A full list of challenges for Obsidian is below. Call of Duty: Warzone Damascus Weapon Camos service is available for purchase worldwide here is a short video where I go over the complete list of weapons required to complete of Damascus and answer some questions I've been getting. Could someone please list down the exact weapons thats required for the Damascus camo? . So if you want to have a platinum skin for your Kar98k, you have to unlock the gold camo for Do we need to get gold for all or just the Season 1 ones? FAL Semi-automatic battle rifle with a high rate of fire for faster follow up shots. What is the fastest way to unlock Damascus? Handguns are lightweight weapons that are quick to fire but have low range and firepower. Assault rifles are all-around weapons that perform decently in any situation. Weapon Types. Now, as guides like MaximusMurkimus's spreadsheet for unlocking weapons come out on the internet, more and more players are able to advance in the game at a faster pace, which means that the online multiplayer lobbies will start to fill up and more players will be able to drop into matches with more confidence. . . Platinum: Available as soon as the gold camouflage has been activated for each weapon from a weapon class (except DLC weapons). I did it and it took me 8 in game days, but honestly I say its worth it because it forces you to learn new ways to play. 0:38List starts here 1:10Required AR's 1:11Kilo 1:13FAL 1:14M4A1 1:15FR 5.56 (Famas) 1:16Oden 1:19M13 1:20FN SCAR 17 1:22AK-47 1:23Required SMG's 1:25AUG 1:27P-90 1:28MP5 1:29Uzi 1:31PP19 Bizon 1:32MP7 1:34Required Shotguns 1:35Model 680 1:37R9-0 1:39725 1:41Origin 12 1:42Required LMG's 1:43PKM 1:45SA87 1:46M91 1:48MG34 1:50Required Marksman Rifles \u0026 Snipers 1:51EBR-14 1:55MK2 Carbine 1:57KAR98k 1:59Dragunov 2:01HDR 2:02AX-50 2:04Melee Weapons (Riot Shield and Knife) 2:05Required Pistols 2:12X16 (Glock) 2:141911 2:17.357 (Revolver) 2:19M19 2:22.50 GS (Deagle) 2:24Required Launchers 2:26Pila 2:28Strela-P 2:29Jokr 2:30RPG-7 2:32DLC Guns? A reliable fall back when you find yourself in close quarters. Modern Warfares Damascus camo grind is long and tedious. Matt Brown was formerly a Windows Central's Senior Editor, Xbox & PC, at Future. Origin 12 Shotgun Semi-automatic shotgun with large ammo capacity allows for continuous firing. thermal smoke (Only UAV). Exclusive customization, distinct functionality, and unique ammunition types put this weapon in a class of its own. This flag capture was beyond the call of duty. Call of Duty: Microtransaction Warfare. It has been a staple of CoD Online ever since its release. MG34 Fully automatic weapon with a high rate of fire and punishing 7.92 Mauser ammunition. Hire pro players to help you with camo unlocks. JOKR Fire and forget lock-on portable mission launcher with a large explosive yield. Players will have to get every Gold camo, then Platinum, to finally be able to claim Damascus. This gas-operated semi-automatic sniper rifle allows for rapid followup shots. With a variety of different pistol types, you'll be sure to find a sidekick that fits your playstyle. Lower rate of fire and 5.56mm ammunition keeps this rifle stable and effective at long ranges. Stats get counted as you're completing them in game so you can leave the game and start another after . The second column designates the specific variant of each weapon type, and the final column tells players exactly how to unlock that variant in the game. You can look for the spreadsheets made by a Youtuber S0ur for the progress tracking, or use this website: https://damascus.now.sh, Geez man this websites a lifesaver. Diamond follows as the next natural progression in the mastery camo line. These weapons are made up of the Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marskman Rifles, Sniper Rifles and Melee weapons. We're sorry but Damascus - Modern Warfare camouflage tracker doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Compact and fast-firing, submachine guns are a lightweight rifle alternative in Modern Warfare. No thanks. Wallhacks is one of the most commonly used hacks in Call of Duty mobile. Grau 5.56 This modular 5.56 weapon platform is lightweight and maneuverable, with exceptional range. Sniper rifles are long range weapons that have very high damage output, and have incredible accuracy, but severely affect your speed and handling. To get the platinum camouflage, youll have to repeat that process for every single gun in the class. FR 5.56 Three round burst bullpup battle rifle. What Assault rifles are needed for diamond? The obsidian Camo can be achieved by completing a challenge after you have unlocked Gold on a weapon. Damascus camo unlocked when every single gun in the game has earned the Platinum camouflage. 1911 A well-rounded semi-automatic side arm with a moderate rate of fire. What camo is Completionist? Marksman rifles are medium-to-long range rifles that have high accuracy but a very low fire rate. But the grind is still just beginning. Platinum: Available as soon as the gold camouflage has been activated for each weapon from a weapon class (except DLC weapons). Damascus camo unlocked when every single gun in the game has earned the Platinum camouflage. CONTACT US IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 25% PROGRESS DONE FOR A DISCOUNT. Unlocking Diamond Camo in COD Mobile is simple, Once you complete all ten challenges with a single weapon, youll unlock the gold camo for that weapon. Here are all of the guns in Modern Warfare multiplayer. Do You Need PS Plus or Xbox Live to Play? These weapons are made up of the Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marskman. have them on all classes and shoot down any streak, preferably the counter UAVs and personal UAVs Does anyone know what this calling card is, and how to How do i change the app icon to the original one, controller dying at the worst possible time, I am amazed on how good MW19 looks compared to MW22, Press J to jump to the feed. List of Contents Best Weapons and Tier Lists Weapon List Weapons Type Info The following descriptions are from Modern Warfare. . Windows Central is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Players will have to get every Gold camo, then Platinum, to finally be able to claim Damascus. Fastest way to get Damascus Camo in Modern Warfare. That can be somewhat overwhelming for those new to the franchise so this guide will be your one-stop shop for all weapons in the game. Please note, you do not need Gold on the DLC weapons to get the Damascus. Thank you for signing up to Windows Central. Shotguns: Get 15 kills 150 times in one match. The list is organized alphabetically and includes all of the weapon types: assault rifles, battle rifles, handguns, launchers, LMGs, marksman rifles, melee, shotguns, SMGs, and sniper rifles. New York, Infinity Ward brings a raw and provocative take on the first-person shooter, shining a gritty light on the changing nature of modern combat. 2. Time StampsIntro 0:00Clearing up how to get Damascus 0:14What guns do I need? Combat Knife CQC tactical knife. To get Platinum camo, you will need to unlock gold for all weapons in one category e.g Assault Rifles, SMGs, etc. Privacy Policy. starting with Golden camos all the way up to the Damascus camos. Once you earn all 100 basic camos for a weapon, youll unlock the Completionist category. Once you earn all 100 basic camos for a weapon, you'll unlock the Completionist category. Its a huge undertaking that will take many, many hours to successfully achieve. A perfect balance of stability, mobility, and lethality. Gold, Platinum, Damascus and Obsidian Helpful Modern Warfare 2 Spreadsheet Shows How to Unlock All the Base Weapon Variants, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Video Spotlights All The Games UI Issues. There are 35 primary weapons and 10 secondary weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and each weapon feels unique. Obsidian camo unlocked by completing kill challenges with specific guns, i.e 15 kills in 200 different matches with the MP5. NY 10036. 2021-2022 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, CALL OF DUTY VANGUARD, CALL OF DUTY WARZONE, WARZONE, and RICOCHET ANTI-CHEAT are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.The copyrights of videos of games used in our content and other intellectual property rights belong to the provider of the game.The contents we provide on this site were created personally by members of the Game8 editorial department.We refuse the right to reuse or repost content taken without our permission such as data or images to other sites. 3:15Outtro 3:24do those 3:33check out the other content 3:41I be streamin 3:53follow my socials for updates 4:00real ones only 4:06 Is Resurgence Coming Back to Warzone 2.0? Damascus - Modern Warfare camouflage tracker. This means every challenge, for every gun, in every category. As Modern Warfare 2's sales soar past Call of Duty: Vanguard's sales and keep climbing, players are continuing to enjoy their time with the title. Marksman Rifles: Get 15 kills 125 times in one match. Uniformed officers carry sidearms, typically the New Nambu M60 revolver while on duty only. , Triggerbot Hack. So, it might not be a universal Camo to apply to other weapons. You'll earn the Gold camo for a gun when you complete the 100 basic camos. You can only make a start on it once youve unlocked Gold for that specific weapon. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about Atomic Flea Weapon Blueprint | Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) with us! ZRG 20mm. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do you have to get the SKS gold for Platinum? What Assault rifles are needed for diamond? Thats. This weapon is simple, steady and effective. If only he can figure out how to leave him. ive been looking all over the internet and cant find a single hint as to what the bare minimum guns are for unlocking damascus, if someone can tell me all the guns i dont have to do it on as of season 4 that would be highly appreciated. Completing all challenges for every weapon that launched with Modern Warfare will unlock the elusive Damascus camo. (which were 38). Completing all challenges for every weapon that launched with Modern Warfare will unlock the elusive Damascus camo. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare bugs and known issues, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare weapons list, How to get XP fast in CoD: Modern Warfare, Microsoft News Roundup: Surface Duo 3, Apple apps on Windows 11, Teams Premium, and more, I tried using the Windows Dev Kit 2023 as my primary PC, heres why you shouldnt, The NinjaBike Messenger Bag could be the next great exotic gear piece in The Division 2, Roccat Syn Max Air wireless headset review: An affordable charging dock for gamers. Platinum: Available as soon as the gold camouflage has been activated for each weapon from a weapon class (except DLC weapons). Thank you in advance. SA87 Fully automatic bullpup light machine gun. To get the hardest of the Modern Warfare camos Damascus I had to earn Gold on every single core gun in the . Battle Rifles deal more damage than typical rifles but also lessen your speed and control. So if you want to have a platinum skin for your Kar98k, you have to unlock the gold camo for all Marksman & Sniper Rifles (except SKS, Crossbow, SP-R 208 & Rytec AMR) to get it. Kar98K Bolt action rifle chambered in 7.92 Mauser. Platinum: Available as soon as the gold camouflage has been activated for each weapon from a weapon class (except DLC weapons). $30 to $60: If youre looking for a more specialized Damascus knife or one thats hand-forged, youll find those pricier options in the $30 to $60 range. Aimbot or Auto-aim is the most popular hack in Call of Duty mobile. So if you want to have a platinum skin for your R9-0, you have to unlock the gold camo for all Shotguns (except VLK Rogue & JAK-12) to get it. It has been a staple of CoD Online ever since its release. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). The name of each weapon is accompanied by a screengrab that shows the guns statistics. You have to complete all camo challenges for a weapon to unlock Gold, then unlock Gold for all weapons in that class (e.g. With the addition of this line in CoD Mobile, all players can eventually get diamond camos for their weapons if theyre good enough and have a bit of time to grind. Damascus: Available as soon as the platinum camouflage for all weapons from all classes is unlocked (except DLC weapons). Reach tier 24 in the Black Ops Season 3 Battle Pass to unlock the Damascus Elite Weapon. When he isn't writing, which isn't very often, he spends time with his wife and his puppy, playing video games and travelling when he can. Please click or tap the links below to jump to different sections: Primary weapons are the weapons you'll be using the majority of the time in Modern Warfare's multiplayer. Black Ops Cold War Leaks Tease 'Open-World' Zombie Outbreak. Completing all 35 challenges will unlock the Gold camo for that weapon. Shotguns have superior damage output but very low range and accuracy. and our Modern Warfare is still quite populated despite Black Ops Cold War and Warzone, so we'd recommend . To unlock the final camo, Obsidian, youll need to kill 15 enemies in a match 200 times. It's a huge undertaking that will take many, many hours to successfully achieve. You just need the 39 base weapons listed below: Kilo 141, FAL, M4A1, FR 5.56, Oden, M13, FN Scar 17, AK-47, AUG, P90, MP5, Uzi, PP19 Bizon, MP7, Model 680, R9-0 Shotgun, 725, Origin 12 Shotgun, PKM, SA87, M91, MG34, EBR-14, MK2 Carbine, Kar98K, Dragunov, HDR, AX-50, Riot shield, Combat knife, X16, M1911, .357, M19, .50 GS, PILA, Strela-P, JOKR, And the RPG-7 You must complete a series of challenges for weapons, such as getting kills while mounted and using no attachments. This category includes the highly-coveted Gold, Platinum, Damascus, and Obsidian camos. LMGs: Get 15 kills 150 times in one match. PILA Portable infrared surface-to-air missile with a free-fire option. MP5 Fully automatic 9mm submachine gun. Spreading out your favourite weapons will keep you from losing momentum in the grind for the Damascus. many people left them for last and it made the grind insufferable. 3:02Will I do damascus for you?? 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AUG A modular fully automatic weapon configured for mobility and close range combat. MK2 Carbine Highly accurate lever action rifle. Unlocking Diamond Camo in COD Mobile is simple, you will need to a gold camo first, then get a certain kills per match x times that the weapons type required. And leading digital publisher Warfare camos Damascus I had to earn Gold on weapon... For a DISCOUNT the Completionist category customization, distinct functionality, and unique ammunition types put this in. A class of its own launched with Modern Warfare will unlock the Gold has! 100 basic camos or Xbox Live to Play in game so you can only make a on. Game so you can leave the game and start another after a high rate of fire 5.56mm... Name, email, and Obsidian camos rifle stable and effective at long ranges Rifles, SMGs Shotguns! Your playstyle customization, distinct functionality, and website in this browser for the next natural progression in.... 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