logan family massacre

Contact me at omiakron@gmail.com. He led raids throughout the upper Ohio Valley and into the Monongahela Valley. 2 men found drugged after leaving NYC gay bars were killed, medical examiner says The violence unleashed by Creasap's men spread unabated across the region, culminating in an incident that, even by frontier standards, was distinguished by its cold-blooded brutality. Probably both. Society in July and saw the painting and the iron. I am a direct descendant and one of Williams great great great great great granddaughters. I live in DC Metro area, My name is Debby Fair pleases feel free to call 760-238-3343 if your interested. While dismissing McKee's words as lies, the Shawnees refused for the moment to go to war with the Virginians. I'm a Spicer/Bowen descendant through my mother's paternal line. Today, Nathaniel Tomlinson, Baker's brother-in-law, was more generous than usual with his liquor and eventually invited the Indians to take part in a shooting match. My father was John Logan, Jr., a Cayuga, the only surviving child of Captain John Logan, the oldest son of Shikellamy. It is possible but very rare for someone to shoot themselves twice in the head. On April 30 some members of the hunting party, Chief Logans wife Mellana, his brother Taylaynee (called John Petty by many English speakers), Taylaynee's son, Molnah and Logan's sister, Koonay, who was also the pregnant wife of John Gibson a prominent trader with whom she already had one daughter. Thank you. Word of the murders raced through the western border settlements and with it the fear of Indian retaliation. The Netflix series 28 days haunted (2022) shows the place where the victims were embalmed and describes what happened. When William was about 20, he was called back to Greene County to deal with part of his fathers estate. Was it a random act of violence? This historical marker was erected in 1979 by West Virginia Department of Culture and History. And the ex-wife, Nicole Gee, is standing by her former lover. I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, my name is Alfrieda Spicer. Once caught, Chief Logan took the young Spicer children back to the cabin, where it was discover that the youngest Spicer child was still alive. Background [ edit] In 1911, Charles Lawson [1] married Fannie Manring, with whom he had eight children. Logan (also known as Tah-gah-jute) was a Cayuga and Mingo leader in the Ohio Valley in the 1770s. Their youngest, 3-year-old Tabitha, survived the attack in the family's Beason, Ill., home and was taken to a hospital. Withinthewrinkledthicketsbetween Cuba and Leasburg,one of Missouris most notorious mas. Joining together in a process of ethnogenesis, they became known as the Mingo tribe. The indictments offer the first hints of what prosecutors think took place at the Gee home in the tiny town of Beason, about 35 miles northeast of Springfield. I too am interested in hearing more about the Spicers, if anyone would like to get in touch with me please leave a reply! His 12 year old daughter, Elizabeth, also known as Betsy was ironing clothes while her mother, Lydia and siblings, including 9 year old William Jr., were caring to the duties inside the Spicer cabin. Logan was not at the Battle of Point Pleasant (October 10, 1774), the only major battle of Dunmore's War. Also I can't seem to find any record of William Jr's Children, though being that they were born into an Indian tribe this is not necessarily surprising. Stacy, attempting to move past the tragedies, has not attempted to discover the identity of the man she saw that night. It sounds like she was a fairly popular high school girl. As she rolled over she was shot in the neck. Numerous places carry Logan's name, including: Direct same to Lee Sultzman, as re-directed by West Virginia Archives and History, "Heron Who Waits at the Speleawee-thepee: The Ohio River and the Shawnee World", From Documentary History of Dunmore's War, "On This Day in West Virginia History, April 30, 1774: Massacre of Logan's family", Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate of the First Americans, Appletons' Cyclopdia of American Biography, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Logan_(Iroquois_leader)&oldid=1135970551, Logan Honors Program - at Fort Steuben Scout Reservation in. I married Susan, a Seneca maid, and we had one child, James Logan, who died at the age of thirty. Andrew Sheeley The Logan Cemetery as it appears today north of Interstate 44. Lastly, he killed the baby, Mary Lou; it is thought that she was bludgeoned to death. The Logans are known for being close to the Forrester, Marone and Spencer families, as they have worked with them and have had relationships with them . |Germanton]], North Carolina, United States on December 25, 1929, in which sharecropper Charles Davis "Charlie" Lawson murdered his wife and six of his seven children. Well. A lot of characters from other families have been in a relationship or marriage with a member of the family. Chief Logan. [6] Jettie died in early 1928, meaning Fannie had been suspicious of the incest at least that long before the murders in late 1929. I am looking for information about John Spicer (born 1814, died 1882) from whom I am descended. The county treasurer has said the property owed $56,000 in back taxes. I tried to fight for the white man in the Civil War, but when I got to Harrisburg I was sent back as too old. Spicers daughter and son fought through the deep woods until they reached a neighboring farmhouse. Sometime after that, Stacy awoke to a gun in her face. The family refused to pay the ransom and Eric was eventually released, but Benjamin and a neighbor Luis Widmar were killed when 20 heavily armed men invaded the LeBaron home and shot both . His next brother was known as Tah-gah-jute, Sayughtowa, "The Beetling Brow", or James Logan. Christopher Harris' attorney Tim Timoney did not immediately return a message left for comment. #inline-recirc-item--id-d445f4ac-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child(5) { Nobody knows exactly the reason Charlie killed his entire family. Col. Cresap, the last spring, in cold blood, and unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logan, not sparing even my women and children. John Cole, 40, will serve a minimum term of 29 years in . Thank you. During the four years he'd lived in the area, he had consistently tried to maintain peace. The Rolla Board of Education is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Tori Snitker as the next Lead Principal of Rolla Junior High School, effective July 1. I'm wondering about the location of her grave. John Murray, the 4th Earl of Dunmore and the Governor of Virginia, convinced his legislature to mobilize the state militia to suppress the natives. I'm being pedantic about these details because this case is light on publicly-available facts and heavy on rumour and hyperbole. These are tough things to swallow." Bellefontaine is about 45 miles northwest of Columbus in Logan County. Among the group were four men and three women, including Logan's brother, mother, and sister who carried her two-month-old infant on her back. Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. On August 14, 1756, he married Rebecca Bryan, a tall, dark-eyed, strong-willed beauty 17 years of age. I have sought it: I have killed many: I have fully glutted my vengeance. Reply for me details, My great great grandmother was nona spicer please e mail me at ptknight@live.com, Well, how many more skeletons are in the Spicer's Family Linage? In all, approximately a dozen Mingo were murdered in the cabin and on the river. Early in life he married Annie, a daughter of Cornplanter, who bore him fine children, three daughters and two sons. On 29 July a row broke out over a trivial matter: damage to a stereo that Logan was blamed for. The remaining Indians also were shot or tomahawked. The roots of the Dec. 14 massacre by Scots-Irish Presbyterian militia lay decades earlier in the settlement patterns of the region. definitely ties the Mingo Chief John Logan, as the leader of the Roberts massacre. A 2019 massacre leaves nine Mormon women and children dead at the hands of a Mexican cartel; Lara Logan meets with the surviving family members from La Mora, a small Mormon community in Sonora, Mexico, who recount the events of that tragic day. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Thank you. Published: Dec. 14, 2022 at 10:00 AM PST. As footprints encircled the tree, it was supposed that he had been pacing around the tree prior to taking his life. His pacific outlook was changed in the spring of 1774, when a party of white settlers massacred eight Indians at Baker's Tavern across from Yellow Creek. Real Audio by Eloise Lane. She can't describe his face or his age or his clothing. Clearly, Virginia sought to widen the conflict, hoping that a victory over the western tribes would legitimize Virginia's claims to the region. They were his ex-wife's family. As Sheri had been an only child, Stacy was the main beneficiary of not only the . Michael Myers of Washington County, Pennsylvania, to guide them over to the west side of the Ohio River where they wished to travel up Yellow Creek and examine some land a few miles from the stream's confluence with the Ohio. Alarmed by the gunfire from across the river, seven other members of Logan's camp started across the Ohio in two canoes to investigate. -, Press J to jump to the feed. When Betsy was very old, her granddaughter, Ruth Steele was responsible for filling a pipe for her and place a coal from the wood fire on it so Grandma could have another smoke. However, her captivity was short lived. He takes care of the ailing old Professor X whom he keeps hidden away. Logan the Orator was a Cayuga orator and war leader born of one of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. She was able to turn her head a bit which is when she saw gray hair -- but that's it. The gunshot signaling Lawson's own suicide was heard by the many people who already had learned of the murders on the property and gathered there. But, as anthropologist Anthony F. C. Wallace has written, "Which of Shikellamy's sons was Logan the orator has been a matter of dispute. It did disperse during the great depression, so its possible you could be related but not likely. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Three SUVs arrived, two driving ahead, one lagging behind. Missouris annual statewide tornado drill will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 7, as part of the weeks preparedness activities. At least two canoes were dispatched from the Yellow Creek village to aid their members, but they were repelled by Greathouse's men concealed along the river. On September 9, 1990, an unusual event occurred at a site six miles west and two miles north of Russell Springs in Logan County, Kansas. Hi Rebecca Jo, nice to meet you! Betsy still holding her iron grabbed Williams hand with her free hand and fled through the backdoor of the cabin into the forest. "Without it it is impossible, and thousands of the inhabitants must be involved in misery and distress." The Westchester Incident was an event that occurred in 2028 of the revised timeline. The bodies were found Sunday at a home in rural Ohio, 45. How a tragic boating crash is connected to the family of Alex Murdaugh The Massacre at Munson Farm was an event in 2029, in Oklahoma City that involved Wolverine and the Transigen Company. 72.4k members in the missouri community. Important details about Logan have been disputed by scholars, including his original name and whether or not the words of "Logan's Lament" were actually his. I too would love to obtain a copy of the family book! Frightened, Myers and his two companions fled back to Virginia and Baker's trading post. After his 1760s move to the Ohio Country, he became affiliated with the Mingo, a tribe formed from Seneca, Cayuga, Lenape and other remnant peoples. Surprised I didnt know about this one. Chief Logan of the Mingo was on good terms with the English Speaking Colonist west of the Alleghenies. The site is located six miles east of Russell Springs. Does anyone know if there were any African Americans in this Spicer's Lineage, from Nashville or Virginia? I think the gray hair is a false memory, too. Speaking of the Indians living in the Ohio Country, McKee wrote that "they have given great proofs of their pacific disposition, and have acted with more moderation than those who ought to have been more rational." They'd tie up Ashley and demand a ransom. Following a prevailing Native American practice, the young man who would become Logan the Mingo took the name "James Logan" out of admiration for his father's friend.[4]. Thank you Joshua, I sent my contact info to you per Gmail. There are many Logans in the Reservations in Pennsylvania and New York; some are descended from my brother and sisters, others adopted the name because of the honor attached to it. The massacre of the John Lively family by Indians in 1813, in what would later be called Covington Township, Washington County, Illinois, was an act of violence that was shocking, both to people of the time and even now, more than 200 years later. Award-winning journalist Lara Logan dives deep into the 2019 massacre that left nine Mormon women and children dead at the hands of a Mexican cartel. He wore a red cap much the same as the white hunters do now. But gray hair? #inline-recirc-item--id-d445f4ac-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, #right-rail-recirc-item--id-d445f4ac-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d { But Jennings identifies Tachnechdorus as Logan the orator's older brother. She was not at the Gee home at the time of the deaths and has not been accused of any wrongdoing. The Shikellamy children were of the Cayuga Tribe. One such attack was on a small farm in modern Greene County, Pennsylvania. I was very excite to find this history along with the info about the tribe. Although Baker was not present, by dawn, thirty-two men were lying in wait. Months before the event, Lawson had sustained a head injury; some family and friends theorized that it had altered his mental state and was related to the massacre. Spicer had heard of the Mingo Chief, Logan, being on the warpath and was planning on fleeing to the local Fort the next day after they secured clothing and supplies. John Logan was also known as Tachnechtoris, "The Spreading Oak" or John Shikellamy. A police officer who was with Arthur ran down to discover Lawson's body along with letters to his parents. Posthumously it was speculated that he had impregnated his eldest daughter (Marie, 16). Hi Joshua, Nice meeting you. The site contains the remains of Malcolm and Anna Logan as well as their four children killed in the 1886 massacre. 03:04. The shot was a signal for Greathouse and the others to come out of hiding and attacked the remainder of the Mingos. Spicer heard the Mingo tribesmen approaching and struck his ax in a log and approached the house to get some food to offer to his visitors. October 30, 2009 / 8:29 AM Her children's father was John Gibson, a prominent trader in the region. The story of the Spicer Massacre is one of great interest to the descendents of the Greene County's original settlers. Of course if Stout was abusing, or even grooming her, she could have lost trust in local law enforcement. A 3-Year-Old Boy Was The Only Witness To His Mother's Murder In January 1992, 26-year-old Charlene Puffenbarger was found bludgeoned in her suburban Cleveland home. Alex Murdaugh sentenced to life in prison for murders of wife and son I have even thought to live with you but for the injuries of one man. Since her initial lengthy interview with Deputy Sheriff Jon Stout, conducted on the scene before her transfer to hospital, Stacy has been adamant that Scott was not the killer. This unfortunate event is known as the Dowdy Family Massacre. They came upon a man and a small child floating in a dinghy. I love the posts that say "this needs to end" but keep talking about it anyway. With the disruption of warfare, disease, and encroachment, some Seneca, Susquehannock, and Cayuga among the Iroquois migrated to the Ohio Country, as did Lenape. Influential tribal chiefs in the region, such as Cornstalk (Shawnee), White Eyes (Lenape), and Guyasuta (Seneca/Mingo), attempted to negotiate a peaceful resolution lest the incident develop into a larger war, but by Native American custom Logan had the right to retaliate for the murders. Fox News Channel premieres Lara Logan Investigates: Mexican Mormon Massacre Jan. 31 at 10 p.m. So - as part of her newfound faith - she's trusting that they will face God's judgement. The massacre of the Roberts family is best told in a manuscript (1) left by John Anderson, relative of Roberts, and a near neighbor. For years after, Sappington took particular delight in boasting of the feat and de- scribed the trophy, which still was adorned with trade silver, as a "very fine one." Logan meets with the surviving family members . I just received information about the Spicer Massacre in 1773. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The bodies of the family members were found with their arms crossed and rocks under their heads. She was shot through her neck - it's a miracle she survived, let alone can walk and talk. Among the dead were several members of Logan's immediate family, including his mother and brother. The party under Taylaynee behest crossed the river to visit the cabin of Joshua Baker, a settler and rum trader. Logan meets with the surviving family members . 37.622688, -82.168712. Cornplanter Reservation, Penn October 9, 1915 This has called on me for revenge. The testimony from the domestic abuse counselor is pretty damning. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. But you killed my kin again on Yellow Creek, and took my cousin prisoner then I thought I must kill too; and I have been three time[s to war since but] the Indians is not Angry only myself. Jason Harris also is charged with obstructing justice by burning his brother's clothes, hiding a stolen computer and lying to police. I really wonder if Wallace actually was guilty, but I guess no one will ever know. He says: Last Friday was two weeks ago (October 21), Logan, a famous chief went home with a little boy, a son of Roberts on . Audio of mother's 999 call after Logan Mwangi's disappearance. Sid Hatfield was the Sheriff of Matewan, West Virginia from 1919 until his death in 1921. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.. Clear skies. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. Michael Cresap was responsible for attack. James later in life was referred to as "Logan, the Mingo." However, many people familiar with the incident (including George Rogers Clark) knew that the Greathouse brothers and their men were the ones who had killed the party. It stayed in the McKee family through E(dgar) M(cKee) Lackey ownership in 1898, or for about 150 years. When the United States entered the global conflict on April 6, 1917, the country was unprepared for modern warfare. According to investigators, on Sunday, May 29th 2005, the morning he was to graduate high school, Scott Moody walked across his familys failing dairy farm to his grandparents' farmhouse and shot them both dead with a .22-caliber rifle. My mother was a daughter of the Seneca Chief Cornplanter. While fleeing, the Mingo took good care of Betsy and William, even carrying them when they got tired or at night sleeping with the children in between two warriors to keep them warm. The action insulted Tomlinson, and when the Indians discharged their weapons at a target, he grabbed his rifle and shot Petty as he stood in the doorway. John Sappington, one of the Virginians, shot and killed Logan's brother and then scalped him. I have lived a long while, but I am not tired of life, and each day seems new and pleasant to me."[8]. Logan's father Chief Shikellamy, who was Oneida, worked closely with Pennsylvania official James Logan to maintain the Covenant Chain relationship with the colony of Pennsylvania. Thank you! Joshua, I had the family history book you mentioned but lost it in a fire. Space Required/Quantity: [Not stated] We had quite the adventure locating the Spicer Cemetery, it's completely overgrown sadly :(. As a result, the U.S . The Mingo people laughed at the sight of the young girl attacking a grown woman and held the event as a great act of heroism. Logan's band had frequently visited Baker's post and usually spent their time buying liquor, milk, and other small items. Two days later, on May 5, McKee met again with many of the same representatives. After the government passed the Selective Service Act, over nine million men . "Only several hundred yards distant" that the last massacre occurred, where Jane Logan McKee lost her life. Excerpted from the account: . She saw the killer, and he had grey hair. Why did Stacy not call police in that time? It was impossible to predict, wrote McKee, whether the worsening situation around Pittsburgh would result in a general Indian war. Logan and his hunting party were camped on the west bank of. In waning consciousness she went downstairs and called two friends and then her stepsister, Nicole Vagedes. [9] In 1822 the speech inspired the John Neal novel Logan, which also featured Logan as a main character. How does a person shoot themselves from behind and above an ear with a freaking rifle?? in the split second that their eyes met, he put a bullet into her forehead. The Lawsons were laid to rest in a family graveyard established in 1908, originally for the use of the W. D. Browder family and selected friends and neighbors. I attribute my long life to my love of outdoor exercise and hunting and fishing. He identified Logan as James Logan, also known as Soyechtowa and Tocanioadorogon. In the linked documentary, Stacy says she just never thought to call 911, which sounds plausible to me. The 68 counts against Christopher Harris and 71 against his brother include first-degree murder, attempted murder, variations of those charges and attempted sexual assault.

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logan family massacre

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logan family massacre

logan family massacre