calendar of professional recognition days 2022

Use this day to take a moment to relax, reward yourself, and recognize all your accomplishments. Consider including National Women Physicians Day Feb 3rd. This is one of our most popular offerings every year. Financial stress can wreak havoc on engagement. March 14-18: Long Term Care Administrators Week Purpose: Since 1994, the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) has sponsored this national Celebrate Every Day with National Day Calendar! National Employee Appreciation Day on the first Friday in March each year focuses attention on employees in all industries. Some dates change per year, others remain constant. Trending content ideas and Recognize the difficult and dangerous job of mining and show support for the miners whose hard work makes a difference in society in countless ways. Public Service Recognition Week - May 7-13th; Mother's Day - Sunday, May 14th; Memorial Day - Monday, May 29th; National Inventors Month; Mental Health Awareness Month; Global Employees Health and Fitness Month; June. Social Media Recruiting: The question is not if but how well you do it! w[l].push({ %%EOF For instance, have you ever celebrated . Rawan Saab Our Employee Recognition Calendar lists the best recognition days in one place so you can stay on top of all your workplace celebrations. Since everybody gets recognized by someone at some point, I am sure there are omissions. var _hsq = _hsq || []; 06/02/2022 International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation. See our criteria for highlighting NHOs. This health observance calendar can be customized with your organizations logo and brand colors. National employee appreciation day falls on the first Friday of March every year. Wed love to explain your best prepaid card options.866.829.0707. With many people reporting burnout during work-from-home, show you value your employees human side by giving them time to do a hobby each week. Terryberry's list of recognition holidays can help you make sure you don't miss important days to thank certain employees, and it can also make you aware of days like Just . Get your year started right with these 9 unique and holistic wellness challenges! 27 Apr. Acknowledge the operating room nurses who prepare patients, assist surgeons, and maintain sterile environments during surgery. National Disability Awareness Month Friday, Jan. 28 National Fun at Work Day: Inject a little fun into the workday to help foster happiness, create bonds with coworkers, and boost team morale. Encourage employees to make time for themselves through mindfulness, exercise, or doing a morning or evening routine. Recognize the accomplishments and promote the idea of coworking globally. Appreciate all the working parents out there who not only work a full-time job but also care for children, the household, and themselves. Recognition isnt just about treats or giftsits also about making sure your company fosters a culture of belonging for all employees. March 10: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day. 2617 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[2592 53]/Info 2591 0 R/Length 122/Prev 447886/Root 2593 0 R/Size 2645/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Ask your employees how they feel through an employee committee or anonymous survey, then reward them for participation! Short Company All rights reserved. March 1, 2024. Thanks for the heads up. Monthly blog updates, Unemployment this, As we head into a new year, many of us are looking for ways to. j.src = 1952666, 2023 National Employee Celebration Months, Weeks, and Days Infographic, Downloadable & Printable 2023National Employee Celebration Months, Weeks, and Days Calendar, Diversity Strengthens Franchises: Heres Why, Embracing Continuous Feedback: How To Get The Most From Your 1:1 Meetings, 5 Key Health & Wellness Programs Your Employees Are Looking For. Start building a culture of appreciation at your organization! . Contact Baldwin Publishing to get your calendar ordered today! And if youre a parent of a young student or a leader at an elementary school, this is your chance to make teachers feel valued. As we come back from summer vacations and ramp up for Q4, consider hosting a hackathon for employees to brainstorm new products or services. National Educational Support Professionals Day: Appreciate the hard work and dedication of education support professionals who help students inside and outside the classroom through a variety of valuable services. Some of the most important and popular workplace holidays are Employee Appreciation Day, Admin Appreciation Day, High-Five Day, Customer Service Appreciation Week and Bosses Day. Whether youre a healthcare professional, HR employee, employer, or educator, mark these days on your calendar to plan for awareness day activities. Well highlight a few here but check out our website for the entire product line! In some companies, Administrative Professionals Week is devoted to celebrating the office's invaluable administrative staff. Organize the clutter that has gathered in our home offices and create a conducive environment for working at home. Recognize nurse practitioners as highly educated and trained medical professionals they are who are dedicated to providing outstanding care. We included it since social work is part of healthcare regardless of where it occurs. In verifying it, I learned that Feb. 3 is the birthday of Elizabeth Blackwell who was the first woman to attend medical school (in spite of her perceived genetic inferiority). National Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Day: If youre a small business owner, take advantage of this day to get together with your peers and share knowledge. Highlight the necessary work of translators and language professionals in helping others clearly and smoothly communicate in international circles. 2022 Healthcare Awareness & Recognition Calendar Umbrellas are one of the most popular promotional items for healthcare programs, thanks to their high perceived value, effectiveness in getting the message out to the community as people use them and everyone appreciating them as gifts. Healthcare awareness days are centered around recognizing your health care staff making them a great addition to your employee engagement and recognition program strategies. One way to acknowledge and show appreciation for employees roles, efforts, and achievements, as well as their diverse backgrounds and experiences, is to celebrate them throughout the year. Celebrate the workplace evolution that allows us to be productive outside the office and from anywhere in the world we call home.. 25-29, Administrative Professionals Day Apr. March 14-20: National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week. The Biggest Calendar of Employee Recognition Holidays. A Baldwin Publishing representative will be in touch with you 30 National Doctors' Day April Recognition Dates May Recognition Dates June Recognition Dates July Recognition Dates August Recognition Dates September Recognition Dates October Recognition Dates November Recognition Dates December Recognition Dates January Recognition Dates February Recognition Dates Social media tips, Monthly blog updates, National Mentoring Month/National Blood Donor Month, National African American History Month/American Heart Month, Registered Dietitian Day/International Women's Day, Patient Safety Awareness Week/Pulmonary Rehab Week, Stress Awareness Month/Occupational Therapy Month, Asian Pacific Heritage Month/Employee Health and Fitness Month/National Speech Pathologist Day, Leave the Office Early Day/National Donut Day, National Automotive Service Professionals Day, Environmental Services Week/National Truck Driver Appreciation Week/National Security Officer Appreciation Week, Talk Like a Pirate Day/IT Professionals Day, Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month/Diversity Awareness Month/Disability Employment Awareness Month/Breast Cancer Awareness Month/Physical Therapy Month/Pharmacy Month, National Gratitude Month/Native American Heritage Month, International Day for Tolerance/Great American Smokeout, National Cupcake Day/National Ugly Sweater Day. %PDF-1.6 % Dates that involve recognition of people or healthcare functions are listed in bold. Recognize the vital role of pharmacy technicians in supporting pharmacists and pharmacy operations. Helping employees have a positive experience at work is key for improving job satisfaction. Celebrate student employees and employers as well as student employment practices across colleges and universities that help students develop skills and pay for tuition expenses. Support a local business and get involved in your community. Terryberry's Recognition Calendar is a free resource created just for you. Acknowledge how the right business etiquette can build a positive reputation for your business and enhance everyday interactions. " A@6Y Recognize nurses for all the work theyve done to obtain their professional certifications and thank them for their dedication to patient care. Send. 2023: April 26. But there are always reasons to celebrate to keep the team engaged and motivated. employee engagement and recognition program strategies. NOTE: There are even more healthcare holidays, but we chose these as the most prominent. National Athletic Training Month is March. to your team April 15 Passover Starts April 17 Easter April 21 World Creativity and Innovation Day Start a suggestion boxthen recognize employees for their creativity April 27 Administrative Professionals Day If you havent already, consider embracing flexible scheduling, host a virtual picnic, or give your employees an extra day-off to enjoy summer fun. Stay up to date on upcoming national days and Celebrate Every Day! With the help of National Today, weve compiled a list of some of 2023s days, weeks, and months you may choose to celebrate, as well as nationally recognized history and heritage months that may hold special meaning in your workplace. Honor the garbage men and women who collect our garbage and facilitate the disposal process that helps keep our society clean. 1 6 Statistics that Confirm Employee Recognition and Retention are Related,, 2021, 2 The 2018 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Report,, 2018, 3 Morgan Stanley Study Finds that Financial Wellness Is an Opportunity to Reduce Employee Stress, Improve Retention and Engagement, and Differentiate Companies,, 2019, 4 Money is no longer the biggest incentive in selecting a job,, 2017, Call us MondayFriday, 9:00 a.m.8:00 p.m. How to make yours better. Baldwin Publishing will never share your name, email address or any other personal information. Behind the scenes no longer on this site! Click here to learn about our enterprise solution. Get your downloadable calendar! Show lawyers who work in the field of litigation your appreciation for the important work they do and support more positive perceptions of these legal professionals. Our2022 Calendar of Healthcare Recognition Daysis an invaluable resource for you and your team. Honor computer programmers and the many programs theyve designed that benefit nearly every industry and business. 6-12, Dental Assistants Recognition Week Mar. NATIONAL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT WEEK October 6-12, National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day. Do Your Employee Recognition Strategies Work? Calendars 2024 2023 2022 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2021 2020 2019 Upcoming Today Next 7 Days Next 30 Days Categories Action (142) Alcohol (82) Animals (60) Arts (34) Business (38) Charity (32) Clothing (23) Culture (113) Diversity (56) Education (67) Environment (30) Family (65) But employee appreciation can be expressed year-round, as there are several days, weeks, and months you can take advantage of to honor employees for who they are. Gain important insight into the lives and work of farmers, as well as agriculture, through entertainment, exhibitions and displays, tours, and other activities. Dont miss a single one. Whats the date for Medical Assistants Recognition Day? 2592 0 obj <> endobj Use this day to your advantage as a franchise owner and learn something new that will benefit your business. All Rights Reserved. Mark these dates on your calendar: 2022: April 27. American Civil War. It features a comprehensive, 12-month listing of healthcare-related recognition events, complete with descriptions and links. Home Office Safety and Security Week (HOSS): HOSS week encourages those who work from home to evaluate their workspaces to ensure any data security vulnerabilities are taken care of. National Automotive Service Professional Week: Be grateful for the superhumans who keep our rides operating. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other . Honor the generations of Jewish Americans who made contributions to and helped form American history, culture, and society. 2019 C.A. Awareness Days: 12: National Pharmacist Day 25: National IV Nurses Day Awareness Weeks: 23-27: NAP (National Activity Professionals) Week 23-29: National CRNA Week All Month: National Blood Donor Month February Awareness Days: 17: National Caregivers Day Awareness Weeks: 1-7: Patient Recognition Week 6-12: Ambulatory Nurses Week Calendar with 2022 Celebrations and Holidays of the United States. check out our website for the entire product line! Diwali* (11/12/2023) Diwali is a festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs. National Health Observances (NHOs) are special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics. Thank accountants everywhere for crunching the numbers for our schools, banks, businesses, government institutions, and so much more. Each year, NAS puts together an annual listing of healthcare-related recognition events. Get your 2022 calendar today! When that happens, the value of recognition diminishes. Download The Planner Break Through Opportunities for 2023 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 [contact-form-7 id=21190 title=Social Media Guide], Premium Health Content and Digital Strategy, Hospitals should use recipes in social media marketing to grow an online audience. We hope this calendar inspires you to make recognition and rewards an integral part of your employee engagement strategy. . Give your kid(s) a glimpse into the working world, help them learn about your job specifically, and even spark their career interest. Emergency Nurses Week Oct. 8-14. Honor the accomplishments of African Americans throughout the history of the United States, and recognize the importance of Black history to the American story. January 2022 Thyroid Awareness Month National Glaucoma Awareness Month National Birth Defects Prevention Month Cervical Health Awareness Month Stalking Awareness Month Radon Awareness Month National Blood Donor Month Days to Note: World Leprosy Day; January 30 February 2022 American Heart Month

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calendar of professional recognition days 2022

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calendar of professional recognition days 2022

calendar of professional recognition days 2022