Hiyori seems to have great balance and leg strength to walk with extremely tall geta sandals without any strain, although she did have to put her hand on her guard to do so. When Zoro woke up, he attempted to leave immediately, and Hiyori held him back, accidentally aggravating his wound. The objective: To collect all stories of decent quality featuring Zoro and Tashigi. He proceeds to position himself into sleep.But she knew. If Zoro is ever going to be with a woman it's most likely Tashigi. Ikigai is your life purpose or yo Shanks and Mihawk were one of the strongest and most influential pirates in the whole world. For them, Luffy would make it right.The last Kozuki saves the Strawhats in their moment of need and it is a debt they will repay in due time. The Sound effects at the bottom of the panel are Doki Doki or Bathump Bathump. During the Arlong Park Arc, Nami would even personally call to Luffy for help, resulting in Luffy personally entrusting his hat to her in good faith. Initially launched to Amazon Lily by Kuma, Luffy came face-to-face with a tortured warrior princess whose entire history was muddled by the vile acts of men. In this instance, my knowledge and research could be fundamental in creating and editing effective material. Just when they were about to capture her, Zoro came and rescued her. Feiertage Japan 202, [39], Sometime after the Roger Pirates' visit to Fish-Man Island, Toki became ill. After Zoro explained his intention to avenge Yasuie, Hiyori expressed her desire to kill Orochi herself. [8] Kawamatsu then helped Hiyori escape Oden Castle and took care of her until they were separated when Hiyori was 13. Hiyori doesnt have to be a lousy ass mentally unstable woman to be considered interesting nor drool over zoro to ensure the ship. [29] Hiyori stated she ran away from Kawamatsu because he was starving himself and hoping he would be able to survive on his own. [9], Hiyori was born 26 years ago to Kozuki Oden and Toki while they were on Whitebeard's ship. Follow these two single fathers as they go through life trying to be the best dads they can be. Hiyori hid in the Enma Shrine as Zoro defeated their pursuers. I vote Naruto should have a wakizashi. She refused to prostrate herself in apology, and Orochi angrily transformed into the Yamata no Orochi. FanFiction. So Hiyori (Komurasaki) and Zoro are another pairing Oda has set up. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. As one of her father's retainers, Kawamatsu became Hiyori's guardian after the death of her parents. Also, Zoro's possession of Enma may be a hint of him becoming the next daimyo. The sentiment was shared by Vivi who couldn't help but cry especially for her tired friend, vying for the freedom of both their people. "Dancing on my own" got stuck on repeat - it is not my fault, I swear. She also had red-painted fingernails. Leicester City Budget, Bsg Guitars Price List, As much promise as there is for Sanji and Charlotte Pudding, he already has an incredible history and a charming chemistry with the Straw Hat's resident navigator/cat burglar, Nami. With recent events in the story having brought new developments to the series, certain relationship dynamics have arisen that have excited fans. The Fanfics I published here are slimmed down versions. [20] [21] Formerly a bounty hunter, [5] he is the second member of . anyway no, Zoro x Tashigi is the way I roll all the way, Zoro and Tashigi can polish each others swords afte they get married, I see you deeply sympathize with men who cheat with prostitutes and sell their family into slavery. At the base and on the ship, shes just another one of the guys, another soldier. Will probably be just 2-3 chapters:) Enjoy! She ends up running into a group of pirates she's very familiar with. Something coveted. Since their first interaction, fans could already tell that there was some history and a rapport between "White Chase" Smoker and "Black Cage" Hina. [14], After leaving the Flower Capital, Hiyori left most of her hair down with her bangs covering her forehead while some of her hair is held up by pins in an elaborate bun behind her head. The Komurasaki haters suddenly change sides after the obvious was revealed. I seek to work in visual and written media, whether it be in film, video games, or publishing, using a variety of mediums to express the full spectrum of art. [40], After Toki recovered from her illness, she and her children became beloved figures of the Kuri region. It's the day of Zoro's wedding and people are dancing, cheering, celebrating Zoro is finally happy. [9], She can be a tease, asking Zoro if he was happy to be sleeping with her.[21]. Nonetheless, he still helped her when she was being pursued by Kamazo and the two slowly bonded when she helped tend to the wounds he sustained. On Tuesday, January 10 between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM UTC (5:00 - 7:00 AM EST), Wattpad will be down for 2 hours to perform a database upgrade, in an effort to improve stability and performance issues. After part of the ceiling collapsed atop Orochi, she coldly revealed her lack of affection for him and her true identity as Oden's daughter, stating that the song was also Oden's favorite. Privacy Policy. Los Mugiwaras tendrn que enfrentar viejas rivalidades, reencontrarse con aliados del pasado y evitar obstculos con ms de 900 aos de antigedad que se han acumulado hasta la actualidad si quieren llegar a Laugh Tale y hacer sus sueos realidad. I don't know how to write my own tags so if anyone reading this has any tips please help me. This'll be my first CoTE fic, and it'll be taking place after the events of y2v1. Prompt: Role Reversal AU- The marines are the pirates and vice versa. Eventim Dieter Nuhr Ludwigshafen, [12] With Denjiro's assistance, she was able to fool Orochi and all those who attended the banquet into believing that she died by carrying fake blood packs. However, he initially disagreed with her decision to give Enma to Zoro, even if it was to have Shusui returned to its resting place. Wow, if only Oda made Zoro give a damn, this would be grounds for actual good romance writing. Some One Piece One-Shots. Orochi demands Kazenbo kill Hiyori, but the weak painting accidentally touches him and sets him ablaze as Hiyori watches. It will take place at the start of the first year. I DON'T OWN ANYTHING USED IN THIS FANFIC OKAY!! Imagine your wife or girlfriend dies and you just start going out with someone because they look similar. The man has to tell them his identity as future luffy. [51], Hiyori then wondered if Sanji was Zoro's comrade. I vote the former on this one since her job(as a courtesan) dicatates that she must be anything but tactless with regards to social customs especially romantic expressions. Fuball Moderatorin Radio, Nami gets another trink form a spooky shop down the cost line where they stopped for some food and starching on land, when Nami uses the so called powerful device to make pain the her enemies. Ahinsa Shoes Sale, Loriot Zitate Intelligente, She stands before the horrified Orochi and declares she was always proud to carry her fathers name, while denouncing him as nothing but an honorless wretch who killed people every day he was shogun. [26] When Toko received news of her father's impending execution, Hiyori immediately ran after the frantic girl out of concern for her safety. How much can he drink?The answer just so happens to be Yes and Too much. A performance was demanded of me and now I have delivered:) 10 Reunions that One Piece Fans cant wait to see! This story will obviously revolve around jjk's king of Chad's toji fushiguro and is a mega harem/smut fanfic and there will be some gore and action sprinkled in. To be honest the evil stuff she's done is nothing compared to Robin so I think people will get over it pretty quickly. [34] This leads her to disguise herself as Komurasaki once more to fool Orochi while using a Seastone nail to nullify his Devil Fruit powers, coldly revealing she never loved him, before proudly revealing her true identity as Oden's daughter. (AU) Luffy and Zoro are both single parents. Happy 68th birthday to the voice of Luffy, Tanaka Mayumi! One Piece is a Shonen action/adventure series well regarded for its world building, dynamic movement, and a few silly jokes here and there. This second exclamation, when she sees Zoro defeating Kamazou, is more interesting. She isnt sexual because she may be a woman, but she was the older sister. Luffy has always had a love for fighting for what was right, so she thinks it might be a good idea. They share the same cowardly goals and may very well have the same level of wits and cleverness that has guided and protected the two so well in the series. A shocking and disconcerting event occurs which befell the students and the entire staff of Advanced Nurturing High School, after awakening from a stupor, the students a Random One Shots And Short Stories of Kiyo with Classroom Of The Elite Waifus. Not only did Zoro save her but he'll be the means of her reuniting with her long lost brother. Hiyori as an adult in Momonosuke's imagination. [3] After Oden encountered Gol D. Roger and decided to assist him with his final journey, Hiyori then boarded the Oro Jackson with her parents and brother. During the Raid on Onigashima, while Orochi carelessly listened to her music, she secretly placed a Seastone nail on him just so he will not transform. Roronoa Zoro gainsa bit of a reputation amongst the women of the grand line. Powered by, Woodlands Bush Lodge received a 2018 Certificate of Excellence, Lehrmittel Schweizer Geschichte Mittelstufe, Hieroglyphen Sind Aus Bestehenden Schriftzeichen, Rekordtorschtze Spanien Nationalmannschaft, 24-stunden-schwimmen Bad Radkersburg 2020, aktuelle radioaktive strahlung in deutschland. I'd love to see the hands off my little sister swag from the little dude. She pleaded with Orochi not to attack her kamuro, but he did not listen, forcing her to slap him. Who said anything about doing it on my own? he cajoles, looking more overjoyed with every passing second. She broke down crying uncontrollably after Yasuie was executed. He's just not into it. > will Luffy like the "new" world. Merry Christmas everyone!! As is customary in any Shonen series, there must be a pairing between the male and female leads. My christmas gift to konfuse in our discord. Charlton Athletic Trikot, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (86), | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Monkey D. Luffy & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Kurohige | Blackbeard | Marshall D. Teach, enemies to lovers to friends to grey area, that one time zoro went to college and wasn't good at it, The Romantic Misadventures of Single Fathers, we don't question plot devices around here, I guess Nami/Franky/Robin if you squint, Kids in their twenties making questionable decisions, Roronoa Zoro and Vinsmoke Sanji Bickering, One Piece one shots Incorrect quotes & Group chats. Hieroglyphen Sind Aus Bestehenden Schriftzeichen, However, the reunion was interrupted when some Beasts Pirates arrived seeking revenge on Gyukimaru for stealing their weapons. The men gave up everything they had to raise the money, which they put in her possession. She healed his injuries and thanked him, speaking to him in a grateful manner. Well start with this exclamation about the Three Sword Style. Will Luffy come to regret meeting the mysterious doctor? While Milky's appearances have been short, fans have never seen Chopper have such a strong reaction to any other character, and their hearts are fluttering. Would be funny to see him do this to Hiyori before realizing she is Hiyori, Or if he does it just to piss off Sanji. A guy who sell his familly can't be pittied tbh. This led to Komurasaki getting "killed" by Kyoshiro. Its unusually quiet, and she closes her eyes as she breathes in his smell deep into her lungs and tries to ingrain it into her memories. Your review has been posted. [12] However, it was later revealed that the men she swindled were guilty of highly immoral acts, and she passed all the money she swindled to Denjiro for him to distribute to the poor citizens of Wano rather than keeping it for herself.[18]. This story is about zoro, an Au where he is a girl and her dreams on becoming the world's greatest swordsman , [38] Following the Raid on Onigashima, the public is now aware of her true identity. --Klobis 22:28, March 29, 2019 (UTC) "Yes," she replied, "I at least had to have a weapon." Most likely they will,i ship them myself as well. Zoro One Piece One Piece Fanart Manga Anime One Piece Luffy Otaku Roronoa Zoro That One Friend More Cute Memes bere Zoro And Robin Nico Robin One Piece Nami One Piece Ship Anime Love Luffy And Hancock All Robins G Gabby One Piece Series One Piece Meme One Piece Crew One Piece Funny One Piece Comic Anime Funny Moments Funny Anime Pics And how big a storm will they cause? The time that Nami took over for Sanji in his battle against Kalifa and their deeply personal exchange on Whole Cake Island are also pivotal, deeply tense moments that suggest that there is something between the two. For more information, please see our 10/15 Luffy x Boa Hancock. That scene where theyre sleeping and talking gives off a certain feel, like something will grow out of it. (Bold claim I know). Community. After the battle, Zoro is tended by Hyori. [2] However, after she angered Kurozumi Orochi, Denjiro (in his disguise as Kyoshiro) staged a killing of Komurasaki in order to keep Hiyori safe.[11][9]. Jinbei (One Piece) Luffy is a commander in the marines and is tasked with forming an elite group of marines to bring an end to the dreaded pirate era. There are two sequels to this one. Kawamatsu interrupted the fight and Hiyori reunited with him. Hiyori is a very proud woman, unwilling to back down or show vulnerability in front of others. Samsung Hw-n400 Fernbedienung, : Awaikage Talk 13:14, March 29, 2019 (UTC) Even if WSJ is valid, its information is non-canon just like the anime. Luffy has always had a love for fighting for what was right, so she thinks it might be a good idea. [31] Denjiro then praised Hiyori for remaining strong all these years. No, four years since the last time he had been in a relationship. While Hiyori was under the guise as Komurasaki, Orochi was deeply infatuated with her, harboring a strong desire to marry her. But of course she doesnt leave the cuddling situation alone without flirting by adding an innuendo and sneakily asking Zoro whether hes interested in her as well. Zoro also resembles oden and Hiyori with Toki in a sense that both Alpha males saved their Significant other, it parallel the 2 generations. He'd often wait on the tree branch outside her window so that the two could just talk, and he could share all the stories of the grand adventures he never had. While Hiyori was the oiran Komurasaki, Toko served as her kamuro. Hiyori believed that as his daughter, she must not shame her father so she refused to live a submissive life. Maybe? RELATED:One Piece: 10 Weird Facts You Never Knew About Pudding. They can also be shortened to nii-san and nee-san. [12][22] After abandoning the Komurasaki identity, she drops the verbal tic and switches to the neutral pronoun watashi ().[9]. Due to Orochi falling in love with Komurasaki, Denjiro advised Hiyori to carry fake blood under her kimono so he could fake her death if the situation requires it. Sanji 25 days of Zoro x gn!afab!reader smut scenarios. I still think she is a bitch if the man eater story is true. But things never go as expected, and he ends up being steered into a troublesome situation because nothing was simple with her. I like Hiyori so far; she can be tough yet has a caring side. [43] On the day of Oden's execution, Hiyori was having a meal with her mother and brother and she was concerned when Momonosuke started crying. Also this story was inspired > How did straw hats crew appear in y/n l/n world? Which Zoro has been able to wield. Hiyori loved her parents dearly. She wears fuchsia lipstick on her prominent lips. The hole blinked out as soon as he entered. Full body view of Hiyori as "Komurasaki". When the whole crew gathers around. Besides, her little brother would love the fact that Zoro became a direct family member after they save Wano. Hiyori tried to protect Toko again when Orochi sent an assassin after her and fled the Flower Capital with her. askorbinsyra biverkningar; cykelverkstad rbyvgen uppsala; cell architecture vs microservices During Zoro's youth, his dojo rival and possible best friend died from falling down some stairs. As a member of the Nine Red Scabbards, Denjiro is one of her father's most loyal retainers. In hindsight, maybe its all been leading up to this. [22], During the banquet, Komurasaki played some music before returning to Orochi's side. Lego Moc Your Bricks, Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. Mathe 8 Klasse, When Orochi begs for his life, Hiyori isn't swayed by his lies, reminded of how Orochi deceived her father into making a fool of himself. But they both knew they could be something more, she desired to be; he wondered what they'd be like if they Alright. 40 . Can they find a common ground or will they end up driving each other mad as usual? Luffy, Ace, and Sabo consider each other brothers even though Luffy joined the Marines. There are tiny bits of cute interactions between the two, creating some of the most consistent build up of any romance within the series. [49], The group later arrived at the prison in the Rasetsu Town just in time to witness the execution. Tk Hockey Hose Baumwolle, After learning that he had Shusui, Hiyori respectfully asked him to return it to its resting place, and offered her father's sword, Enma, a legendary blade that wounded Kaidou, as a replacement. However, post-time skip, a cover page revealed that Makino eventually did have a baby and that the baby was probably "his.". (Bold claim I know). [9] After learning her name, Zoro reveals to her that her brother is alive, indicating that he believes her. Welcome to the forums! Kita tak pernah berselisih paham dalam apapun. Fortunately, Zoro and Sanji shielded the girl. Zoro is a chad, he will pull the hottest women in Wano. You are using an out of date browser. More. How will the world change? Zoro x Hiyori Erotic . Shoto Todoroki had no intentions of travelling into another completely different world that involves Piracy and Maritime. Love Novel () (18+) Zoro x Hiyori . Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. [36] Unfortunately when the Seastone nail was later dislodged, the wounded Orochi decided to murder Hiyori and take her down with him in his final act to spite Oden,[37] but was stopped by Denjiro. Toko is also the only person who knows the truth about Hiyori and her lineage. Going way back to a ship that the fans may have already forgotten, Usopp does have a strongly established romance within his backstory. I'm hoping he marries Hiyori before they leave Wano just for the reactions of this fandom. Zoro x Hiyori, an one piece fanfic | FanFiction Zoro x Hiyori By: The Narrator814 This Fanfic happens after Wano assuming that the Straw Hats defeated Big Mom and Kaido. The nature of their relationship(which definitely exists) is unknown and Kyoshiro is sort of poised to have a lot of power over her as her employer and apparent caretaker at one point so that can influence whether theres something deeper/romantic but the verdicts out on that. It all began innocently enough, neither of them aware of the feelings brewing up until it was too late. One of the leakers, Un-amed, took his own life on 10th it took Luffy 6 MONTHS to get up the stairs (including Press J to jump to the feed. Hiyori has immense hatred and disgust for Orochi, not only for being one of the two masterminds behind her parents' unjust death, but also for Orochi's twisted cruelty towards the countless citizens of Wano, tyrannically oppressing the poor by forcing them to live in wastelands, being enslaved by the Beast Pirates, and to survive only on leftover food, even went as far as to feed them defective SMILE fruits to prevent them from expressing their sadness and despair from suffering and dying from hunger and sickness as she tearfully confided in Zoro that his most heinous crime is putting the poor into so much misery and taking away their ability to express sorrow. Familiar with i still think she is a chad, he will pull the hottest movie TV... 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