Qualified civilians and former service members may now apply for direct appointment as a logistics officer in the U.S. Armys Logistics Branch for the rank of Captain through Colonel, depending on a thorough review and calculation of relevant education, training, certifications, and work experience. endstream endobj startxref Assist the command in administering military justice by preparingnon-judicial punishmentactions, administrative separation actions, and trying criminal cases at court-martial. Experiences: Transportation Management Sergeants gain a variety of experiences through institutional education, unit expertise and self development. You will directly further advance the support capabilities of the individuals and units to which you are assigned. Identify your Army Branch Managers or Chiefs from the list below. Your confidence will first be tested, as a cadet or in Basic Training, in what we call the Confidence Course. I look up to her and as I made the decision to join the military, I automatically was interested in the transportation . Army Officers not only lead the men and women in their command, but they're also responsible for the training and mentoring of junior Soldiers in their field. You can always reach out to your recruiter for more specific details. Whether during peacetime or during times of war, Chaplain Branch personnel offer; The personnel assigned to the Chemical Branch protect our soldiers (and country) from Chemical, Biological Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) attacks. In addition to the Quartermaster and Transportation branches, the Ordnance Branch is a critical component of the U.S. Army logistics system. Transportation professionals and solutions enable the Army to deploy, fight and win, anytime and anywhere. Provide rapid response to and protection against Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Direct and conduct integrated electronic warfare, Direct and conduct information and cyberspace operations as authorized, Ensure freedom of action in and through cyberspace and the information environment, Advise commands on targeting decisions and other aspects of operational law. Contact them for support on your next assignment or military schooling opportunity. The Finance Branch is the smallest of all the branches of the United States Army. ADA systems are typically divided into three categories; SHORAD (Short Range Air Defense), HIMAD (High to Medium Air Defense), and THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense). The Army offers a complete package of benefits that not only supports you and your family, but also helps you advance in your career. Youll live in a community designed for Soldiers and their Families with housing, amenities, parks, and more. Contact Army HRC Military Schools Branch Managers Military Schools Branch - Position/Duties Phone BRANCH CHIEF (502)-613-5525 BRANCH SERGEANT MAJOR (502)-613-5524 Operations Section/ Team Ext 983-5916 Position/Duties Phone OPS CHIEF (502)-613-5517 OPS NCOIC (502)-613-5549 OPS ASST NCOIC (502)-613-5328 Essentially, infantry soldiers are all trained, organized, armed, and equipped the same. There are, however, additional qualifications likeAirborne,Air Assault, andRangerthat denote specific specialized skills and training. The Transportation Branch enables and integrates movement, deployment and . Experiences: Transportation Management Coordinator Staff Sergeants gain a variety of experiences through institutional education, unit expertise self-development, and operational deployments. Medical Branch specialty subunits include; The Medical branch mission is to Ensure aReady Medical Force and a Medically Ready Forcewhile providing for the professional develop and personal growth of our MC officers.. There are requirements if you join through ROTC or another Officer pathyour recruiter will provide the details. We also offer bonuses, allowances, and other benefits that could contribute to your overall income. The Transportation Management Coordinator NCO verifies the accuracy of movement control documents and serves as the primary operator of Standard Army Management Information Systems which is. The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Branches. So, as you grow in your career, complete special certifications and training, and receive benefits, youll earn more money, too. Personnel assigned to the Military Police Branch serve the United States Army as members of its uniformed law enforcement branch. You can enroll in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), attend the U.S. Military Academy, complete Officer Candidate School (OCS), or get Direct Commission with experience in a professional field. College and University Associates Degree (O), Credentials & Certifications (Continuing Education), Military Schooling Advanced Leaders Course (R), Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES)-Sea/Air (D), HAZMAT(D), Unit Movement Officer-Deployment Planning Course (D), Global Air Trans Exec Systems-Surface (GATES) (O), TC- AIMS II (D), Operational Contracting Support (D), Joint Operation Planning and Execution (JOPES)-Support Personnel Course (D), Joint Container Management (D), JOPES-Act Officer Crs (O), Battle Staff (O), MRT (O), SHARP (O), Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Crs I (O), MRT (O), SHARP (O), Airborne (O), Jumpmaster (O), Assignment Developed Talents Army Talent Attribute Framework - Tier 2. As a Soldier, you can receive the best healthcare benefits in the country at little to no cost. Welcome to the Human Resource Command Transportation Branch for active duty enlisted Soldiers. The personnel assigned to the United States Army Aviation Branch are responsible for doctrine, manning and configuration for all army aviation units. The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Branches. Basically, it all comes down to their expertise. Escape will cancel and close the window. They should be able to use their knowledge of logistics and data analytical skills to identify inefficiencies and develop process improvement plans in order to streamline operations and maximize efficiencies in both fiscal and time-constrained scenarios. You will document and inventory freight shipments, prepare cargo for travel, and coordinate transportation for Soldiers and other personnel. Job-specific training content may include: 2023. As an 88N Transportation Management Coordinator, opportunities are available to secure civilian credentials which can be applied towards points for promotion within the Army as well as expand opportunities for application outside the Army. The United States Army personnel assigned to the Military Intelligence branch work to provide essential intelligence. Whether you serve part-time or full-time as an enlisted Soldier or Army Office, you'll earn competitive pay with opportunities for bonuses, as well as receive health care at little to no cost. The list of branches that comprised the combat service support category includes those whose activity is geared toward sustainment and, subsequently, were reclassified under that category under the newer organization. The officers commanding these units are supplied by the Armor branch. Their efforts are key in the area of force sustainment. Camaraderie is one of the most unique aspects of the Army and is something you likely won't find in a civilian career or everyday life. It begins with a heading 2 called "Learn more about Field Operating Offices of the Office of the Secretary of the Army". Psychological operations support combat and national security objectives at multiple levels including; Personnel serving in the United States Army Public Affairs branch deal with media and community issues. The branch proponent is the commandant or the chief of a branch of the Army with execution of training, leader development, education, and personnel responsibilities for their designated branch. Safety, U.S. ARMY INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND, "We Are the Army's Home - Integrating tactical, strategic and sustaining base communications, information processing and management systems into a seamless global information network. Infantry Infantry Officer (11) The infantry officer is responsible for leading the infantry and [] Take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. They are trained in tactics, techniques and procedures for the employment of fire support systems. The Buddy Team Enlistment Option, or the Buddy Program, lets a recruit and up to five friends enlist and go through Basic Training together. Army branches are groupings of specialties that officers and enlisted members might occupy based on their job. The Army Logistics University comprises three distinct colleges and an academy: the Logistics Leader College (LLC); the College of Applied Logistics and Operational Studies (CALOS); the Technical. For additional information and coordination for support, contact our LRC Transportation Branch at (978) 615-6076 during duty hours. Personnel engage in prompt and sustained combat operations. The officers and soldiers assigned to the Civil Affairs branch focus efforts in five major areas including; The personnel assigned to the United States Army Cyber Branch conduct information dominance and cyberspace operations. If you're interested in pursuing a college education or getting an advanced degree for less, the Army not only offers programs to help you earn your degree while you serve, but also helps pay for tuition costs through tuition assistance programs and a variety of merit-based scholarships. Train and develop agile leaders and Soldiers who provide human resources and music support to the force. Founded as the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service(CWS) duringWorld War I, it became the Chemical Corps in 1946. Support for the command and control of combined arms forces. Logistics officers are multifunctional and rely heavily on data analytics in order to provide timely, world-class logistics support . Allies and partners have provided over $19 billion during that timeframe. Combat service support branches included; Established in 1775, the Adjutant Generals Corps is the second oldest branch in the United States Army. Recruiters are tasked with more than seeking out potential candidates, they help guide prospects through the enlistment process. Combat arms branches include; Combat supportbranches are composed of units whose primary function is to provide fire support and operational assistance to the combat arms units that are directly engaging the enemy. Proponent Vision: Transportation Management Coordinator Staff Sergeant, monitors, controls and coordinates the movement of personnel, equipment, in all modes of transport and determines the most efficient mode of transport that accomplishes mission requirements. Army Reserve. From repairing equipment damaged in battle, to providing preventive maintenance . These soldiers execute both defensive and offensive cyberspace operations. Logistics officers are multifunctional and rely heavily on data analytics in order to provide timely, world-class logistics support during all phases of operations both in peacetime and war. 88N Transportation Management Coordinators determine the most efficient mode of transport that accomplishes mission requirements and advises military and Department of Defense (DoD) civilians concerning the selection of sites for depots, truck terminals, railheads, beachheads, airfields, ports, and inland waterway terminals. Job Overview. Are there any physical fitness requirements to join? You'll learn the value of working together to master skills and achieve common goals. During training, Soldiers build confidence not only by completing tasks and overcoming their own fears, but also by watching their fellow Soldiers succeed by doing the same. Officers and enlisted soldiers from this branch create and manage communications and information systems for the authority and direction of combat forces from other branches. As a Transportation Management Coordinator, you'll plan and schedule transportation for troops, cargo, and equipment worldwide. The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance,. You'll get more than a career. Must be a United States citizen; applicants in a dual citizenship status are ineligible. Throughout a career in the Army, Soldiers can continue to gain confidence through fitness training, competitions, marksmanship, and evaluations from their superiors. Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), Office of the Chief of Reserve Affairs (OCRA), Tranportation Management Training Department (TMTD), Army Driver Standardization Office (ADSO), Maritime and Intermodal Training Department (MITD). Combat support unit are distinguished from combat service support unit in that they provide operational support to combat arms units. Personnel assigned to this branch the operational support in the area of transportation that is fundamental in the execution of the Armys mission. U.S. Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" Site Map. FORT LEE, Va. - Command Sgt. Obtain, distribute, and share intelligence on the enemy. Their primary mission is to persuade enemy forces to act in ways that are favorable to U.S. and allied forces. After submitting a waiver, a review takes place to make sure you can join. The 88N SFC reviews DOD contracts and agreements with host nations, ensures allocation of transport capability is appropriate to accomplish each mission in a cost-effective manner and serves as the Contracting Officers Representative. The overall mission of the personnel assigned to the United States Army Special Forces Branch includes training and leading unconventional warfare (UW) forces as well as clandestine guerrilla forces in an occupied nation. If youre living off-post, we offer a housing allowance to help pay for living expenses like rent and utilities. Management of aircraft or aircraft electronics (avionics) maintenance, Management of vehicle, railroad, and other equipment maintenance, Logistics and operational support functions, Interest in planning and directing the work of others, Helpers--Installation, Maintenance and Repair Workers, Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers, Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators, Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Except Engines, Petroleum Pump System Operators, Refinery Operators and Gaugers, Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technologists and Technicians, Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians, Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment, Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers and Repairers, Production, Planning and Expediting Clerks, Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists. The most common weapon systems today utilize surface to air missiles. Transportation Management Coordinator Jun 10, 2012 The Transportation Management Coordinator SSG advises military and DOD civilians concerning the selection of sites for depots, truck terminals, railheads, beachheads, airfields, ports, and inland waterway terminals. My mother and I have a close-knit relationship. Camaraderie is not only essential to the success of a mission, but it also impacts the well-being of the Army as a whole. Army Logistics Quick Reference - (CAC) Enable, The Official Website of the United States Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School | Fort Lee, Virginia, 2022 United States Army | Transportation Corps, Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO), Transportation Management Training Department (TMTD), Become an 88N Transportation Management Coordinator, Supervision of cargo documentation and movement control units for all transportation modes, Formulation and review of documentation on technical traffic management functions, Devising and reviewing movement programs for logistical support functions in a theater of operations, Serving as the transportation liaison between other military services, commercial agencies, and host nation support elements, Reviewing DoD contracts and agreements with host nations, Verifying the accuracy of movement control documents, Quality control of commercial transportation contracts, Unstructured Problem Solving, Analyze Data or Information, Analyzes and Organizes Information to Create Knowledge. Army Reserve. Branch Orientation Corps of Engineer Engineer Officer (12) An engineer officer is responsible for providing full support to the wide range of engineering duties in the Army. Fleet maintenance managers work in offices located in maintenance yards, shops, and garages. Branch personnel may be officers, enlisted soldiers, or civilian contractors. Become a member of the TC Connect Community. Or take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. The vehicles used in the Armor mission include the; M1 Abrams main battle tank, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and the Stryker Mobile Gun System. Enlist as a soldier into the United States Army and become a certified Transportation management coordinator responsible for scheduling and selecting the modes of transportation for personnel and equipment. The branch proponent is the commandant or the chief of a branch of the Army with execution of training, leader development, education, and personnel responsibilities for their designated. Advanced training and specialty schools are available for Soldiers and Officers to learn specific skills and take on more responsibility as experts in their field. So, future Soldiers can experience camaraderie and a sense of belonging right from the start. A minimum of 5 years of experience in SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), SAP Business Reporting Tools, data warehousing principals/best practice solutions, SAP BEx Analyzer, cross-functional knowledge and manipulation experience of SAP Modules, and proven track record of architecting complete SAP Business Warehousing (BW) / Business Intelligence (BI) solutions to include at least one project is highly desired but not required, Previous military experience preferred but not required. Location. Enlisted. You could also receive money for education, student loan repayment assistance, training and certifications, housing, living expenses, and more. Introduction to the Transportation Branch . If you're actively serving, a veteran, or select military spouse, you could qualify for the VA Loan and put $0 down on a mortgage. 0 Postal Service's processing center to the north and north-east, the National Guard . With sufficient experience they can become Detachment Sergeants, Operations Sergeants, Senior Movements NCO, Force Generation NCO, and Chief Movements Supervisors. From making an impact in the lives of others to meaningful connections and skills that last a lifetime discover how young adults find fulfillment in the Military. Soldiers utilize a variety of vehicles and employ a variety of weapons according to their Military Occupational Specialty which determines the branches under which they fall. The key differenceforce modernization proponents are responsible for developing DOTMLPFP requirements; branch proponents support force modernization proponents in developing those requirements and executing approved training, leadership and education, and personnel programs. Commercial Air-Group Movement Support - DSN: 312-615-6079/6077/ (978) 615-6079/6077, Individual Commercial Air Travel Support You've added the maximum number of jobs to your list. The ability to move cargo, equipment, and personnel so efficiently is part of what makes the Army successful. The purpose of contacts is to influence work and resolve issues and concerns for assigned area of responsibility. The U.S. Army Transportation School trains, educates, and develops Transportation professionals for the total force; and drives change through DOTMLPF-P solutions to sustain large scale combat operations in a multi-domain operations environment. wD~_/jfXg/)^B^R2 D0` 1tjP_jb^xi%}8L7#~u ` @` 5 The Transportation Branch operates under conditions of uncertainty and complexity leveraging military, industrial, host nation capabilities, and emerging technologies. The Quartermaster Branch is one of the three Army logistics branches along with the Transportation and Ordnance branches. You'll get more than a career. Three different types of Infantry forces are used to accomplish the mission; The personnel assigned to the United States Army Judge Advocate General Branch (JAG) serve in the legal arm of the United States Army. AR 5-22. The 140th MI Battalion, its HHS, A, B and C Companies were stationed at the General George S. Patton Jr. United States Army Reserve Center, located at 5340 Bandini Boulevard, in Bell, California. Confidence doesn't happen overnight. Enlisted. personnel development system life-cycle management functions for all Transportation officers, warrant officers, Soldiers, and related civilian occupational series, to include structure, acquisition, distribution . The Infantry is the oldest branch of the Army and is sometimes referred to as the Queen of the Battle. Must be a United States citizen; applicants in a dual citizenship status are ineligible. Naval Base San Diego proper is comprised of over 2,000 land acres and 326 acres of water. Provide service support in coordinated operations as an integral member of the combined arms team. Explore the many benefits that not only provide support to you and your family, but can also help you advance in the Army and in your civilian life. Explores data and discovers patterns, meaningful relationships, anomalies, and trends. Youve added the maximum number of jobs to your list. Public Affairs branch members play an important role in both contingency operations and during deployments. In accordance with the Judge Advocate Branch mission, this branchs personnel; The United States Army Medical branch includes medical officers from medical specialist corps and the enlisted personnel that support their activities. endstream endobj 399 0 obj <. Army Music personnel specialize in a variety of instruments and specialties, in a variety of ensembles, and all styles of music. MOS 88N Transportation Management Coordinator Duty Descriptions. Special Forces soldiers operate in seven geographically focused groups. You won't need to meet any physical fitness requirements before joining the Army as an enlisted Soldier. They plan and coordinate all functions involved in the successful movement of material, personnel, or personal property via water, air, highway, rail, and multi-modal transport systems. Must possess years of relevant work experience in a designated career field. In more recent times, the Army has changed the way that they group the branches together. Proponent Vision: Transportation Management Coordinators monitors, and coordinates the movement of personnel, equipment, and cargo by air, rail, highway, and water; formulates and reviews documentation on technical traffic management functions. a. While civilian jobs may pay higher baseline salaries, the Army offers a starting salary above the federal minimum wage, plus a variety of benefits on top of your base pay that add up. Transportation Branch Our Mission Is To: Provide installation logistics services to sustain unit readiness, ensure responsive force generation, located in the New England Region Military. Additionally, the Army can repay nearly $65,000 of current outstanding student loan debt through the Loan Repayment Program (LRP) if you qualify. Reach out and we'll help you get there. Applicants should be an expert in information systems/data analytics and logistics. Petty Officer 3rd Class | Brandon Abdallah. They provide religious services to members of the United States Army and their families. Must be able to obtain and maintain a SECRET security clearance. Army National Guard. College and University Associates Degree (D), Credentials & Certifications (Continuing Education) Certified in Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution (CLTD) (O), Military Schooling Senior Leaders Course (R), Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES)-Sea/Air (D), HAZMAT (D), Global Air Trans Exec Systems-Surface (GATES) (D), TC-AIMS II (D), Unit Movement Officer-Deployment Planning Course (D), Operational Contracting Support (D), JOPES-SPC (D), JOPES-AOC (D), Joint Container Management (D), Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Course I (O), Battle Staff (O), MRT (O), SHARP (O), Airborne (O), Jumpmaster (O). There are mentorship opportunities within Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) to help guide the younger students through the program and college life in general. They also provide combat support. Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist. From repairing equipment damaged in battle, to providing preventive maintenance, these managers are critical for keeping the Militarys fleet strong. Patton USAR Center, the sprawling General Services Administration warehouse complex to the south, the U.S. Positions: Detachment SGT, Operations SGT, Senior Movements NCO, Trans Logistics NCO, Chief Movements Supervisor, Broadening Experiences: SLC SGL, DLA, Career Management NCO, OC/T, NATO, Defense Attach, SHARP VA, Drill Sergeant, Recruiter, Instructor, EO, Training Developer, SARC, Assistant IG, White House Transportation Agency, Special OPS. Facts and Information About the United States Army. Salary is based on your rank and years of service, and accounts for only part of your total compensation. With sufficient experience they can become Senior Movements NCO, Force Generation NCO, Trans Logistics NCOs, First Sergeants and Senior Transportation Supervisors. Science, Technology, Engineering, or a Mathematics Field (STEM). Ready to take the next step? For this reason, the branch motto is Spearhead of Logistics and it is the second-largest branch of the Army, as of now. Find, fix, and destroy the enemy through fire and maneuver. Promoting American national interests at home and abroad. "We're excited to host Gen. Van Ovost [USTRANSCOM commander] and Fleet Master Chief Donald Myrick [USTRANSCOM senior enlisted leader] to see the great work we do here at MOTSU," said Steven Kerr,. What You Could Earn As a Transportation Management Coordinator. Additional training consists of classroom and field training. These engagements can be conducted on a host of terrains and under diverse weather conditions. Providing public affairs advice, counsel and support for commanders and senior staff members. Must not already be a member of the Armed Forces (currently in uniform/contract). Ready to take the next step? The GI Bill, scholarships, financial aid programs, and the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) are all ways you can get help paying for up to full tuition, housing, books, and supplies. They employ armored vehicles to accomplish this task. Contact them for support on your next assignment or military schooling opportunity. The Army offers a variety of training programs, leadership courses, and certifications to develop your skills, so you can shape the career you want to have and keep moving it forward. You'll also supervise Finance Non-Commissioned Officers and . The United States has provided $31.7 billion in support since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine a year ago. Established in 2010, the Cyber Branch was designed to be the single point of contact between the Army external organizations regarding information operations and cyberspace. The personnel assigned to the United States Army Armor branch have the primary mission of closing with the enemy ground forces and destroying them using fire, maneuver, and shock action. What can I do if I don't meet the eligibility requirements to join? Must be able to obtain and maintain a SECRET security clearance. If you choose to join the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) in college, it'll be one of the first experiences of camaraderie you'll have in the Army. This personnel in this branch are responsible for providing the Army with; human resource administration, finance, postal services, music, and recruiting and retention. Obtain, distribute, and share intelligence onenvironmental conditions. Defense Travel System: From healthcare and housing to education and bonuses, we have benefits to support whats most important to you. Youll coordinate transportation, track supplies, or manage inventory to keep internal operations running as smoothly as possible. In other words, they assist in engaging the enemy. The PSD is our unique mobile app that helps Army leaders find a perfect DA Form template solution, through proven examples and a winning framework, so you can quickly submit a proper form while saving tons of time and mental energy.
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