Lot Of 8 #26-46 CAPTAIN AMERICA RED SKULL NAMOR FALCON/WINTER SOLDIER Disney+ NM . The Disney+ series will showcase a new side of the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Carter was aware of Nagel, revealing that he worked for the Power Broker. Figuring out that they were wanting to get the GRC outside, Carter and Barnes worked to keep everyone inside, with Carter following a Flag Smasher underground, where GRC members were being led. Carter was working in the central control room for Project Insight when Captain America took over the PA system and revealed that HYDRA had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., with Alexander Pierce and the STRIKE operatives part of the terrorist organization. Stop Karli Morgenthau for her betrayal and stealing the Super Soldier serums.Obtain a pardon and gain access to government property (all succeeded), Organized crimeIndirect mass murderPsychological threatsDrug dealingCorruptionEspionage (possibly)Mutilation Unethical experimentationAiding and abettingMurder TheftTreasonVigilantismAssaultSmuggling. Ruling Madripoor.Serving the CIAServing S.H.I.E.L.D. The Punisher, The Pride Carter made her way to the GRC New York Headquarters, wearing a Photostatic Veil to disguise herself as a man, until she found Bucky Barnes and approached him. Sharon ultimately escapes with the help of Henry Pym, and uses the Red Skull's own ship to blow him up. The Destroyer | Thanos Victor Ramon | Iron Monger | In the alternate future of the Earth X miniseries, Sharon Carter has fallen victim to Hydra, a squid-based alien life form that absorbs minds and people to expand.[22]. Linda | Wilfred Malick | (formerly)Hanging out with her crush Captain America (formerly). Iwua | After her call ended, the two neighbors began to chat, with Rogers offering to let Carter use his washing machine as opposed to the one in the basement. Abel | Rogers thanked Carter once again before kissing her passionately, deciding to finally make a move, as they both agreed that it took so long to get there. This would cause Carter to grow an interest in the agency, and follow Peggy's advice to join despite her mother's protests to the contrary. Verussa Bloodstone | Korath the Pursuer | Earth-96283 Rumlow then pulled his gun on Klein, causing Carter to immediately react, pulling her own gun out on Rumlow. This version is a civilian and the daughter of Bernie Stewart-Cooperman. Retch | Rumlow warned that Carter was on the wrong side, but she affirmed herself to S.H.I.E.L.D. A third season of Agent Carter could have cleared up Sharon's and Peggy's connection in Falcon and Winter Soldier. The Other | Sharon left S.H.I.E.L.D. After being brainwashed by Doctor Faustus into shooting Captain America, she spent some time training herself to resist similar brainwashing attempts in future, to the extent that she tricked Faustus into thinking he had brainwashed her again and attacked him while his guard was down. Because of this, she sided with him despite Rogers protecting the Winter Soldier which the CIA she was by then working for was after and accepted the trouble she would be in for it. Um einer Gefngnisstrafe zu entgegen . During one of the National Force's battles with street criminals in Harlem, the National Guard is sent in. Valentina Allegra de Fontaine | So, in Episode 6 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, we see the redemption of John Walker (sorta), the end of the Flag-Smashers (sorta), and the debut of a new . At the same time, she is an unknowing pawn of the Red Skull and his associate Doctor Faustus. Boastful Loki | Diego, Time Variance Authority Later, Sharon says that she, not Sin, stabbed her womb and caused the miscarriage, to keep the Red Skull from getting his hands on anything of hers. [31] Additionally, VanCamp voices an alternate timeline version in the Disney+ animated series What If? Tough Guy Leader | Will Simpson | Leapfrog | Fantastic determines that Sharon has chronal tracers in her blood meant to pull Steve to her. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. Ponytail Express | Razor Fist | In the aftermath of the HYDRA Uprising, Carter left the disbanded S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Sharon Carter, she was illegally aiding Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) in 2016's "Captain America . Sam Wilson kept his promise, and was able to get Carter her pardon, allowing her to no longer be wanted, and able to return to the United States of America. William Ginter Riva | In the comics, Sharon was initially written to be Peggy's younger sister, but was later retconned to be her niece. She eventually rose to become its secretive ruler, the Power Broker. ""Maybe I'll take some time off. Baal-Gad | Harold Meachum | Sam Wilson told the two of the bombing that occurred at the Vienna International Centre, so they went up to Carter's room to watch the news report. Leap Squad | Carter revealed herself to Barnes, assuring him that no one would be looking for her, and they joined communications with Wilson, who thanked Carter for risking her safety to help them. Doctor Octopus (his tentacles) | Lewis Wilson | List | Seriously, major spoilers ahead. However, she decided to take up his offer, telling the three to wait while she spoke with her contacts for leads. In the comics, Steve does ditch Peggy for Sharon. Calvin L. Johnson | [3], We could use a trustworthy set of eyes on the camp. Darkhold Castle Guards | Barnes asked what she was doing in Madripoor, so she frustratingly reminded them that she was off the grid for helping them by stealing Steve Rogers' shield and Wilson's wings to save Barnes from Zemo's plans. Vasily Karpov | Aaron Davis | Aldrich Killian | Wrecking Crew Sovereign Chambermaid, Celestials For alternate versions of Sharon Carter, see. Yes, she is. Kang the Conqueror | Making her way outside, Carter regrouped with Bucky Barnes, refusing his recommendation for her to go to a hospital for her gunshot wound. [2], Carter was apparently killed in Captain America #233. Tyler Hayward | is conducting a manhunt for Captain America, we deserve to know why. Oblo | To ensure she would not be in her famed ancestor's shadow, Carter refused to disclose her surname while at S.H.I.E.L.D..[5], I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward, so""Ah. The Winter Soldier seemed to give his blessing for this, despite having been friends with Rogers for much longer. Yellowjacket | Franklin Hall | She was given the apartment opposite to his, acting as a nurse and going by the name "Kate". She held a high opinion of and belief in Steve Rogers, due to stories of him passed down from her aunt and from how often the two would see each other due to her being assigned to watch over him; during this assignment, the two developed a romantic interest in one another, eventually sharing a kiss, the two of them joking that it was "late". Sharon made her first appearance in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as a friendly and flirty neighbor who seemed innocent enough - until she came bursting into Steve Rogers' apartment armed with a gun. Lucio | Proxima Midnight | Saleem, Intelligencia Diamondback | In the comics, Sharon was initially Peggys younger sister, but because Sharon is always in the present day and Peggy is always an adult during WW2, Sharon is now officially Peggys grand-niece. Echo | Carter then left to go continue with her laundry, telling Rogers that he had left his stereo on in his apartment. Peter Scarborough | Hutter | When her aunt Peggy Carter passed away, Carter attended the funeral in London and came to the podium to give a eulogy for her aunt. Powers / Skills Sharon Carter is coming back home to the Marvel Cinematic Universe this week in the series premiere of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and with her is the legacy of her famous family matriarch and founder of . Sharon was born in Richmond, Virginia, the daughter of two wealthy Virginians, Harrison and Amanda Carter. Yellowjacket Carter forced herself inside of his apartment, breaking down the door, pulled out her gun and called out to Rogers. [5], You know he kinda tried to kill me.Sharon Carter to Steve Rogers. Later meeting with Steve Rogers, she asked him about signing the Sokovia Accords, which he opposed. Sharon Carter is one of the biggest characters in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier , aside from show's titular duo. Carter stated that they had a few problems, and was driven away, as she talked about them. Ten Rings Agent | Help Captain America stop HYDRA and escape from the Sokovia Accords. Carter would later free Georges Batroc from prison, hiring him to spy on the Flag Smashers. He declared Rogers a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D. Jiaying | for the past seven decades, and urges the agency to stop the launch of Project Insight. Lennox | Nico | [1], With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D. After HYDRA was revealed to have been operating within S.H.I.E.L.D., Carter chose to stay loyal to her organization, and fought during the Battle at the Triskelion to protect millions of lives. 's Executive Director, believed her to have been killed in action; Captain America was not informed of the true circumstances of her "death". Someone recreated the Super Soldier Serum, and Zemo had a lead. Although she accepts the pardon and her old job from the government, Carter only does so that she will able to access top secret weapons and technology to sell to her clients. Josef | However, Carter politely declined Rogers' offer, excusing that her laundry was already in progress and her hospital scrubs had been present in the infectious disease ward. Zombies?! After Wilson, who announced himself as the new Captain America to the public, gave a speech to the GRC about making a change, he and Barnes meet up with Carter. By the time of the 2024-set Falcon and Winter Soldier, more than a decade has passed since Hammer's imprisonment and if he's the mystery caller in cahoots with Carter, Hammer and Sharon could . Wilson informed Carter that they found a Flag Smashers camp, and that Helmut Zemo was withholding information from them about where the group would be. Raoul Bushman | Jigsaw | After S.H.I.E.L.D. Outriders | In the MCU, Sharon Carter has only appeared in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War, although neither appearance truly explored what she is capable of. Detective Flores | Leland Owlsley | Lorelei | Help Captain America stop HYDRA and escape from the Sokovia Accords.Stop Karli Morgenthau for her betrayal and stealing the Super Soldier serums.Obtain a pardon and gain access to government property (all succeeded) Let me see what I can do.Sam Wilson and Sharon Carter. Ulysses Bloodstone's Monster Hunting Group. After the death of her parents at the hands of the Red Skull's daughter Valentina de Santis, Stewart accompanies Captain America to Italy to defeat the villains. Haters of Sharon Carter will be impressed with the new take on her character in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Leaders Knox | Bullseye | Sandman | Zombies Related:WandaVision Proves Marvel Still Hasnt Figured Out Endings. Lizard | The third episode of the Disney Plus series The Falcon and . Sunil Bakshi | [15], Sharon appeared to sacrifice herself to stop Arnim Zola's massive flying fortress from invading Earth[16] but she is alive in Zola's captivity and she is found by Falcon and Jet Black. Sharon Carter works specifically with the Joint Counter Terrorist Center when Zemo is arrested in Civil War, so while she doesnt have much to do with his capture, she is his keeper. Origin The two started to flirt, with Rogers jokingly telling her he would keep his distance then, but Carter suggestively responded that she hoped he would not stay too far away. She introduced herself to him as a nurse, but when Fury was attacked and supposedly killed by HYDRA, she revealed her true identity to Rogers. Rumlow went to kill Klein, but Carter saved him by kicking away Klein's chair. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! During the wake, Carter and Steve Rogers sat down together at a table and caught up with one another over drinks, with Rogers now knowing Carter's familial ties to Peggy Carter. Russo | Wilson inquired why she never returned to United States of America, so Carter explained that she would be arrested immediately if she did, causing him to apologize for not calling her after the Blip. HYDRA Lieutenant | Funko POP Marvel: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Sharon Carter #816 Avengers . Faustus. Her involvement in helping Rogers would cause Carter to go on the run after being branded an enemy of the state by the US government and isolated from the intelligence community. Jaco | who made her first appearance in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and then returned in Captain America: Civil War. As she then exited his office, Carter passed by Steve Rogers, who was also on his way to meet with Pierce; when she greeted him, Rogers simply addressed her as "neighbor" without eye contact. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Whitney Frost | Magoth | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Winter Soldiers Zeus | She appears in the live-action films Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)[28][29] and Captain America: Civil War (2016)[30] as well as the Disney+ miniseries The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021). arrest Tomoe and her Biohack Ninjas, she meets Riri Williams who helped Pepper Potts defeat them. Loki Variants Alexandra Reid | Detective Connors | Narblik | liaison with the New York Police Department, Sharon investigates and infiltrates a white supremacist terrorist organization known as the National Force. Phase 3 Atarah | Because Wilson refused to fight, Morgenthau was going to kill him, but at the last moment, Carter shot and killed her. (2021). She introduced herself to him as a nurse, but when Fury was attacked and supposedly killed by HYDRA, she revealed her true identity to Rogers. Carter further explained that because she didn't have the support of the Avengers, she had to stay on the run, unlike Wilson. Over her tenure as his protector, she became well-acquainted with Rogers and would talk to him whenever they met, often flirting with Rogers in order to gain his trust. She was revived in issue #444 by writer Mark Waid, who commented, "The reason she works so well with Cap is because she's a complete cynic and he's a complete idealist".[3]. Jim Pierce | Gao Lei, Strategic Operations Command Center Following the events of last Friday's season finale of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, we speculated that Sharon Carter, aka The Power Broker, may ultimately be unveiled as a Skrull sleeper . After arriving, she saw that Barnes and John Walker were by the riverbank and then witnessed one of the armored trucks carrying GRC hostages fall off the ledge. John Pilgrim | After Bucky Barnes was framed for the bombing at the U.N. in Vienna, Carter assisted Rogers and Sam Wilson by stealing their equipment from the Government, allowing them to protect their brainwashed friend. trainingMarksmanshipMartial artistExpert spyStaff mastery. Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. When Barnes was arrested and brought into the JCTC, Helmut Zemo reactivated his mental programming, causing Carter to try and stop him, to no success. Erik Killmonger | Todd Phelps Ultron | Published Mar 22, 2021. This is Thesecret1070. Leaders However, her former employee Karli Morgenthau would steal the vials, who later empowered seven other individuals to form the anarchist group the Flag Smashers. Alexander Pierce | In the original comic book continuity, Sharon was the younger sister of Peggy Carter, the possible wartime love interest of Captain America. Bulldozer | While Carter was at the Brass Monkey Saloon, she noticed Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes arrive with Helmut Zemo, so she stealthily left the bar, deciding to watch them, while remaining hidden. The energy shield is lost in the time-stream. She risked her job to steal Steve's shield and Falcon's wings from governmental custody, returning each to their respective owners just in time for the fateful inter-Avenger battle. Vin-Tak | T'Challa rushed into the fight, saving Romanoff, but he too could not stop him and Barnes escaped. Seriously, major spoilers ahead. Falcon | My boss expects a briefing pretty much now so that's all the head start you're gonna get.Sharon Carter to Steve Rogers. Omar | Goals The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Scene #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier #SceneBuy 'The Falcon And The Winter Soldier' Funko Pop Figures! Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar | Agent 13Power BrokerThe NurseKateGuardian AngelJudge, Jury, and Executioner As she spoke, Sam Wilson noticed Carter and told Steve Rogers, who was also in attendance, and he realized that Carter was the great-niece of his former love. Ferdinand Lopez | Namora, Assorted Variants Despite living luxuriously, Carter still misses her old life before going rogue and is still willing to help her old friends when the occasion arises. Carter cut Wilson off, saying that the whole hero thing was a joke, referring to him giving up the shield as hypocrisy. and ordered everyone to begin their search, which Carter reluctantly obeyed. Nevertheless, the plan was for the two of them to initially become love interests, before it was decided that Steves heart should still belong to Peggy. Trish Walker | Carter was able to hold her against the bounty hunters, but knew there were too many of them for her to deal with, so she headed to the laboratory in the container to regroup with the others. In her eulogy, Carter explained that she could never live up to the reputation her aunt Peggy had created for herself, and thus never revealed to anyone they were related. ""Depends on where you're standing.Sharon Carter and Brock Rumlow. Captain America: The Winter Soldier S.H.I.E.L.D. Nathaniel Malick | Bakuto | Type of Villain Tiamut the Communicator, Bestman Salvage While on the run, she established herself in the criminal sanctuary Madripoor as its secretive ruler, the Power Broker, while also working as a black market merchant selling stolen artwork. Blacksmith | [volume&issueneeded], Sharon is not dead, but has been left behind in enemy territory, a captive of the dictator Tap-Kwai. He also shyly asked if she wished to join him for a cup of coffee in exchange. Sakaaran Mercenaries, A.I.M. Tinkerer | Shrike | The fact they forgot about her entirely between Civil War in 2016 and Falcon and the Winter Soldier in 2021 kind of underscores that fact. Arriving back at her Art Gallery, Carter commented on the advantages of living as a real hustler, before telling Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes to get changed, as she was hosting clients soon. Full Name The Executioner | director Nick Fury had assigned Sharon Carter, codenamed Agent 13, to supervise Steve Rogers at his apartment. Edison Po | Sharon was present at Peggy Carter's funeral, delivering the eulogy to the legendary S.H.I.E.L.D. Durch Steve Rogers Zeitreise in Avengers: Endgame wird er zu ihrem Groonkel. Carter was in great awe of the life her aunt Peggy had lived; at Peggy's funeral, Carter mentioned a picture of Peggy standing next to JFK, describing it as "cool" but "a lot to live up to". Leaders When she entered, Helmut Zemo shot and killed Nagel, right before the lab was blown up by a bounty hunter. Sylvie Laufeydottir | Dr. Leopold Fitz | She is highly trained in espionage, weapons, firearms and computers. Sharon Carter kills Karli Morgenthau. Scarlet Witch | Hi. Marduk Helstrom | Randy Vale, Berserker Army Steve then learned that "Kate" was actually Agent 13, and had been planted in his building by Nick Fury to spy on him. Alisha Whitley, Red Room Prince Killmonger | Leslie Dean | Dave | Sinister Strange Speaking of which Close. Falcon and the Winter Soldier have not gotten along in any of their previous encounters, and despite the Winter Soldier graciously stepping aside, it doesnt look like they will here, either. Cassandra | Morgan le Fay | Anton Vanko | When Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and T'Challa were all brought to the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre, they were greeted by Carter and Everett Ross. Samuel Sterns | Later, Carter was once again contacted by Wilson through a secure messaging line, now asking her to keep a watch on John Walker, and if he went after Morgenthau. Once a bounty was placed on the three because of Selby's murder, it caused them to be immediately attacked, so Carter further assisted them by eliminating all of threats that were coming after them. Arishem the Judge | Blizzard | Yon-Rogg | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. [8], In 2018, the Avengers believed that Carter was a victim of the Snap. "Sharon recruited Karli at a younger age and trained her," explained Kellyman. Sharon Carter, previously known as Agent 13 and now known secretly as the Power Broker, is a recurring character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, serving as a supporting character in both Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War before becoming the overarching antagonist of the Disney+ TV series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. She helped the pair find what they were . Graviton | I am an admin of this site. ""All right, a deal then. The. However, when Carter overheard gunshots, she rushed back upstairs to check on Rogers. She showed up in Episode 3, "Power Broker," to help out Sam and Bucky, having made her home in the criminal haven of Madripoor after being charged with treason by the American government. Hailstrum | While horrified at Zemo's killing of Nagel, she escorted the three out of Madripoor safely, staying behind in the process. ""I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler.Sam Wilson and Sharon Carter. Sharon Carter (known as Agent 13 and also secretly as the Power Broker) is the great-niece of Peggy Carter and an agent in S.H.I.E.L.D. Carter then talked about the legacy Peggy left behind and recounted her great-aunt's philosophy of always standing your ground and doing what you know to be right, even when confronted by a world strongly opposing you. Alistair Fitz | 's co-founder and Director Peggy Carter, from a young age and form a close relationship with her. The rest are placed under arrest, and are nearly smuggled. Ian Quinn | Carter is seen next in the Silver Sable arc and Woo in the Hobgoblin arc. Expect The Falcon And The Winter Soldier to see Sharon go all Agent Carter on everybody, though probably without Peggys trademark red hat. This gave her direct access to government resources, allowing her to sell classified information and weapons to her highest-paying customers. Khonshu | Minuteman 90018371, Clan Destine agents, including Carter, to join the manhunt for Rogers after he escaped from the Triskelion and took out multiple STRIKE operatives. Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Hellfire, Sovereign Sharon Carter is a (now former) SHIELD field agent, also known in the comics as Agent 13. $4.99 + $6.10 shipping . [5], While working as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Originally a S.H.I.E.L.D. Carter made an offer for her to come back and work for her, but Morgenthau refused, and questioned how much power Carter still had, but she declared was more than Morgenthau. Anton Mogart | Georges Batroc | trainingMarksmanshipMartial artistExpert spyStaff mastery Robert Minoru | Next:What's Next For The MCU After WandaVision? A variation of the character named Sharon Stewart in Captain America, portrayed by Kim Gillingham. Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Who Is Sharon Carter? Sharon even remarks that it was Peggy who bought her her first holster. Sharon Carter appeared in The Marvel Super Heroes, voiced by Peg Dixon. Stacey Henley is the Editor-in-Chief at TheGamer, and hates filling these things out. Garthan Saal | Kthara | Baron Mordo, Others (Films/Disney+) Corvus Glaive | As Rogers withheld information regarding Fury's death to top operative Alexander Pierce, he labeled Captain America as a fugitive of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Carter was given no choice but to join the manhunt for Rogers. Habooska the Horrible | Ivan Banionis | He Who Remains | Further along in their quest to stop Karli Morgenthau, Carter was recruited to track John Walker's location as Wilson attempted to negotiate with the Flag Smasher leader. HYDRA Buyer | Tomas | However, those two are not the only characters set to feature. While investigating the whereabouts of Jack Monroe, she is abducted by the Winter Soldier and used as bait to lure Captain America into a trap set by General Aleksander Lukin. J. Jonah Jameson Quicksilver | However, before she left, she met back up with the two at a caf where she updated them on the search for Barnes. Hypocritical Weapons Dealer, Power BrokerThe NurseKateGuardian AngelJudge, Jury, and Executioner, Black market art dealerMember of the Joint Counter Terrorist CentreAgent of the Central Intelligence AgencyAgent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Madame B | [18], During the "Secret Empire" storyline, Sharon Carter is on the S.H.I.E.L.D. She would later hire the mercenary Georges Batroc as a means to spy on their leader and a former soldier of hers, Karli Morgenthau, before joining Wilson and Barnes in New York City as the Flag Smashers attack the GRC. [volume&issueneeded], In a follow-up, a sniper shoots Steve Rogers in the shoulder while he walks up the steps to the Federal Court. Izel | Lia Dewan | Catherine Wilder | He asked Carter why the photo of Barnes was released at all, which Carter stated it was to get the word out and have people on the look out. Carter watched as the members of the GRC were escorted into armored trucks, and Lennox used a device to lock them inside, ensuring they could not escape. [2], You cost me everything. At that moment, Brock Rumlow and the STRIKE operatives entered the control room and ordered Cameron Klein to proceed with the launch. Rogers pursued the shooter while Carter got Fury into an ambulance and had him taken to a hospital for treatment. [11], I can give you double this time. Stacey Yorkes, Mysterio's Crew Isaiah, Sonny Burch's Gang Once the vehicles drove off, Barnes hastily chased after them on a motorcycle, telling Carter to deal with Lennox. [9] As a result, Sharon decided to leave S.H.I.E.L.D. ""I know. Because of this, she never told anyone prior to this that the two were related, but was nonetheless determined to follow in her footsteps, leading her into joining S.H.I.E.L.D.. 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