Classic TV Shows . But be careful,because our stars have the tendency to bluff you at all times." What should people from California be prepared for? Peter Marshall: This is a bluffing game! You don't need a spoon or a plate!". a prize package worth (insert exact amount in U.S. Peter Marshall: Charley, what do you call a pig that weighs more than 150 pounds? - (1968), "Areas of questions and possible bluff answers are discussed with the celebrities in advance. | About Us He has written two books about comics for Penguin-Random House Was Superman a Spy? Because they do. It has an IQ of 185. What is it? Instead, Ill have maybe six glasses of vegetable and fruit juices a day. - Tom Bergeron (2002-2004 if a contestant loses in the bonus round), Promotional consideration furnished by the following" - Announcer, Closed Captioning provided by - Announcer, "On behalf of our stars/celebrities, and our studio audience, join us next week/time (at the same time) for more (fun with the) Hollywood Squares! - Peter Marshall (to remind the audience to be quiet when going for a large amount Secret Square), "You should've/should have agreed/disagreed." / What shall we do with the drunken sailor? I grew up speaking that language, this isn't put on. In other words, you must earn the winning square yourself. He even won an Emmy Award for his role on the show (and was nominated for three years in a row). Peter Marshall: According to Amy Vanderbilt, what is the maximum length of time you and your fianc? He bought Errol Flynn's old Hollywood Mansion and spent an enormous amount of money on renovations and decorations. Paul Lynde was born on June 13th, 1926. Q. Enjoy reading and share 8 famous quotes about Paul Lynde Hollywood Squares with everyone. Burt Reynolds: Small cute thing just below Cher's waist? That is the same case with a longstanding legend that says that Paul Lynde, the longtime famous "center square" on Hollywood Squares from 1968 until the show's first run ended in 1981 (Lynde passed away in 1982). Peter Marshall: True or false, George: experts say there are only seven or eight things in the world dumber than an ant. Peter Marshall: According to FEMA, people from Florida should be prepared for hurricanes and people from the Midwest should be prepared for floods. I then called him and said, Paul, why dont you come in? Paul Lynde: [to Gene Simmons] Why don't you push the down button on your elevator shoes? Lailah Gifty Akita, They don't have to all be maidens. and one book, 100 Things X-Men Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die, from Triumph Books. (insert celebrities and later the celebrity's job is added with them), or (insert celebrity in the center square includes "PAUL LYNDE: 1966-1979")? Paul Lynde American Comedian born on June 13, 1926, died on January 10, 1982. Buddy Hackett: "What the f*ck am I doing here?". / What shall we do with the drunken sailor? He also voiced animated characters for four Hanna-Barbera productions. "A room is like a stage. That's why they asked the question. Peter Marshall: According to the World Book, is it okay to freeze your persimmons? I KNEW IT! While he sadly had a short life, he was a very successful comedian, voice artist, game show panelist, and actor. Sure, why not? Q. Enjoy reading and share 8 famous quotes about Hollywood Squares Paul Lynde with everyone. What a stupid question. Paul Lynde: No, but I have to be terribly careful when I do my ironing. "I said, Everyone hates you. "They just come out of me. Dollars)). Peter Marshall: Arthur Hailey had a very successful movie and novel called "Hotel". As I discussed in a recent Movie Legends Revealed about the Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan actor who negotiated himself out of being credited in the film period, actors and celebrities will often negotiate the strangest things into their contracts with shows and films. "I know," he said. It's full of witches and spooks and strange creatures of the night. - Peter Marshall, "We'll see you tomorrow on the ([All] New) Hollywood Squares. Paul Lynde: I always give a prize for the funniest costume. ~ (Paul Lynde)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'internetpillar_com-box-3','ezslot_6',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-internetpillar_com-box-3-0');Save, Im Liberace without a piano. - Peter Marshall (1966-1980 NBC-TV Daytime Edition), "Object for the playersis to get three stars in a row either across, up and down or diagonally. That's how they get the square. [Sesame Street's Oscar the Grouch is the Secret Square, and the contestant wins it]. Charley Weaver: Dennis Weaver. I am sorry for them both." Peter Marshall: True or false, Paul - Gypsy folklore says that God created man by baking him in an oven. The Wicked Witch of the West: She asked for it. Peter Marshall: In "The Wizard Of Oz", the Tin Man wanted a heart, and the Lion wanted courage. JOHN: (Enjoy the/your weekend.) Game Shows Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. 1965 Pilot:"Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Gisele Mackenzie, Robert Q. Lewis, Vera Miles, Charley Weaver, Abby Dalton and Jim Backus,all in "THE HOLLYWOOD SQUARES", brought to you by (insert sponsor tag). Peter Marshall: What is that small cute thing Burt Reynolds: Yeah? Learning lines is on my mind until I do know them. To see the many zingers from the celebrities appearing on Squares, click here. Beneath the beech trees and sugar maples, feet crunching against dead leaves, I hope for strength. I don't shave! Hollywood Quotes. Peter Marshall: Oscar, aren't you proud again? a 1985 lawsuit dealing with the 1980 season of the series, 10 Cringe-Worthy Comedies That Aged Poorly, 10 Marvel Comic Characters The MCU Ruined, 10 Movie Posters That Were Way Cooler Than The Movie, 10 Movie Franchises That Got Progressively Better, REVIEW: DC's Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1, Batman's Oldest Villains are Skeptical of His Death - For Good Reason, 15 Strongest Elves In The Lord Of The Rings, Ranked, Little Mermaid Star Halle Bailey's Avatar Costume Gets the Film's Stamp of Approval. You never wanted what I had. Paul Lynde was an actor, comedian, voice artist, and game show panelist from the United States. Peter Marshall: In baseball, there's a special name for the area between a player's knees and his armpits. Charley Weaver: Three days of steady drinking should do it. Peter Marshall: According to the nursery rhyme, "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. Discover and share Paul Lynde Quotes. Paul Lynde: Did you know that Rose Marie is standing up right now in her cubicle? I - I - I'm turning myself on. Paul Lynde Quotes and Sayings - Page 1. / Not enough Alice Faye / What's the matter with kids today? [singing] What shall we do with the drunken sailor? Did William Shatner Make $600 Million as the Priceline TV Spokesperson? Paul Lynde: If you hold their little heads under water long enough. Charley Weaver: The people from Florida and the people from the Midwest. Whoever wins the most money and the end of the show will have a chance to drive away in one of these beautiful (insert car brand) (cheers and whistles) we tossed a coin backstage, (insert player) won the toss, (or) as always our challenger goes first, that's you (insert player), so you get to pick a square!" Paul Lynde: [in a deep overly-serious voice, singing popular TV jingle of the time] You look for, the Union Label, when you buy Big Bird: Gee, that's a silly question, Mr. Marshmallow. Jan Murray: I'm sorry, what? You weren't ever scarend of me. The celebrity would first give a joke answer, and then an actual answer. Paul Lynde: What about Dorothy and her little dog, Toto, in "The Wizard of Oz"? ~ (Paul Lynde), A room is like a stage. What should people from California be prepared for? Whoever wins the most money and the end of the show will have a chance to drive away in one of these beautiful automobiles (cheers and whistles) we tossed a coin backstage, Steve won, so Steve will start. And then you took it, and now I don't have it, so why do you hate me? They are THE NEW HOLLYWOOD SQUARES! Bye-bye!" Peter Marshall: Uh-huh. This is silly. The changed his contract and he got more money. As far as cookbooks go, I think Joy of Cooking is a classic. - (1971-1975), "The areas of questions designed for the celebrities and possible bluff answers are discussed with some celebrities in advance. Paul Lynde: Gee, I don't remember. Rich Little: [doing his impersonation of her] Why, that would be Carol Channing! He was a guest but he was made a regular and we put him in the center square.. Ive used it over and over again. Six can hurt a body? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. You know, though, they got no sense of humor. [looks down to check his line, but it looks like he is looking at his crotch. But I'm not college educated; I don't know rules of grammar. Should you be upset if he talks about his secretary? What do you traditionally say over the radio? Rate this quote: (0.00 / 0 votes) 877 Views. Well, if you know anything about the game of Tic-Tac-Toe, you know that the most strategically important position on the board is the center square (and, to be frank, if you are playing a traditional game of Tic-Tac-Toe and not one where the squares are determined by celebrities answering trivia questions, if you go first and pick the center square, you really should always at least force a stalemate) and the same was true for Hollywood Squares, so whoever was in the center square would be the one who would be called on the most, and thus get the most airtime. to write in with your suggestions for future installments! dollars)." Peter Marshall: In baseball, there's a special name for the area between a player's knees and his armpits. It takes your mind off your balls, or something. / Early in the morning? Paul Lynde: It's been a year since my last special. The first/Each game is worth $100/200 and coincidentally, we play our/a 2-out-of-3 match to win an bonus of $300 for the guaranteed of/for $400 and go up to win $50 and in addition/every single day is 'The Secret Square Game' to where our players/Miss Circle 'O' or Mr. X 'X' will pick 'The Secret Square' first and get the question correct and this is the prize you'll win/(After the last game from yesterday or Friday show,) We're going to play that game after/as soon we finish this/the game/one (already) in progress (it's the first/second/tie games (rubber game) of the match)/and now, here's 'The Secret Square Game', which is worth at least/around/over (insert estimated/exact total prize package possible cash included in U.S. The way things are today, we live in a world that needs laughter, and Ive decided if I can make people laugh, Im making a more important contribution. Rose Marie: [referring to Vincent Price] Probably Vincent was playing the part, and he cooked it. I love sharing quotes and sayings to inspire and motivate people - #quotes #internetpillar, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'internetpillar_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_10',616,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-internetpillar_com-large-billboard-2-0');report this adCategories. I'll say the eyes because I read about it so much. 18 Jan. 2023. Should you be upset if he talks about his secretary? (cheers and whistles) We tossed a coin backstage, (insert player) won the toss,as always, our challenger goes first, that's you, (insert player), so you get to pick a square, and the way to earn a square is by determining if the celebrity is giving a correct answer!" ~ (Paul Lynde). We'll be back soon/See you then! should be engaged? Rose Marie: Gosh, Pete, I did that once and his wife caught us. Peter Marshall: True or false, massaging the feet helps some people with hot flashes? Burt Reynolds: People think I'm not normal because I keep taking her temperature. Peter Marshall: Why do people refer to ships as "she?". Peter Marshall: You don't get along with this young lady obviously. Peter Marshall: [still laughing] You certainly are! In the course of their briefing, actual questions and answers may be given or discerned by the celebrities." In the latest TV Legends Revealed, find out whether Paul Lynde being center square on Hollywood Squares was part of his contract with the show. The best one of all was when he was asked, why does a chef pound his meat, Paul says loneliness, one person says. ~ (Paul Lynde). Last year I said that the prize goes to the first one that rings my bell. Famous Paul Lynde Quotes. Peter Marshall: Eddie Fisher recently said, "I am sorry. Charley Weaver: Out at the home, we throw them into the center of the room and have a swap party. And that's why I don't get to cry, I guess. Idries Shah, As we go forward in attempting to control bump drafting in those areas, there's going to be some very subjective calls being made. You Might Like. I KNEW IT! I - I - I'm turning myself on. Peter Marshall: Whose motto is "Do Your Best"? " F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) Beneath the beech trees and sugar maples, feet crunching against dead leaves, I hope for strength. In the video of Paul Lyndes best Hollywood Squares one-liners below, many people have commented on their favorite parts of the video. Paul Lynde: Let's see toupees? Isnt Hollywood a dumpin the human sense of the word. Peter Marshall: Paul, how do we know the first Union flag was sewn by Betsy Ross? "But since I can hardly hand out a questionnaire as regards their experiences in that regard, we'll have to leave it there. Q: Imagine you are a child in your mother's womb. He has a new best seller about another stopover point. Who stays pregnant for a longer period of time, your wife or your elephant? - Hollywood Squares Host, "And I wanna tell you a little bit about our game, I think you'll be fascinated. He had an extremely spunky and snarky attitude. A. Paul Lynde: Make him bark. Paul Lynde: [singing] # We wish you a Merry Christmas, / We we wish you a Merry Christmas. Paul Lynde: Did you pack everything? Scott Fitzgerald (18961940). When I depend on myself, I worry, when I depend on God I find confidence." ~ (Paul Lynde), I think basically an actor is a salesman. Peter Marshall: When Henry Kissinger recently visited Japan, he went to a geisha house. Peter Marshall: What are "dual-purpose cattle" good for that other cattle aren't? Fairies, Pixies, WILDEST Hollywood Squares Moments spookylorre 157K views 4 years ago Watch the FIFA World Cup live on FOX All 64 matches also available in 4K with. Peter Marshall: Charley, how many balls are on a pool table in a standard game of 8-ball? She had so many children she didn't know what to do". Paul Lynde: [singing] # Too much Alice Cooper! [contestant freaks out; Marshall counts off five one-thousand-dollar bills]. Peter Marshall: Is there anything in or on your body that was there the day you were born? Web. Paul Lynde: Makeup? Peter Marshall: Let me explain what that means Peter Marshall: You're in an airplane and you've developed engine trouble. I can go back and forth; it's almost like being bilingual. Peter Marshall: You're a shy, bashful girl. However, many people know him as a regular center square panelist on the game showThe Hollywood Squaresfrom 1968 to 1981. Host Introduction: And here's your host, Jo-o-o-o-o-o-hn Davidson! Lynde replied, "Humble." Continue with Recommended Cookies. Oscar the Grouch: But I like being miserable; that makes me happy. Peter Marshall: When Henry Kissinger recently visited Japan, he went to a geisha house. Contestants would call on the celebrities, who would then be asked a trivia question. Peter Marshall: On what night is a woman most likely to be molested? [singing] What shall we do with the drunken sailor? "Don't feel sorry for me, okay? I always pour wine from that. ~ (Paul Lynde), If I hadnt become a celebrity, Id probably be an alcoholic. Karen Valentine: Because they have big feet. However, nothing was mentioned about him having to be center stage and as the show's creator, Heatter once noted, "We never had anyone competing to be in the center square.". However, a number of these rumored clauses have turned out to be false over the years, like how John Patrick Shanley allegedly had a clause that his screenplays could never be altered (not true), or that the real life Sergeant York would only option his life story if Gary Cooper agreed to play him (also not true). He would often poke fun at his sexual orientation (he would never shy away from it)! Join; . Love Hollywood Squares. Which part? (wikipedia) Paul Lynde Quotes. Charley Weaver: Dennis Weaver. And here's your host, John Davidson!". Manage Settings And the next thing you know, everything from your forehead down to your fingers and toes is on fire. If I ever completely lost my nervousness I would be frightened half to death. Peter Marshall: Paul, why do Hell's Angels wear leather? Now he says it was "one of the best things I ever did." - Tom Bergeron, "Object of the game is to get three stars in a row either across, up and down or diagonally. - Bert Parks (1965 Pilot), "The object of you two/the/our players (insert 2 first named contestants) is to get three stars in a row either across, up & down or diagonally. My e-mail address is Debbie Reynolds, and Shelley Winters star in the movie, 'What's The Matter With Helen?' Who plays Helen? Peter Marshall: According to Ann Landers, your husband, Edgar, is talking in his sleep. (insert name of featured prize (valued at exact or estimated prized price in U.S. While he sadly had a short life, he was a very successful comedian, voice artist, game show panelist, and actor. Peter Marshall: Can boys join the Campfire Girls? 1986-1987:"(insert eight celebrities and their own jobs before each one of them) And from the Center Square, (celebrity). PM: Charley, If you're going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should you be? Big Bird: Gosh! The way things are today, we live in a world that needs laughter, and I've decided if I can make people laugh, I'm making a more important contribution. Joan Rivers: And how his secretary is a guy! PM: George, True or false, a pea can last as long as 5,000 years. What? ~ (Paul Lynde).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'internetpillar_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-internetpillar_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); My following is straight. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Hollywood Squares: Was Paul Lynde Contractually Guaranteed to be Center Square? A. Charley Weaver: Three days of steady drinking should do it. Paul Lynde: Because chiffon wrinkles too easily. Paul Lynde: [turns and looks at Leslie Uggams] Looks like you were overcooked. It can be stretched to the almost ludicrous, but it must always be believable. ~ (Paul Lynde). ~ (Paul Lynde). It is up to them to figure out if the answers the stars are giving them are correct or they're just making one up. An actor shouldn't undergo psychoanalysis because there are a lot of things you're better off not knowing. ~ (Paul Lynde), My table seats eight, so thats my maximum. To get what? Paul Lynde: [excitedly] HEY, CULLIGAN MAN! - Peter Marshall (if a contestant failed to get the block in a square that would mean a win for their opponent) (1966-1981), "We can't give you that square, but you'll have to earn it yourself." Should you try to break him of his habit? I remember. Who was he referring to? Oscar the Grouch: Well, it's actually miserable. What was it? Im the Founder of Internet Pillar. Peter Marshall: In the "Wizard of Oz," the lion wanted courage and the tin man wanted a heart. They are The New Hollywood Squares! She smeared my windows with soap on a rope. Paul Lynde: She has a striking resemblance to Betty White. 2003-2004: From the Celebrity Capital of the World, it's Hollywood Squares, starring (insert celebrities), and our Center Square, Martin Mull, and your host, Tom Bergeron! Now when it's your turn, you decide your strategy and you pick a star, then we ask the star a question. Which celebrity/star was it? Peter Marshall: [to contestant] Do you ride a bike? Peter Marshall: Whose motto is "Do Your Best"? Which part? [Tony Randall has just been asked a question]. Paul Lynde: Hi, I'm Paul Lynde. Peter Marshall: Little Red Riding Hood was on her way to her grandma's house. George Gobel: Yes, and I think I voted for six of 'em. Charley Weaver: She lived in a shoe? Now he says it was "one of the best things I ever did." [reading of the bonus prize after player won the match]. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. David Levithan, Maholtz asked me, "Why do you hate me? Charley Weaver: Because both have round bottoms. Aren't you glad? ~ (Paul Lynde), I wish I had the nerve not to tip. Is she normal? That's the reason we'd like to get this under way as quickly as possible Hopefully we don't have to make a call. Paul Lynde : [turns and looks at Leslie Uggams] Looks like you were overcooked. Need More Paul Lynde heres our deep dive into his entire life.. what a guy: For more of these throwback videos, check out our YouTube Channel! A little louder, please? Peter Marshall: According to FEMA, people from Florida should be prepared for hurricanes and people from the Midwest should be prepared for floods. Peter Marshall: Charley, what do you call a pig that weighs more than 150 pounds?
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