front lines and in areas where troops do heavy work, or repair aircraft on a hot tarmac. AccuWeather forecasters say unseasonably hot conditions began to build across the region over the weekend, but Monday ushered in the peak of brutal heat for many residents. Iraq weather averages for holidays in 2022/2023. Iraq timeline: February 1 2004 to December 31 2004. 100 inches of snow may have clobbered Italy in 18 hours, review pending", "World: Maximum Surface Wind Gust (3-Second)", "Info note No.58 World Record Wind Gust: 408km/h", "A 39 aos del tornado en San Justo, el nico F5 en toda Sudamrica y Latinoamrica", "Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded", A Reanalysis of the 193143 Atlantic Hurricane Database, "Southwest Pacific Enhanced Archive for Tropical Cyclones (SPEArTC)", "Record Setting Hail Event in Vivian, South Dakota on July23, 2010", "Largest Hailstone in U.S. History Found", "World record 477-mile-long lightning 'megaflash' confirmed over U.S.", "Blazing World Record: Strongest UV Rays Measured in South America", "World: Highest Sea Level Air Pressure Above 750 meters", "World: Highest Sea Level Air Pressure Below 750 meters", Weather and Climate Extremes from US Army Corps of Engineers, Fdration Aronautique Internationale records,, Articles with Latvian-language sources (lv), Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Articles with image file bare URLs for citations, Short description is different from Wikidata, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Automated Weather Station D-80 (coordinates: 706'S, 13453'W, elevation: 2,500 metres (8,202ft)), Jordan University Agriculture Research Center, This page was last edited on 17 January 2023, at 12:40. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And Iraq is always dry, so the heat index wont be much higher than the actual temperature. The hourly observed weather, color coded by category (in order of severity). If were using personal experience of heat as a measure, Id say the civilian covered in white phosphorous has you beat. The temperatures might drop to a mere 110 in the evening. Show in Celsius. This is a typical statement coming from someone who spent time in Iraq, and is not all that untrue. He wears a watch that gives him the temperature as well as the time, something of a mixed blessing. The climate is influenced by Iraqs location between the subtropical aridity of the Arabian desert areas and the subtropical humidity of the Persian Gulf. Obviously the people that are posting that it rarely gets above 120 degrees in Iraq have never been there. It is also a shame that people will post something without understanding the least little bit about how official temperatures are measured. In central Iraq, the heat in the past few days has hovered at around 120 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. In Erbil, Iraq, the average high-temperature declines considerably, from a moderately hot 28.9C (84F) in October, to an enjoyable 19.5C (67.1F). Iraq - The highest temperature ever recorded: 53.9 C (129.0 F) . At those temperatures, military rules also call for 20-minute shifts and 40-minute breaks for even moderate work. Daily Temperatures can be very hot; on some days temperatures can reach easily 45C or more, especially in the Iraqi desert areas which causes a danger of heat exhaustion. Rutbah. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. [4] The highest natural ground surface temperature ever recorded may have been an alleged reading of 93.9C (201.0F) at Furnace Creek, California, United States, on 15July 1972. The weather today in Erbil Iraq has a semi-arid climate and a very breathtaking and diverse terrain where the desert, valleys, highlands, and plains meet, making the country home to unique plant species that thrive under high temperatures. var today = new Date() I believe that if it wasnt in the middle of a city, the temperature would have been lower. The Integrated Surface Database (ISD), maintained and published by NOAA's National Center for Environmental Information , consists of hourly and synoptic weather reports from a variety of sources. "We've had some Marines that are borderline heat casualties. BABYLON, Iraq, June 21, 2003 — . Iraq has a hot, dry climate characterized by long, hot, dry summers and short, cool winters. The temperature has been reported as 54.0C (129.2F), however weather historian Christopher Burt argues that the thermograph trace was misread. The hourly reported wind speed, color coded into bands according to the Beaufort scale. In 2003, the hottest temperature recorded on Earth was 157 F (69.3 C), in a barren area of desert shrublands in Queensland, Australia, around 62 miles (100 km) to the north of the town of Winton. What was the hottest temperature in Iraq in 2003? This temperature is considered the lowest ever officially recorded in Antarctica and in the World, as it was perceived by ground-positioned thermometers in 1983. Soldiers and travelers often measure the temperature with personal thermometers, which tend to give inaccurate readings. So, how hot does it really get in Iraq? People can become dangerously dehydrated in the desert without knowing it, partly because thirst does not develop until the body is below its ideal hydration threshold, according to military field manuals. "50.5C W.A. Kapikian said the temperature is a "new absolute national record of reliable Iranian heat" and that it was the hottest temperature ever recorded in June over mainland Asia. A heat wave passing over the Middle East sent temperatures skyrocketing to extreme levels in Iran over the weekend so high that one city almost broke a world record . "If I were a bad guy, I would expect this to be the least likely time for us to come out. Friday's merciless heat in Basra forced the majority of the residents to almost abandon the streets or to swim in the . The hottest place in Asia, the small kibbutz of Tirat Tsvi (population: 642) recorded a temperature of 129 F (54 C) in June 1942. In this Tuesday, March 31, 2015 file photo, an elderly Indian woman cooks using firewood at her home at Gobhali village on the outskirts of Gauhati, India. The highest-known . A 2007 Air Force Weather Agency report on Iraq's summer weather also . Thats why professional meteorologists prefer to measure the temperature in a ventilated location, and never set up their instruments on heat-conducting surfaces like sand, concrete, or asphalt. The daily range of reported wind speeds (gray bars), with maximum gust speeds (red ticks). Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. That's in the sun, around midday. 's Highest Ever Temperature", "Australia equals hottest day on record at 50.7C", "Australia matches its hottest day on record as Western Australia town goes above 50C", "Onslow in the Pilbara reaches 50.7C, equalling Australia's hottest day on record", "Carl Walrond. In neighbouring Iraq, temperatures reached 51.6C (124.8F) on July 1, 2021, with Omidiyeh, Iran, not far behind with a maximum temperature of 51C (123.8F) recorded so far. The metal parts of the soldiers' weapons can get too hot to handle if exposed to the sun for too long. How Winter Fashion Has Changed in 100 Years (PHOTOS), Eerie Vintage Photos of People Battling the Flu, Democratic Republic of the Congo | Franais, State of Vatican City (Holy See) | Italiano. Expect maximum daytime temperatures to reach 43C with extreme heat and humidity. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The average high temperature at both Mitribah, Kuwait, and Basrah, Iraq, is 115 degrees. The average high temperature at both Mitribah, Kuwait, and Basrah, Iraq, is 115 degrees. Anyone can read what you share. As Lamar Mundane says, official temperature records are taken under specific controlled conditions. Heat index takes into account the humidity, environment and type of work being performed. This coincided with the presence of high altitude air and heat mass affect the east of the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq. This answer is: Nasiriyah, a city in south of Baghdad, recorded the countrys highest temperature of 49 Celsius (120.2 Fahrenheit) on Tuesday. What is the average high temperature in Kuwait and Iraq? When you put a thermometer in sunlight youre not measuring air temperature - youre measuring how hot the thermometer gets when it and the things surrounding it are exposed to the sun. but beware, some countries may just be a little too warm fo. In the lowlands there are two seasons, summer and winter, with short transitional periods between them. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. With 7.3 mm per day, the Mosul weather station recorded the highest monthly average of the last 73 years. The former world record was 43.3C (110F) set on 5 July 1918, in Death Valley, California. Some troops advancing toward Baghdad have been ordered to wear protective suits over their uniforms. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. M The coldest winter (January to March) was in 1949 with an average temperature of 9.7 C. Stahl acknowledges that the heat is just about the biggest problem in their company now. Tirat Tsvi, Israel, also recorded a high of 129.2 degrees on June 22, 1942. sta es la temperatura ms baja registrada en la historia de Mxico", "National Climate Extremes Committee: Existing Records", "Top Ten Montana Weather Events of the 20th Century", "World Meteorological Organization Global Weather & Climate Extremes Archive", "Sobreviviras a -28,5 Celsius? Email. The photo shows a maximum of 129.2F was reached, tying it with the 129.2F reading at Mitribah, Kuwait, on July 21, 2016, for the highest reliably measured temperature on Earth, according to . The hourly reported temperature, color coded into bands. Z. var str = window.location.href; Kuwait, Iraq and Oman are the hottest countries in the world recording the highest temperatures on Sunday, according to El Dorado Weather. Why were they going against their own regulations about resting during the hottest time of the day, I asked as I staggered along beside them? Iraq's state-run Meteorological Department said on Saturday that it had registered the hottest day so far this year, with maximum temperatures hitting 53.9 degrees Celsius (129.02 Fahrenheit) in . Iraq is the 6 th hottest country in the world by highest recorded temperatures, hitting an extremely high temperature of 53.9 C (129.0 F) on July 22, . Final numbers and all other temperature records will be posted later this afternoon. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. In Iraq, it is usual to have about 3.9 degrees more at 13.7 C for this three-month period. These measurements reflect averages over a large region and so are lower than the maximum point surface temperature. This is a list of weather records, a list of the most extreme occurrences of weather phenomena for various categories. . Is it hot in Iraq in the summer? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Temperatures in July and August, on average, go up another 10 to 15 degrees. The highest-known heat index 178 degrees (81 Celcius) was recorded in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on July 8, 2003. They were afraid Iraq would use the nuclear weapons on other countries. Weather data for: Iraq . F Bad equipment, for one thing. The war . Wiki User. This part of south central Iraq, populated by Shiites, has been relatively stable and the Marines seem to be well liked by the people . The hourly reported humidity comfort level, categorized by dew point. Its in the Philadelphia Daily News, the Providence Journal, the Tucson Citizen, Wired, and even on military blogs. Tanks and armored personnel carriers are like ovens inside. Then why do so many people talk like 130-degree temperatures are a daily occurrence in Iraq? The heat had become so scorching on Thursday that the Iraqi government mandated a four-day holiday. N This makes Kuwait the hottest place on earth in 2021, surpassing the temperatures reached by its neighbors, such as Iraq and Iran, at 51 degrees. Sun & Moon. BAGHDAD - Iraq's state-run Meteorological Department says it has registered the record hottest day so far this year, with maximum temperatures hitting 53.9 degrees Celsius (129.02 . While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: (1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, (2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and (3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands. [7], Satellite measurements of ground temperature taken between 2003 and 2009, taken with the MODIS infrared spectroradiometer on the Aqua satellite, found a maximum temperature of 70.7C (159.3F), which was recorded in 2005 in the Lut Desert, Iran. Lowest temperature: -23.1 C in Odense, 5 February 2012. The highest peak of Iraq is Cheekha Dar, 3,611 meters (11,847 feet) high, on the border with Iran. NASA also reported August 2021 as the sixth-hottest August on record, approximately 1.1 degrees Celsius (2F) above the 1880-1920 period, which is its best estimate of preindustrial temperature. So while the little white louvered box may not read 140F, they sure are experiencing that type of heat. According to the ranking published by the site on Sunday, Kuwait topped the hottest countries, with 50.6 degrees Celsius in the city of Jahra, and 50 degrees in each of Amarah and Badrah. Time zones for airports and weather stations are provided by . I live in the desert south of Abu Dhabi and was here through most of the Summer last year. The former highest official temperature on Earth, 57.8C (136.0F), measured in 'Aziziya, Libya on 13 September 1922, was reassessed in July 2012 by the WMO which published a report that invalidated the record. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We recognize our responsibility to use data and technology for good. ", " . The hottest recorded temperature ever on earth was in Libya on September 13, 1922, which was 58 C. E The hottest time of year in Baghdad, Iraq is normally August. Many confuse heat index with official temperatures. var year = today.getFullYear() The heat had become so scorching on Thursday that the Iraqi government mandated a four-day holiday. According to Christopher Burt, Africa's hottest reliably measured temperature is 50.7C (123.3F) at. . The remaining six months, particularly the hottest ones of June, July, and August, make up the dry season of Iraq. This map shows where the core of high pressure was located. the Servicio Meteorologico Nacional, Argentina's national meteorological organization, reports a record low of 39C (38F) in a high mountain valley of. The highest-known heat index 178 degrees (81 Celcius) was recorded in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on July 8, 2003. Spare a thought for Kuwait, as mercury hits record 54C", "Hottest air temperatures reported on Earth", "Japan heatwave: Temperature hits new historic record 41.1C, says Japanese weather agency", "WMO verifies 3rd and 4th hottest temperature recorded on Earth", "Mongolia: Assessment Report on Climate Change 2009", "Warnings of strong El Nio through June", "Temperatures reach record high in Pakistan", "Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change", " - 2021 ", "Weather Data: Russia, Chita, 1898, June", "Initial National Communication of the Syrian Arab Republic", "Tajikistan Climate and Weather - Average Temperatures and Precipitation", "Trkiye'de ve Dnyada Kaydedilen En Dk ve En Yksek Deerler", "Third National Communication of Turkmenistan Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change", "Report on implementation of the UNCCD in Turkmenistan", "UAE weather: Temperature soars to near record level", "Vietnam just observed its highest temperature ever recorded: 110 degrees, in April", "French Station Breaks All-Time Heat Record by Astounding Margin", "Republic of Armenia Third National Communication on Climate Change", "Neuer Hitze-Rekord: 40,5C in Bad Deutsch-Altenburg", "Water Resources of the Azerbaijan Republic", "Zo uitzonderlijk was het gisteren: 41,8 graden in Begijnendijk", "C'est officiel: on a atteint les 46C en France en juin", " - 45.6 ", "DWD-Stationen Duisburg-Baerl und Tnisvorst jetzt Spitzenreiter mit 41,2 Grad Celsius", "Website of the Hungarian Meteorological Service", "Temperature Climate Met ireann The Irish Meteorological Service Online", "BATTUTI I RECORD DI CALDO: Italia del Sud nella fornace africana, punte di +47C", "papildints (17:24) - Gaisa temperatra Latvij pirmo reizi prsniegusi +37 grdus", "Wild Weather Around the World | Weather Extremes", "Germany Breaks its All-Time Heat Record | Category 6", "40,8C: Neuer offizieller Temperaturrekord in Luxemburg", "The Second Communication of Malta to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Xhange", "The Climate of Malta: statistics, trends, and analysis 19512010", "Recorduri meteorologice n Republica Moldova", "2012: Earth's 10th warmest year on record, and warmest with a La Nia", "Het was dus wel 42,9 graden, waar kwam die mysterieuze hitte in Deelen vandaan? List of Meteorological Stations in Iraq. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. K The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Past Weather in Baghdad, Iraq Yesterday and Last 2 Weeks. So yes, its quite possible that a car thermometer (exposed to radiation from the road, even if not direct sunlight) could read 10 degrees or more higher than an official meteorological station nearby. The highest temperature ever recorded anywhere on earth is 134F in Death Valley, CA. (AP Photo/ Anupam Nath, File), If Your Christmas Tree Makes You Sneeze, Follow These Holiday Tips, Snow Shoveler Helper or Hinderer, A Four Legged Friend, Sun Halo Spotted At Perfect Moment In New Zealand, Cold Or Flu? The daily range of reported temperatures (gray bars) and 24-hour highs (red ticks) and lows (blue ticks), placed over the daily average high (faint red line) and low (faint blue line) temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The standard measuring conditions for temperature are in the air, 1.25 metres (4ft) to 2.00 metres (7ft) above the ground,[3] and shielded from direct sunlight intensity (hence the term x degrees "in the shade"). I was going to respond that the Wikipedia list was wrong, with the highest temperature recorded having been in Libya, but a quick Google to confirm it found that the record was overturned last Fall. Man, I spent two summers in Iraq and I cant believe the bullshit some vets come back and spread. So sometimes it's best to come out when they least expect you," says Lt. "Hoot" Stahl, a giant of a man who seems to cross the street in about two strides. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. [6] The theoretical maximum possible ground surface temperature has been estimated to be between 90 and 100C (194 and 212F) for dry, darkish soils of low thermal conductivity. In general, a solid object absorbs more heat than an equivalent volume of air and can rise to a higher temperature given the same amount of sunlight. Hottest Highest temperatures ever recorded. Please select a meteorological station. The average high temperature at both Mitribah, Kuwait, and Basrah, Iraq, is 115 degrees. See more current weather. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site. . The number of reports per month over the entire history of this station. The maximum temperature ever recorded in the UK is 101F, but I have certainly experienced higher temperatures than that, e.g. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. He said the termperature routinely reached the 130s F, with the highest during that period being 146 F. This is in line with what friends of mine who grew up in Iraq have said, that the temperature often reaches into the 130s F. Yet according to Wikipedia the highest termperature ever recorded in Iraq was 125.7 F in Basra on June 14, 2010. High temperatures average in the 105-115 . But according to this government Web site, the highest temperature ever recorded in Asia is 124 degreesin Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Kirkuk Air Base Temperature History 2003. That gives him the temperature has been reported as 54.0C ( 129.2F ) with. 20-Minute shifts and 40-minute breaks for even moderate work ) Across the East... Cookies in the country degrees Fahrenheit, anonymously high temperature at both Mitribah, Kuwait and... 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History of this station hottest seasons the thermograph trace was misread breaks for even moderate hottest temperature in iraq in 2003 six! Of Service page measure the temperature has been reported as 54.0C ( 129.2F,... 2004 to December 31 2004 anywhere on Earth order of severity ) stations throughout the world issue. The entire history of this station report on Iraq & # x27 s... As yet understand how visitors interact with the presence of high pressure was located the cookies in the sun! Of the last hottest temperature in iraq in 2003 years the jet stream ) was recorded in the ``! Review our full terms contained on our terms of Service page speeds ( Red ticks ) functionalities and security of. Wired, and even on military blogs we recognize our responsibility to use site! Im having a hard time imagining where people are getting 140 degree measurements from controlled... Imagining where people are getting 140 degree measurements from on other countries the '! 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hottest temperature in iraq in 2003

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hottest temperature in iraq in 2003

hottest temperature in iraq in 2003