Following the 2020 presidential election, 72.5% of Washingtonians lived in one of the state's 11 Solid Democratic counties, which voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 22.3% lived in one of 22 Solid Republican counties. Her campaign is emphasizing resetting the economy as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, bringing more affordable housing to Tacoma, and prioritizing frontline workers and their families. McElroy is running unopposed for Tacoma School District, Director Position 4, and deserves your vote. She is the founder and executive director of the Tacoma Recovery Center and previously served as the program manager of the Multicultural Child and Family Hope Center. Her platform is dismissive of teaching students healthy social and emotional skills like self-awareness and self-control, and is equally against teaching kids honest and complete history. 1199 N Fairfax St Suite 500 Alexandria, VA 22314 American Conservative Union. | Amer is a chemist for an aerospace company and has been volunteering locally for years at food banks, the White River Valley Museum, the Auburn and Muckleshoot libraries, and with the police department. Address: PO Box 4897,Seattle, WA 98194. An extremely simple guide to the biggest races in California's June 7 primary. 267 were here. McElroy's priorities for the school board include transparency, consideration of all students and parents when making decisions, and increasing accessibility including bringing translators to meetings. Daniels' campaign platform includes a holistic response to public health emergencies like COVID-19 by providing financial support to vulnerable families, workers, small businesses, and all others who have been severely impacted. Get Your Local, State, and Amendment Voter Guides Now! Figueroa is a veteran, immigrant, and real estate professional who first joined the council in 2010 with a more conservative agenda. Bacon is an environmental scientist, health physicist, and veteran. Pierce County Sheriff's spokesperson Ed Troyer leads the race for sheriff with 53% of the vote after the second round of election returns were released . She also crucially understands the importance of addressing institutional racism and has a demonstrated history of working within communities of color and building diverse coalitions to address the problems facing Tacoma. She would prioritize science-backed climate policy and wants to see ports along the coast working together. Typically, the secretary of state's race in Washington is a predictable affair that features Democrats pushing for more access to . But 2022 may be Republicans' best shot in a generation, and certainly since 2010. Visit the 2020 Sumter County Primary Election Voter Guide Page todownload the Sumter County Voter , Permanent link to this article:, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window),,,,,,,,,,, Indian River County Current Voter Guide Link. Kelly Blucher works in community outreach and engagement for the Olympics & Rainier Region Goodwill and previously worked for AmeriCorps and Habitat for Humanity. Please take the time to share this voter guide with your pastor, church, neighbors, friends, and family so that others can vote their values. Unfortunately, Trout has taken a couple of bad votes including opposing the B&O tax, which would help the city avoid a revenue crisis by 2023, and opposing hazard pay for grocery store workers in the pandemic. Our local council was disappointed with some of Ushka's interview answers, including her support for moving the migrant detention center to the Nalley Valley. Marzano was first elected commissioner in 1995 and serves on the executive committee for the Puget Sound Regional Council. Opponents say maintaining partisan labels provides greater transparency in elections and - given the stark, far-right trends in todays Republican party - helps voters make an informed choice based on their values. Mary Bacon is the best choice in this race to improve the ports environment policies and advocate for the workers who keep Tacomas port running. Incumbent Spencer Abersold has served on the council since 2018. McKinney has worked for Boeing and Xfinity and currently works for Washingtons Department of Social and Health Services. Tribal elections are not included. Before that, Meyer served as the deputy director of the Port of Tacoma and the executive director of the Foss Waterway Development Authority. This legislative session, Democratic lawmakers wrote and passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5096, which created a 7% capital gains tax on the sale of assets like stocks valued above $250,000. Her platform includes a commitment to public education and ensuring that all schools receive equitable funding, regardless of neighborhood or zip code. Don't be a coward. SB 5054 is unfair to students and parents. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below school district races on your ballot. Text "STOP" to opt-out. Incumbent commissioner Eric Hansen is running for re-election to Position 1 on the Tacoma Civil Service Commission. Bacon is an environmental scientist, health physicist, and veteran. Kiara Daniels is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 6. LUCIE REPUBLICAN VOTING GUIDE Next Election: November 8th, 2022 (General Election) . Information about 2023 Florida Special Elections. . Resources. All active registered voters should receive a mail ballot by June 7, 2022, the day of the primary election. Before You Vote, View Our ProLife Voter Guides and Resources! With his background as a longshoreman, Marzano knows that the two issues are connected and that those who live and work near the port are directly affected by its environmental impact. Mary Kuney, Spokane County Commissioner . Brenda Lykins is the better choice in this race. Amer is a chemist for an aerospace company and has been volunteering locally for years at food banks, the White River Valley Museum, the Auburn and Muckleshoot libraries, and with the police department. He works in the government banking division of U.S. Bank in Tacoma.,314681#.Y__WQiTWhKJ.twitter, Key Legislative Democrats say their police pursuit policy (HB 1054 in 2021) saves innocent lives. What about these innocent lives? Older Americans tend to vote more conservatively. Anne Artman is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 5. In her time as mayor, Backus has assisted in awarding $200,000 in grants to local businesses and increasing the number of good-paying jobs in Auburn. She had a long track record of public service before becoming mayor in 2017. Ushka was first elected to the council in 2017 and previously served on the Tacoma School Board for eight years. The official page of the Pierce County Republican Party - "Be Bold, Be Courageous, BE. Woodards faces a challenge from Steve Haverly, a first-time candidate who works in construction and land management. He is running, like Abersold, to protect the city's identity and balance infrastructure needs with natural habitats. Go to Leon is the clear choice in the race for Tacoma School Board, Director, Position 2. The Legislature had a historically productive 2021 session, resulting in several advisory votes appearing on the ballot. The following candidates and ballot measures have met our high standards for endorsement conservative, principled, electable and the overwhelming choice of our membership. Then again, revivals rocked Asbury College now a liberal arts university in 1908, 1921, 1950, 1958 and on other occasions. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Pierce GOP She is the founder and executive director of the Tacoma Recovery Center and previously served as the program manager of the Multicultural Child and Family Hope Center. Visit for a list of bad bills and to take action! Bring Back Balance to Olympia and DC Vote Republican to challenge Biden and Inslee until we can replace them in 2024. Great commentary by @JimWalshLD19 on this disturbing bill that will chill public speech and allow the government to police opinions. Belle's opponent is Ria Covington Johnson, who previously ran for Lakewood City Council in 2017 and 2019. Door first joined the council in 2014 and was then elected by her council colleagues to serve as mayor in 2020. Snohomish Jordan Sears - PUD 3. . Victoria Woodards is running for re-election to be the mayor of Tacoma. . We recommend Eric Hansen in this race because of his support from progressive organizations in the area. PO Box 40229, Olympia WA 98504-0229. Florida Votes Values Local Voter Guide for Orange County, FL. Hanawalt was the initial executive director of Peace Community Center and been involved with the Peace Lutheran Church. You can view information for the current election. BY MYNORTHWEST STAFF. Vote Maintained on State Advisory Vote 38. Remember, there are no perfect candidates. Dont Let Them Steal This Election! We need leaders who will follow science and public health recommendations to keep our kids safe. He is a retired Army command sergeant major and former dean at Bates Technical College., Pierce County Council District 1 Get sample ballots, voting information, candidate evaluations and more. Please take the time to share this voter guide with your pastor, church, neighbors, friends, and family so that others can vote their . The tax is estimated to raise about $415 million primarily for child care and early learning - both services that became clearly essential to Washingtonians during the coronavirus pandemic. Washingtonians deserve an economy that works for us all. Updated: 4:59 PM PDT August 5, 2020. This voter , Permanent link to this article:, has released the 2020 General Election Voter Guide for Lake County FL. Visit the Clay County Voter Guide , Permanent link to this article:, has released the 2020 Primary Election Voter Guides for Lake, Marion, Saint Lucie, and Sumter Counties FL. Markley has served as a city council member in Position 4 since 2019 and served as a city parks commissioner for two years prior. County Online Voters' Guides provide information about county candidates. Amer's opponent in this race is incumbent council member Yolanda Trout. Audio MP3s . McCullough is challenging incumbent Neil Johnson, Jr who first became mayor in 2006 and served on city council since 2002. We believe it's time for the Lakewood City Council to reflect a broader set of voices from the rapidly changing community. Korey Strozier is running to retain Tacoma School District, Director Position 3. Ader is pushing a far-right conspiracy that aims to remove accurate, historical discussions from schools, depriving kids of the opportunity to have age-appropriate discussions and honest reckoning with the nation's past. Incumbent Mary Moss is running unopposed for her seat on the Lakewood City Council. Juanita Beard is running a strong campaign for Peninsula School Board Director in District 5. There are two good candidates running for Tacoma City Council, Position 5: Anne Artman and Joe Bushnell. Change the Course of History with Your ProLife Vote Tuesday! ", All Rights Reserved PIERCE COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY 10209 Bridgeport Way SW, #C-1 Lakewood, WA 98499 (253) 722-5353, Pierce County Council District 7 Round Table, Biblical Citizenship Event with Rick Green October 5th 2021, Port of Tacoma Tideflats Visioning Survey, The 45th President of the United States Trump Accomplishments. Cash bar Text RSVP please to: 772-200-3470 or email In her time on the Tacoma City Council, Woodards worked on establishing Tacomas Office of Equity and Human Rights. Kiara Daniels is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 6. iVoterGuide. You can learn about our partners and decision-making process here. Look for your ballot October 15 - 19 | 253-798-VOTE (8683) Click here for a printable version Conservative Republican Voter Guide. 919-829-4807. In addition, the community must address a legacy of excessive use of force by the police department, which has been sued five times since 2011 just for incidents involving police dogs and has been slow to implement body cameras. She runs a small business for her counseling services in Gig Harbor. Employment specialist Elizabeth Pew is running for Port of Tacoma, Position 2. She is also emphasizing social and racial justice and will work for more accountability, transparency, and equitable opportunities for all communities. In this race, Colombo is prioritizing pedestrian safety, affordable housing, economic vitality, equity and diversity, disability accommodations, and community-focused government spending. Compared to other nearby counties, Pierce County has more republican voters. This sample ballot tool includes: All candidates in every upcoming election occurring within the 100 most-populated cities in the U.S., plus all federal and statewide elections, including ballot measures, nationwide. Ushka also feels the city needs to increase zoning density where suitable to address the housing deficit and provide additional resources for responding to mental health crises. 360-902-4180. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. He is a station manager at KGHP who also volunteers as a club advisor at Peninsula High School. Hendrix has served as PTA treasurer and president. Since then, Kastama has spent his time on the council starting a local group which criticizes services provided to the homeless. Renee Gerber - campaign page Pete Kambelos* - campaign page Nick Kelly* - campaign page Linda Spitzmiller - campaign page Clermont Chamber Candidate Forum: watch here Why it is interesting: Nick Kelly and Pete Kambelos are running for re-election, however, Dr. Kambelos was appointed in 2021 and is seeking his first full term. Pierce County Voter Guide . Message and data rates may apply. Real estate agent Tracie Markley is running unopposed for mayor of Gig Harbor. With all the difficulties of the pandemic for students and families, Butler is strongly advocating for flexible emotional and academic support systems. Beard is challenging conservative incumbent David Olson in this race. If re-elected, he wants to continue pursuing a more conservative agenda focused on modernizing terminals and waterways, but also intends to limit revenue, putting many improvements beyond reach. Historians will now add 2023. He is an elected precinct committee officer in Pierce County and the founder of Indivisible Puyallup. Big things are coming to Fort Pierce." 2:15 p.m.: DeSantis supporters wait for hours Bob Kunst, 80, drove two hours from Miami Beach to hold a hand-written "Gays 4 DeSantis" sign right in front . He has stated that his first objective would be to form an equity and ethics commission to bring Puyallup citizens together to work on making the city better for all residents. Toggle Menu. While she faces a challenging race against the longtime incumbent, we believe Ayuso would bring valuable progressive leadership to the council that would benefit all Lakewood families. Treasure Coast Lexus, 5121 S US 1. In addition to disapproving of this curriculum, Holz wants to encourage "unique and innovative" learning opportunities to prepare students for trades, business, the military, or continuing education. She has spent 10 years as a pre-school teacher and launched her own program, Vision Step Team, in 2016. . The Aug. 2 primary will winnow that list to two finalists. King is running a reactionary campaign that prioritizes business interests above community needs, aims to cut social services, and promotes divisive policy. California 's June 7 . He is the president of the Washington State Labor Council and serves on the Valley Regional Fire Authority governing board. Joe Bushnell is a Tacoma Public Utilities board member and Marine Corps veteran. Anderson served on the Tacoma City Council before running for county auditor in 2009 and winning re-election three times.