city of phoenix non permitted construction

If you wish to report such a possible violation, please fill out as much of the information requested in this form as possible. Live-Work: A residential unit that is also used for commercial purposes for a time, with minimum of 25 percent of the total building area given to the commercial use within the same structure as the residential component. No. G-3847, 1995; Ord. Lot Coverage: The total structural coverage provided on a lot or site inclusive of all roofed areas or structures capable of supporting a roof divided by the net area of the lot or size. A COW is normally vehicle-mounted and contains a telescoping boom as the antenna support structure. The automatic changing of all or any part of the facing of a sign or any sign or part of a sign set in motion by the movement of the atmosphere shall be considered to be animation with the exception of banners as defined herein and regulated by Section 705. This includes advancing of money on the security of pledged goods or engaging in the business of purchasing tangible personal property on the condition that it may be redeemed or repurchased by the seller for a fixed or variable price within a fixed or variable period of time. Topless or bottomless dancers, male or female striptease dancers or male or female go-go dancers whose clothing less than completely and opaquely covers: c.Entire female breast below a point immediately above the tip of the areola. 3. That part of the roof or a flat-roofed building extending beyond the walls or exterior columns or such a building, if not more than twenty-five feet above grade, shall be considered a marquee. Paseo: A hard surfaced, ADA accessible path that can accommodate pedestrian and other non-motorized traffic, such as bicycles, moving in two opposite directions. GUARANTOR WAIVES ALL RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION RELATED TO THIS GUARANTY. G-6151, 2016; Ord. No. G-4264, 2000; Ord. No. No. G-5330, 2009; Ord. G-4256, 2000; Ord. Sign, Wayfinding: A pedestrian or vehicle-oriented sign that indicates the route to, direction of or location of an on-site or off-site destination. H;!6;*4J=]6qhum#6#'cr5 Jo]g#)ywF(211j7[p?&ew;#H(Kdzv/4Zzh&2/OmJ5g)eIaZ)OiGd6DyCfz.R]f{_K;n4W/6dF9.9XnY!s+&`-UG=_1itWhw8/h~_ 6O9 No. Shortened Walking Distance: The provision of access by means of a passageway, corridor, plaza, or other means from one street to another in such a manner as to shorten the distance between a point of one street and a point on the other as compared to walking along the public sidewalk. In the case of a sign painted on or with letter or insignia directly affixed to the wall of a building, a residential subdivision identification sign on a perimeter site wall, or a non-residential identification sign on a perimeter site wall, the facing or surface of such sign shall include that area: a. General Office: An establishment where commercial activities take place but where goods are not produced, sold, or repaired. A bus terminal is characterized as a transfer point between various modes of transit. This term does not include the mass assembly or mass production of dental prostheses or orthodontic appliances. Modular Home: A dwelling unit which is either wholly or in substantial part manufactured at an off-site location to be assembled on-site, except that it does not include a manufactured home, mobile home, park model, or recreational vehicle as defined in this section. Correctional Transitional Housing Facility: A supervised residential center where individuals who are completing a sentence, including pre-release programs, reside for a defined period of time for counseling, job placement assistance, and similar services to assist in transitioning from institutional to community living. Carport: An open building the principal use of which is the storage of motor vehicles, at least two sides of which shall be at least 50% open. The terms and conditions of approval for remedial or corrective action conducted entirely on site and authorized by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to Title 49 of the Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated; or, 2. Which is clearly associated or related to the use of the main building, other structure, or use of land, and, 2. This section is included in your selections. G-4840, 2006; Ord. G-3504, 1992; Ord. G-4256, 2000; Ord. P:\Non-Permitted Construction, Enforcement Procedures TRT/DOC/00203 . Such rooming units or guest rooms shall be for residential purposes only. Food may or may not be served. Critical infrastructure can include, but is not limited to, facilities such as water treatment plants, pump stations, lift stations, water reservoirs, power generating plants and power substations. The items shall include the following, and similar goods: plastics; glass; paper; cardboard; chipboard (e.g. G-3553, 1992; Ord. G-6278, 2017; Ord. Community Center, Public: A building owned by the City that is open to the public and is used as a place for meetings, recreation, or social activities and may have outdoor recreational facilities. Channel: A watercourse with a definite bed and banks that confine and conduct the normal continuous or intermittent flow of water. No. Accessory Building or Structure: A detached subordinate building or structure situated on the same lot with the main building and used for an accessory use. G-5874, 2013; Ord. Wireless Communication Facility, Support Equipment: Any equipment serving or being used in conjunction with a Wireless Communication Facility or support structure. Arena Sponsorship: A contractual commitment, of at least one (1) year in length, between the ownership and/or management of an arena and an individual or business entity (the "arena sponsor"), including the following elements: (i) exterior signage for the arena sponsor; (ii) special arena seating privileges for the arena sponsor; (iii) means for the general public to communicate with or have access to the arena sponsor to purchase, investigate, shop for, or otherwise gain additional information about the arena sponsors goods and/or services at the arena. Planters or planting areas separating the structure from the paved areas; 3. \%ry}!JP'.QyV\:T4?\_P ND&X#`0 K ox9F)RR>D|91dVf'Q09C#0eco8kssm7wczkdR'`26B2LBI,$CRJn&?+:&^T51~sQ/ a\>;9f&8OWq6$hm/9`Y_. Net Area: The area of a lot or parcel excluding all dedicated streets or alleys and roadway or alley easements but including twenty-five (25) feet of abutting canal right-of-way when the abutting development has complied with the Canal Bank Design Guidelines set forth in Section 507 Tab A, including landscaping of canal bank right-of-way. Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facility: A not-for-profit entity that acquires, possesses, cultivates, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies or sells medical marijuana. A resort may provide services customarily furnished by a hotel or guest ranch including restaurant, bar and convention facilities. No. Zoning Ordinance. No. Veterinary Hospital: An institution for the diagnosis, treatment, and care of disease and injury in all types of animals by a licensed doctor of veterinary medicine. 1. Transit Street: A street that contains a light rail transit line. A boarding house is not a community residence home or center, hotel, motel, residential inn, or bed and breakfast. The requested information could not be loaded. Adult Live Entertainment Establishment: A business that offers any of the following entertainment during any part of any two or more days within any continuous thirty (30) day period: 1. 2 Baths. Adaptive Reuse: Adaptive reuse is the practice of adapting existing buildings for new purposes when the original use of a building changes or becomes obsolete. G-4255, 2000; Ord. No. (Ord. Even though some instruction may be offered in connection with such care, the institution shall not be considered a "school" within the meaning of this ordinance. Marijuana Products: Means marijuana concentrate and products that are composed of marijuana and other ingredients and that are intended for use or consumption, including edible products, ointments and tinctures. A guest room may not contain any cooking facilities. Framed-covered non-habitable accessory buildings not more than 500 square feet in area, one story in height, and not closer than three feet to the property line, where the structure is composed of a rigid framework that supports a fabric membrane. Apartment: See "Dwelling, Multiple-Family". Sign Structure, Abandoned: A sign structure which has ceased to be used to display or support a sign, and where the owner of the sign structure has manifested an intention to permanently cease to use the sign structure. G-4857, 2007; Ord. Commercial Center: Lot(s) containing a commercial building or buildings where: there are three or more businesses or tenants contained therein, the lot contains 30,000 square feet of gross floor area or more, and buildings are served by common parking areas. G-5582, 2011; Ord. Mounds can physically and visually separate areas and provide visual and physical level changes by raising landscape elements above grade. Building: A structure having a roof supported by columns or walls for the shelter, support, or enclosure of persons, animals, or chattel. A. Drainage. w ktG2NqJ(!3 Collectors primarily function to collect and distribute traffic between local streets or high volume traffic generators and arterial streets. Parking Structure: A parking garage located above ground or underground consisting of one or more levels, that may or may not include other primary or accessory uses. Getting a Permit for Your Construction. Parking Facility, Commercial: A parking structure or a surface parking lot operated for profit that is not related to a primary or accessory use. Posted Jan 28 2018, 20:23. Pet Grooming: An establishment providing services for household pets that may include bathing, grooming and clipping. Primary Entrance: A ground floor entrance to a commercial lobby or suite that is open to the public during business hours or an entrance to a residential courtyard, unit or lobby. Contractors Yard: An establishment used for the outdoor repair, maintenance or storage of construction vehicles, equipment or materials owned by the establishment. No. You will also find information about residential parking and block party permits and historic preservation guidelines. No. G-5633, 2011; Ord. Public AssemblyEntertainment: Establishment where patrons gather for limited size indoor and outdoor entertainment and where the assemblage follows a daily or regular pattern. Complaints can be made by calling 602-262-7456. G-4156, 1999; Ord. Regularly used for presenting any film or plate negative, film or plate positive film or tape designed to be projected on a screen for exhibition, or films, glass slides or transparencies, either in negative or positive form, designed for exhibition by projection on a screen, or images from an on-site or off-site electronic or magnetic storage medium, including but not limited to any hard disk, floppy disk, diskette, disk pack, cd rom, hologram, magnetic tape, or cards, or any other device capable of creating a display on a screen or other viewing media, depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to "specified anatomical areas" for observation by patrons, customers, or members therein. Ground signs shall include, but are not limited to, those supported by poles, fences, masonry, or metal structures, and vehicle-mounted signs other than those excepted by Section 705.C.2.f. Multi-Use Trail (MUT): A natural or hard surfaced path for alternative modes of transportation such as pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian use in locations identified by approved trails plans and constructed in accordance with standards on file with the Parks and Recreation Department. A community residence home shall be considered a residential use of property for purposes of this Zoning Ordinance. Where the lines are equal, the front line shall be that line which is obviously the front by reason of the prevailing custom of the other buildings on the block. G-4566, 2003; Ord. Second Hand or Used Merchandise Sales: Buying, selling, trading, exchanging, receiving on consignment or otherwise dealing in second hand goods, wares, merchandise or articles. Because the City of Phoenix does issue Extended Construction Work Hours permits, on-call inspectors will research whether the project has an after-hours permit before responding. G-6151, 2016; Ord. Propellant powders shall include smokeless powder, synthetic black powder, and black powder. No. Marijuana Establishment: Means an entity licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services to operate all of the following: 1. Solid Waste Transfer Station: A facility where solid waste is unloaded from one vehicle and reloaded into another vehicle for transport to a final disposal site. b. Sign, Awning: A sign located anywhere on any surface of an awning. Yard: A space on any lot, unoccupied by a structure and unobstructed from the ground upward except as otherwise provided herein, and measured as the minimum horizontal distance from a building or structure, excluding carports, porches and other permitted projects, to the property line opposite such building line in the side or rear yards, or to the street right-of-way or easement in the front yard; provided, however, that where a future width line is established by the provisions of this ordinance for any street bounding the lot, then such measurement shall be taken from the line of the building to such future width line. No. Interior Suite with Accessory Cooking Facilities: A room or group of rooms located within a single dwelling unit designed or arranged to allow for semi-private residential use and includes accessory cooking facilities. 2. Only areas at least fifty (50) feet within any open end mall shall be considered as being within the mall. 18 0 obj <> endobj No. Motor Vehicle Washing: An establishment that washes, waxes, or cleans automobiles or similar light vehicles. G-5380, 2009; Ord. Permitted Use: A use specifically permitted or analogous to those specifically permitted as set forth in Chapter 6 herein. x]oH ? G-5290, 2008; Ord. G-5687, 2012; Ord. A channel letter is the outline of a letter, with metal returns, into which a light source is placed. A convenience market may include sale of gasoline and packaged liquor. Sign Embellishment: Letters, figures, characters, or representations in cutouts, irregular forms, or similar ornamentation attached to or superimposed upon a sign to provide a three-dimensional effect. Professionally drafted and regularly updated online templates. Sign Copy: Those letters, numerals, figures, symbols, color schemes, logos, and hieroglyphics used to make up words and elements of the sign message, including the spaces between letters, numerals and figures, but excluding numerals identifying street address only as exempted under Section 705.E. $469,000 Last Sold Price. A pocket shelter primarily offers food and shelter to individuals and families. Occupiable Space: An indoor or outdoor enclosed space designed for human interactions, such as but not limited to: lobbies, patios, rooftop decks and gardens, or areas for assembly, or other similar purposes. Health and Support Services: A facility, place, or building that is maintained and operated to provide medical care. Non-Permitted Construction Job Site Rules for Builders Arcadia Camelback Special Planning District . No. Heliports include any of the uses of helistops. Users should contact the City Clerks Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. An arena is not a stadium, which is separately defined in this ordinance. The modified washes are designed with irregular banks, typically in a curvilinear fashion which simulates washes as they occur in a natural undisturbed condition. No. Select the links below for information or if you need to obtain a permit(s) after receiving a Notice of Violation (NOV) for non-permitted construction. Wireless Communication Facilities can be concealed, disguised or visible. G-6047, 2015; Ord. 4. G-4498, 2003; Ord. G-4004, 1997; Ord. No. Wireless Communication Facility, Support Structure: A structure that supports a Wireless Communication Facility including, but not limited to, monopoles, towers, utility poles and other freestanding self-supporting structures. A directory sign may also include maps, site plans or diagrams for the building, facility or venue. Garage, Public: Any building, other than that herein defined as a private garage, used for the storage or care of motor vehicles, or where any such vehicles are equipped for operation, repaired, or kept for remuneration. Homeless Shelter: A facility providing temporary housing to indigent, needy, homeless, or transient persons; may also provide ancillary services such as counseling, or vocational training. G-5846, 2013; Ord. To report non-permitted construction, call 602.262.7884 or mailto: Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Accessory sales of products cultivated on site are permissible within ten days of harvesting subject to approval of a use permit pursuant to Section 307. G-4611, 2004; Ord. Such space shall include lawns and other landscaped features such as walkways, terraces, sitting areas, and outdoor recreational areas when such features are incorporated into these areas. and Development Department at be aware that such emails may be subject to public records disclosure and are retained for 90 days. Annexed Land: Any land annexed to the City of Phoenix. Mobile vending site: "Mobile vending site" or "site" (as used in subsection 10-166(b)(1) of the Phoenix City Code) means the property address or Maricopa County parcel number of the land where the mobile vending unit or mobile food vending unit will be located, which is required to be submitted to the City Clerk pursuant to subsection 10-163(11) of the Phoenix City Code. Historic Preservation: Historic preservation as defined and regulated by Chapter 8 of this ordinance. No. Roof, Mansard: A roof with two slopes on each of four sides, the lower steeper than the upper. Office Center: A lot or group of lots containing professional and administrative office buildings where: (1) there are three or more businesses or tenants, (2) the lot contains at least 50,000 square feet of gross floor area, and (3) buildings are served by common parking areas. Setback: The required minimum distance between the building line and the related front, side, or rear lot line and over which no part of any building may extend, except as otherwise provided. No. G-5329, 2009; Ord. No. Condominium: Ownership of real property wherein the interest in the underlying land is undivided. G-3787, 1994; Ord. Collector Street - Refers to both collector and minor collector streets. No. Contiguous: In contact with one or more sides. Disability: (1) A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; (2) a record of having such an impairment; or (3) being regarded as having such an impairment. Convenience Market: A small scale retail establishment the primary purpose of which is the sale of fresh and packaged food, dry goods, and nonprescription medicine primarily to customers from the immediate area. G-6331, 2017; Ord. Garage, Private: An accessory building or part of a main building occupied by the passenger motor vehicles of the families residing on the same lot. Maintenance: The replacing, repairing or up-keep of a part or parts of a building, parking facility or site landscaping which have been made unusable or unfunctional by ordinary wear or tear, by the weather or by overgrowth. 4. The intent is to promote "eyes on the street" and passive supervision of the public space. Wireless Communication Facility, Equipment Enclosure: A tract or area of land enclosed by a solid wall that contains one or more Wireless Communication Facility antennas, their associated equipment shelters and other equipment associated with and ancillary to wireless communication. The connecting structure is greater than ten (10) feet wide and the length of the connection is more than twice the width of the connecting structure. No. Phoenix General Contractors Nonresidential Building - get access to a huge library of legal forms. 1. endstream endobj startxref No. Livestock Fence: A fence in which at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the area between grade level and the top cross member (wire, wood or other material) is open. G-4230, 1999; Ord. No. Single-Loaded Street: A street with development on one side and open space or undeveloped areas on the other side. Nearby homes similar to 122 Phoenix Palm Ct have recently sold between $469K to $600K at an average of $270 per square foot. Lot or Parcel, Multiple Use: A lot or parcel or combination of lots or parcels, containing two or more establishments which must share parking, access and other amenities to comply with ordinance requirements. G-3465, 1991; Ord. Nearby Recently Sold Homes. G-3553, 1992; Ord. No. states that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to perform any work for which a Contractors who violate the law are subject to disciplinary action by CSLB, including civil penalty assessments of up to $5,000 per violation, an order of correction that requires payment of permit fees and any assessed penalties imposed by the local building department, and suspension or revocation of the license. Cul-de-Sac: The turn-around at the end of a dead end street. 2. Commercial loading may also include the custom modification of cases or the making of non-exploding bullets used in the ammunition loading process but shall not include the manufacturing of primers, percussion caps or propellant powders.

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city of phoenix non permitted construction

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city of phoenix non permitted construction

city of phoenix non permitted construction