It is on the second level of the seventh floor of The Last Resort, Garden Suites. While gold coins and bars are easy enough to locate, the real prize if finding six hidden gems on each floor. This page was last edited on November 30, 2022, at 17:05. Enter the elevator and press X when prompted. Find every basement floor gem with our maps. Gaming these days is ruined by all (early) guides, creditcards, microtransactions. Meticulously crafted and incommunicably fun, Luigi's third adventure in ghostbusting takes us to the haunted, 17-level Last Resort Hotel. (January 7th), Back Page Why Don't Nintendo Games Get Gritty TV Shows? Follow the path round and duck out into the main hallway. Ooze through the floor and you can collect the B1 blue gem. In the left of the lobbys upper level is a long red carpet. When the circle is full, press A to smash the bin against the floor. $9.99. Fire your Strobulb at the safe behind the final coat and you will be rewarded with the green gem. Inside is the violet gem. Ultimate, where Luigi used it in a futile attempt at defending himself from a pair of mummies, only managing to stun one for a couple of seconds at most upon hitting it in the face before causing it to charge at Luigi full speed. The bathroom in the south west of floor 11 has a large light fixture with the suits of various playing cards on it. Walk right and use your vacuum to grab the blue gem through a hole in the wall. Walk Gooigi to the right of the lower walkway to claim the floors blue gem. Hit the crate and skull structure in the southwest corner of the pirate cave with your dark-light device to reveal a pully system. While holding down ZR (as Luigi or Gooigi) switch to the other character and have them use their vacuum on the chandelier too. The character on the lift should be able to dislodge the gem with a blast from the Poltergust. Where to Find All Boos in Luigi's Mansion 3 #1 - ComBooster - Floor B2 Head into the observation room and investigate the small white trash bin that's on the floor to find this hidden. The third pulls out Luigi's own cap, and all three react like it's a smelly sock. Hes also impervious to your stomp. A key puzzle-solving mechanic in Paranormal Productions involves using the television monitors to transport items from set to set, and this gem uses the same logic. What function do the gems have? Back to smashing get a dinosaur bone if you dont already have one, and launch it at the Pterodactyl hanging on display immediately outside the elevator. Though four levels deep, gems on this floor are only located on levels 4 (the level you arrive on in the elevator) and 2 (the level with the various deadly puzzle rooms). Hit the clear part (where you can see the snacks) with the suction shot and pull. Once youre in the laundry room, face the middle washing machine. Gem Location: Backstage (take to Studio 3: Fire Set). Once the sewer is drained, you can use the lift by pulling the chain at ground level have one character stand on the lift, one character pull the chain. Use the elevator and then keeping heading right until you hit the Lobby. Grab the blue gem. Once you have defeated the floors boss, exit via the steps to the right and walk around the balcony leading back to the entrance. Spend too long on either side and you will be tipped off into the abyss below, making it best to use Gooigi. Your destination after Floor 9 is the one exception youll be required to head to the sub-basement level where the hotels sewer and power generation appears to be managed. The floor of the hotel where the games heroes are initially accommodated will be the first floor you (re)visit once E. Gadd is freed on Floor 2. Use the suction shot to hit the briefcase. Notice the vending machine with the green blinking light. Same with the Boos. However, that genres tradition of collecting a bunch of shiny trinkets in the pursuit of completionist perfection remains alive and well. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. This article is part of our Luigi's Mansion 3 guide, you might also be interested in Boss Walkthroughs And Strategies and How To Catch Boos And Where To Find Them. On the far wall of both balconies is a record deck. Note the safe on the left and the bottles on the back shelf. An obvious thing to do here is to use your plunger to open the various sarcophagi around the walls the one by the east door contains several nested within each other like Matryoshka dolls. Once a full set of spectral daggers have been thrown (they will form a square), you will receive the red gem. Try not to be too shocked at the amount of pizza he was apparently eating (didnt you just arrive?). Ascend to the very top of the plant in the Garden Suites and head left. Pick this up with your Poltergust. Suck up the carpet so that it rolls back on itself, revealing a grate. Suck them up. Luigi's Mansion 3, Nintendo Switch, [Physical Edition] Brand new. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Polterkitty's first location is on Floor 8 (Paranormal Productions), in the Fire Set, under the bench. They're located on 5F, in the area called RIP Suites. Push the carpet from the end with the polter-goo to reveal a grate. It takes. Send Gooigi down the drain in the middle of the room and youll find out why. Head to the elevator and go to B1. I also understand that being on a Nintendo-related news website there might be a slight chance that I stumbled upon an article like this, which on such a website does not look like clickbait to me but rather the average type of content you might expect to find. Gem Location: Elevator Hall (Secret Underfloor Vault). However, theres bound to be some holdouts for every player this guide will clue you into those youre missing, with maps, room names, location and full solutions for every gem. Use both Luigi and Gooigi to blast air out of both decks, causing the disco ball to fall and shatter, leaving you with the red gem. While facing the front desk, take the left staircase and move the hallway on the left. Luigi's Mansion 3 - Part 4 - Taking the Plunger Skawo 63.5K subscribers Subscribe 17K views 3 years ago We get sent on a couple of errands and eat towels for breakfast. . Shine your darklight to reveal a sofa. On every floor, gems appear in the same order from left to right in the menu: clear, red, blue, green, purple, and finally yellow. The alcove in the upper right is empty hit it with the dark-light beam to discover another suit of armor. Use him to get through chain link. On the right side of the stage is a panel covering a blinking green light. Head to the second floor of the Mall Lobby. You can do this by shooting it with the plunger, then sucking it in. In gameplay terms, Luigis Mansion 3 continues the tradition of steering the green brother away from his roots as a platform game hero. Here Are Some Pitches, What Are You Playing This Weekend? This will cause the water to fill the bath, but the gem is actually Gooigis to grab the pipe leaks on the flower in the lower right and it spits out the white gem. Luigi's Mansion may directly trace its lineage to the Super Mario franchise, but the series is in many ways . The cards can be found: Direct a stream of air at the throwing dagger carousel at the rear of the room. Use your vacuum on the chandelier. Either side of the dining halls doors are two wall-mounted fans (the left one hidden behind the menu board throw it aside with your plunger). Luigi's Mansion 3: How to defeat the Knight boss King MacFright or the Knight boss - whichever you wish to call him - is one of many boss fights in Luigi's Mansion 3. Youll want to take your ice block to a set containing fire Studio 3: Fire Set being the most obvious candidate. Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Attack on Titan Fans Are Desperately Searching for The Final Season Part 3's First Episode Online, Why Destiny 2: Lightfall is Polarizing Fans, Pokmon Needs Its Game Boy Games On Nintendo Switch Online More Than Ever, $30 Million Worth of Funko Products are Being Sent to a Landfill, Scientists Find a Hidden Forest in a Sinkhole, and Say It Could Contain Unknown Species, the gem behind the front desk during the Intro walkthrough, speaking to Nintendo representatives about Luigi's Mansion 3 at E3 2019, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. Luigi's Mansion 3 is a third-person adventure game developed by Next Level Games for Nintendo Switch. Vacuum the cloth off of the car, and use your flash bulb (hold R) on the green light to open the trunk and get the clear gem. You'll notice a yellow moving box on the corner. a new light for the flashlight and another attachment to the plunger . King MacFright or the Knight boss whichever you wish to call him is one of many boss fights in Luigis Mansion 3. This boss fight can be seen by some as difficult because it requires patience. An unlockable add-on called the Suction Shot Type-C can be unlocked by collecting all the Gems in the game. The Blooming Suite is a location in Luigi's Mansion 3. Oops. Once its open, youll have the yellow gem. Gallery Luigi's first contact with the Dark-Light Device. A gem ghost will appear; capture it to get the gem. Once you have access to the east wing of the second floor (post floor 5), defeat the chef-ghost boss in the kitchen and open the walk-in freezer behind the leftmost metal door. And while youre here, do the same on the other two dryers to get some more money. Get Luigi and Gooigi to aim air at the fans (remember to switch to the other character while ZR is held) and the gold gem will drop from the ceiling. Head to room 506 and use the suction shot on the armoire. Defeat it for the floors white gem. In the far-left corner of the upper level of the mall, outside of the gem store, you can use the Poltergusts Dark-Light Device to reveal a ladder, leading to a third level of the mall. Year of Gooigi Instead, go through the game until you unlock Gooigi. Smash the display cabinet in the southeast corner of the elevator hall and release a crystal ghost. The Great Stage Gem #3 Go to the men's restroom on the right. In the right-half of the laundry room, fire the plunger at the door of the middle washing machine. Use the suction mode to grab the contents theres a yellow container here that you should plunger and throw to open. Which Other 'Old' Switch Games Would You Like To See Get New DLC? Welcome to the Last Resort! Drop Gooigi down it. This will send out a large blast of air to blow enemies away from you. Head down the hall, towards the room with the exclamation mark on the map. Scroll to. Use your dark-light device to reveal a couple of bridges leading to the treasure island (pick up gem 5 when you reach the first island). Go to the elevator to install the tracker. Picture 1 of 2. However, you'll actually need to chase her to a couple . Blast a sustained stream of air at the swivelling chair behind the reception desk and eventually, the whole thing will spin upside down to reveal a chest on the underside. Look for a panel in the back of the laundry room behind the vending machine on floor 5. You wont be strong enough to destroy it yourself so while youre pulling on the rope have Gooigi use his suction shot to do the same. To the left of E. Gadds vintage car is another covered with a sheet. With Gooigi, use the suction shot to open up the power box. If you send Gooigi through the pipe you will soon find that the womens restroom is currently flooded. Head south and around the corner first, sticking close to the wall to avoid slipping off to your doom, until you reach a. Thatll open the door blocking access to the red gem. Exit the lounge and turn left and you will find a sculpture on a pedestal casting a shadow on a piece of abstract Boo art. Pick up one of the metal ones with the Poltergusts suction and launch it at the glass one between rooms 505 and 506 to release the green gem. Note that you wont be able to grab certain gems until after you have acquired the dark-light device (first visit to floor 2) and partnered up with Gooigi (first visit to floor 5). Immediately outside the Floor 14 elevator, you will see a large circular dumbbell emblem on the floor. Carry the cannister and its flame over to the stove on the right the pot will boil over, relinquishing the violet gem. The Last Resort Hotel has its own film studio lot-themed floor with five movie sets readied for production of various genres horror, historical epic, monster movie and more. Here you will want to shoot a plunger onto the bullseye of his chest so you can start throwing him about the arena. (Regarding the possessed chest here feed Gooigi to it and use the dark-light device to defeat it). The hallway immediately outside of the boss room (the Coliseum) has an empty alcove covered by a tapestry vacuum the tapestry up and hit the alcove with the dark-light device and you will discover a door. Doors to all of the rooms in this corridor must first be hit with the dark-light device to appear. From Peach's room, follow the wall and grab the gem out of the statue's mouth. $69.99 at Walmart. He will fall to the platform with the gem. What Are You Playing This Weekend? The violet gem can be found inside the brass horn in the elevator lobby and requires both Luigi and Gooigi. Walk up to the barrel for a map to some treasure follow its directions by first heading to the righthand side of the beach (the camera does a good job of hiding the fact that you can walk to the righthand shore, but you can).
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