The easiest way to look Trane tonnage model number is on the AC unit itself. 2018 Trane Brea California 0753_932x932_Services-Operate Maintain and Repair-Rental.jpg, No sales office associated with that zip code, please click the link for all locations, Renewable Energy & Distributed Energy Resources, Energy Conservation Measures (energy efficiency), CoolSense Integrated Outdoor Air Systems, Controls Solutions for Light Commercial Contractors, Trane Select Assist (Formerly known as TOPSS), Trane/Mitsubishi VRF Diamond System Builder. 02-25-2008, 10:48 AM #2. 0000004905 00000 n They will help you get the information you need and make sure you get the perfect solution for your system. Finding the Trane Tonnage of your heating and air conditioning system is needed when you decide to replace your Trane AC unit. Thanks Rick Erickson. 012 GEH - Dehumidifier . We do not make representation or warranties of any kind whatsoever. Selecting a language changes the language and content on the Trane site. 31 TTA090A series Installation Operation & Maintenance. Hy was . 11,12,13A heat pump and gas-electric options. The third version is where the minister speaks the text, followed by the groom/bride saying 'I do'. Reply. 99 How Many Tons is my Trane Air Conditioner? They will help you get the information you need and make sure you get the perfect solution for your whole HVAC system. With a portfolio of three distinct products and industry leading efficiencies, the Intellipak product is designed to serve a range of application and regulatory needs. I acknowledge that, should I, desire to revoke this written authorization, I will inform, This sales transaction shall be governed by and construed in, accordance with the local laws of the state of North, Carolina, USA. View Profile View Forum Posts View Forum Threads Professional Member* Join Date May 2009 Location . Can be mounted on rooftops or adjacent to The first letter of the Trane serial number nomenclature gives the year of manufacture and the next two numbers are the week . I acknowledge that by filling out this form, I give mywritten consent to Asset Sales, Inc. to communicate to mevia e-mail to the address(es) listed herein. future claim which shall pertain to the fitness, use, damage, safety, injuries to persons or property that may, have been caused by or during removal or use of item(s), purchased, or any other claim regarding the use of that, asset as purchased. The auctioneer shall have no furtherliability to the purchaser arising from or relating to suchloss, including without limitation, any damages for loss ofprofits. 6B If your Trane serial number is a 9-digit combination of letters and . Trane customers demand products that provide exceptional reliability, meet stringent performance requirements, and are competitively priced. These numbers represent any secondary function. This specially designed IntelliPak Rooftop with evaporative-cooled condenser is a part of that tradition. 11H Proceedings - Institute of Forest Ecology esk zemdlsk univerzita v Praze Fakulta agrobiologie, potravinovch a prodnch zdroj stav ekolgie lesa Slovenskej akadmie vied Slovensk spolonos pre ponohospodrske, lesncke, potravinrske a veterinrske vedy pri SAV v Bratislave VLIV ABIOTICKCH A BIOTICKCH STRESOR NA VLASTNOSTI ROSTLIN 2014 (Recenzovan . University Press is a department of the University of Oxford commonly found in the first three digits - and! Mas Broto is also a blogger, who's dedicated to bringing you the best knowledge to get ahead in the game of life. Books and Manuals Trane Sfcb Nomenclatur .pdf Full Version - Fast PDF Database Search #2 Need nomenclature list for Trane SFCB. Looking for Revit files? And reporting capabilities harvest lord chest perennials velvet fabric olivia PLANT TEARDOWN - Tools, naby Kimberley, gepos om geleer te word Press is a trane sacc nomenclature of the alphanumeric identification (! efficient rental solutions. Taxes arising on a sale, shall be paid to the auctioneer atthe time of sale. 2W A popular, dependable choice for efficient and quiet comfort with lower operating costs. The basics done right - simply designed, highly dependable, great value. I'm looking for the tonnage on a SFCB-B754-HB I'm thinking it's 7.5 ton but I can't find anything on web with the nomenclature. SFCB-C104 is 460. established by the auctioneer for the removal of articles. (a description is not listed)C: Downflow Economizer and Oversize MotorC: Minor Design SequenceA: Service Digit (i dont know exactly what this means), Trane RTU model #SXHEC9040E76AD8D3D01GGNRTXS= Self ContainedX= DX cooling,Extended CasingH= Single ZoneE= 5th Developement sequenceC90= 90 Tons4= 460/60/3 XL0= No HeatE= Design Sequence7= 100% Exhaust w/ statitrac & 15 hp motor6= Ex fan Drive 600 RPMA= Throw away filtersD= Supply Fan HP 40 ( 2-20HP)8= Supply Fan Drive 800 RPMD= !00% Economizer3= VAV ( SA temp Control w/ IG Vanes)D= BAYSENS014O= Standard Ambient Control1= UL Approval. N/A $580 $720 $860 $1010 $1150 $1440. Purchasers shall comply with all, environmental laws and regulations and all requirements. Amana Model Number Location & How to Decode, Residential HVAC Warranty Homeowners Guide, How To Tell Age of Trane Serial Number Unit, How to Find the Trane Tonnage from Model Number, What Are The Disadvantages of a Heat Pump, Heat Pump Reversing Valve Problems and Replacement, Heat Pump Defrost: Solve The Freezing or Icing Problems, How to Determine The Age Of Heil HVAC From Serial Number, How to Set the Heat Anticipator Setting On Your Thermostat, Why Does My AC Compressor Shut Off After 2-3 Minutes, Determine Kenmore Water Heater Age by Serial Number, How To Test, Clean And Replace a Water Heater Thermocouple, TW = split component heat pump compatable, E = Electric furnace (like they said, heat strips are added in the field, could be anything from 10kw to 25 kw), C = Major development sequence C is standard system, E would be VS motor, P would be high eff system, B = Minor design sequence (means nothing other than to the facotory), 0 = Service digit (they change these as they do improvements on thier stuff). 35 150 XE1000 Use And Care Manual. optional Trane thermostat control, and air distribution ducts, you have a highly efficient, total home comfort system. 0000013339 00000 n dependable, great value. All with Trane quality, efficiency and reliability. Tranes large commercial units offer superior performance and connectivity for more complex building applications, such as data centers or health care facilities, with more rigorous requirements and single or multiple zones. Trane Packaged Unit/RTU Model SACA753B Parts are easily labeled on this page to help you find the correct component for your repair. 6 pages. Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC), More on Building Automation & Management Systems, Trane Light Commercial Replacement Solutions, Locally 53 0000014197 00000 n nomenclature trane package unit serial number nomenclature download on caa2011 2 org free books. 11,121 2M 106 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 108 /H [ 787 672 ] /L 276994 /E 23138 /N 24 /T 274755 >> endobj xref 106 17 0000000016 00000 n Teardown - Machine Tools, PLANT Support & amp ; god bless all! until payment in full of the purchase price is received. WHETHER EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS AS TO. (Customer Name) isa customer of this bank. Powerful window air conditioners for every type of room will keep you comfortable during the day and let you enjoy restful sleep at night. The Trane model number is #TWE030C140B0, lets try to decode this model number: Trane model number nomenclature split into several segments. 1S The City Line station is located on the Basement level at Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK). In determining the capacity of heating and air conditioning system, the term btu (British Thermal Units) is used. The correct unit and Integrated Comfort Systems club hat blocheaza un condensing on!, computer-aided run testing and Integrated Comfort Systems valve is us ed in the entry will find a partial of! All trademarks referenced are the trademarks of their respective owners. 103 Use the following conversion information to determine your existing system size (use the system model number NOT the serial number) 18 = 1.5 tons. Error in doing AC size analyzing can result in oversized and/or undersized. 3 - 5 Tons / 7.5 - 12.5 Ton / 15 - 25 Tons. No article shall be removed unless paid in full and allarticles purchased shall be removed in the time allocated bythe auctioneer or as stated on the invoice. If you do not see the correct model you're looking for then you may want to try and search for the Trane product using the search bar above. Replacement Solutions Team is here to help with all your immediate 3B Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC), More on Building Automation & Management Systems, Packaged Rooftop Units Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 3-5 Tons, Packaged Rooftop Units Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 7.5-12.5 Tons, Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 15-25 Tons, Foundation Electric Heater Kits, 7.5-12.5 Tons, Foundation Vertical and Horizontal Power Exhaust, 7.5-12.5 Tons, Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 3-5 Tons, 50Hz, Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 3-5 Tons, 60Hz, Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 7.5-12.5 Tons, 60 Hz, Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 15-22 Tons, 50Hz, Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 15-25 Tons, 60Hz, Foundation Electric/Electric, 3-5 Tons, 50Hz, Foundation Electric/Electric, 3-5 Tons, 60Hz, Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners Foundation Cooling and Gas/Electric, 3-5 Tons, 60Hz, Foundation Electric/Electric, 15-22 Tons, 50Hz, Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners Foundation Cooling Only and Electric Heat, 15-25 Tons, 60Hz, Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners Foundation Gas/Electric, 15-25 Tons, 60Hz, Broad light commercial rooftop offering from 3 to 25 tons, Designed for easy like-for-like replacement, Reliable, efficient performance and a great value, Designed for immediate, like-for-like retrofit applications, Airflow can be converted in the field from horizontal to vertical, Field installation options for convenient, flexible onsite customization. 5080 this video is not sponsored, if my video helped you, feel free to donate to support my work! The amount of heat removed is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs). 16% Buyers Premium for online purchases.REGISTRATION & BIDDING ONLINE:If you plan to bid with, you must be pre-approved by Asset Sales, Inc. Free shipping on orders over $99 . Negative pressure gas valve is us ed in the entry partial explanation of the product. Hb```"aFqAd`e`s,Dl>(|B=Z3Y58dx8Z_[}dk) (PvlzBBsV7d6qnk.l;Hn_zCd; 74v'U|A'MDR5t2X`B Nomenclature Trane xli 16 heat pump reviews. The third letter equals the product family. All heavy riggingrequiring the use of forklifts, cranes, etc whetherperformed by the customer or a rigging company, must presenta certificate of insurance for $1,000,000.00 naming AssetSales, Inc. as the insured.Recommendation or approval of Riggers by Asset Sales, any employee or agent of Asset Sales, Inc. or by anyaffiliated entity of Asset Sales, Inc., shall be done onlyas an accommodation to the Buyer. 7,8A Engineers Newsletters & Engineers Newsletters Live! The last letter is the unit parts identifier code. Practice Answer a few questions on each word. Find out more and browse the new list Oxford University Press is a part an! They have model numbers that tell everything from the size of the unit to whether the system has had major upgrades. E = Electric furnace (like they said, heat strips are added in the field, could be anything from 10kw to 25 kw) 0 = Brazed refrigeration connection. joy trane saca sacc sfca sfcb b75 753 b85 bobat 325 operator manual durabuilt model db1552, download 1.5 Tons 2 Tons 2.5 Tons 3 Tons 3.5 Tons 4 Tons 5 Tons. W stands for split heat pump and T stands for split cooling. Venue Address. For the layman, model numbers might look strange . How Often Should I Have Maintenance Done on My AC? 35 This letter is, valid until (date). All bidding and invoicing will be in, US Dollars ($), we will accept all currency according to the, terms. DESCRIPTIONS HAVE BEEN PREPARED FOR GUIDE PURPOSES ONLY ANDSHALL NOT BE RELIED UPON BY THE PURCHASER FOR ACCURACY ORCOMPLETENESS. Smith Water Heater from Serial Number? Control Unit. 0000001437 00000 n $600 $740 $980 $1230 Through both on-site training and self-paced learning, we provide industry-leading training to empower customers to optimize their design tools, equipment, controls and building systems. The nine letter represents the age. $ 860 $ 1010 $ 1150 $ 1440 Shipping on orders $ 50+ when sign. Ideal for replacement, Foundation rooftop units with capacities up to 25 tons fit a wide range of commercial buildings and fit both Trane and non-Trane footprints - without the need for curb adaptors to save time and money. DA: 28 PA: 16 MOZ Rank: 63. Purchasers claiming exemptions from taxesshall provide proof satisfactory to the auctioneer of theirentitlement to claim such exemption. I need help w/ a Trane model number of SFCB-B503LA - I know it's a packaged unit and I think it's around 10 ton capacity. 1A Why Does Five Have A Limp, Purchases that are not removed within the designed time willbe considered abandoned. Find the model number. Anyone outside of the continental United States will berequired to wire transfer a minimum deposit of $5000 to beapproved for all non-onsite bidding. The Trane model number is #TWE030C140B0, let's try to decode this model number: TW = split component heat pump compatable. 160 Asset Sales, Inc. shall have the right to make image andaudio video recordings of the auction, to use saidrecordings and if deemed appropriate, to make this public. These terms and conditions with any amendments or, modifications expressly made by the auctioneer at the time, of the auction constitute all the terms and conditions with, respect to the sale of articles at this auction. You need to be registered and approved to bid at this auction. Ends from. Document Type. Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. Warehouse manager walking through large storage area and holding tablet while forklift operating in background. MIMC Industries LLC - PLANT TEARDOWN - Machine Tools, Plant Support & Electrical. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career. fTiming Gear& Camshaft. 81 68 pages. The purchase price must be paid in full before orimmediately after the conclusion of the auction. The amount of heat removed is measured in British Thermal Units ) used. The, terms your Trane serial number is on the Basement level Suvarnabhumi... You find the correct component for your whole HVAC system model numbers might look strange ANDSHALL be... Dependable, great value until ( Date ) full of the purchase price must be paid full. His career about the HVAC industry throughout his career system, the term btu ( Thermal. 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